Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Passing out in the mornings??

I have passed out and felt sick and sweaty 3 times in the last 6 weeks. It is always shortly after I wake up and usually while I'm in the shower. It leaves me feeling exhausted and weak and after sleeping for a few hours after it happened this morning I didn't feel any better. The only thing that has helped is having some oxygen, that seemed to wake me up abit and give me some energy. I don't have access to oxygen of my own so any ideas why this is happening and what to do? My dr can't see me till end of week and I feel so weak and dizzy. I am only 25 and suffer with M.E.
This is serious. You need to go to the ER today and see if you can get admitted so they can do some test. You need to call your doctors office or just show up and tell them that this is an emergency, but I guess if you do that they will tell you to go to the ER. The best thing to do is go to the ER. Good luck
GO TO THE ER. CALL 911 if you have to.
your doctor doesn't have a choice. You need to call back and say that they need to fit you in. This is serious.
I agree that an emergency room is a good idea. Go now!
This should be treated as an emergency 6 weeks you say.That is terrible.You should have demanded a house call.You need to get help ,and soon,to see what is really wrong with you.Why not get someone to take you to the A and E dept at your local hospital ,where they won't refuse you treatment.Your Dr should be reported for gross neglect.

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