Monday, July 13, 2009

Pain in neck, running down arm. Docs says 'soft tissue damage - no cure'. Correct? What can I do?

This was an amazingly freak injury that happened over a year ago, done by leaning my head forward while drying my hair (I am male, so it wasn't vigorous head-throwing like you might get from a female ;-)) ).Basically it felt like a tear in an indeterminate area around my neck and right shoulder. I've had trouble with this, with varying degrees of severity for the last year and a quarter. At the moment it's really stiffening up again and offers reasonable resistance when I try to turn my head through it's full range of motion. Also, for the last few months I've had a pain running down my right arm to around my elbow. Went to the doctor about 2 months ago, who said it's soft tissue damage and she can do nothing except suggest ibuprofen. I don't want to destory my stomach so am opting against that, but I'm at a loss how to 'cure' this. Occassional massage offers a level of relief, but only temporarily. Nothing seems to help the pain in my arm. Help me please!
The pain in your arm sounds like some sort of nerve damage, stemming from the neck injury. If you don't want to take ibuprofen, you could try applying it topically as a gel or mousse. You probably need to try to "rest" it, if its inflamed, poking about and doing too much will aggravate things further. Did you have the arm pain when you saw your GP? Did you tell them about it? You can ask to be referred to a physio who would be able to offer you advice and "specific" neck exercises for you to do.
Take the ibuprofen. It will not damage your stomach.
I've had the same problem on and off for nearly 14 years, ever since i gave birth to my son. My Doctor prescribes me diclofenac which i find pretty much useless. On the odd one or two occasions i have been prescribed valium and these work. It may be difficult to convince your Doctor to prescribe valium but its definately worth a try.
go see a chinese doctor. i've had a frozen shoulder before and it was sorted in three slots it will cost about 20拢 for each slot but you may only need one accupuncher will prob be the best it doesn't hurt at all don't worry and you feel so well after. good luck you'll be fixed asap.Ps i study bio med so i do agree with drugs when they can help. but ibuprofen did wreck my stomach 3 years ago and i still suffer every day . also i'm only 1-1000000.
Ibuprofen CAN %26 DOES damage the lining of the stomach if there is a history of gastric/duod., ulcer, and not to be taken if you have a history of Asthma.It sounds like nerve damage from the cervical spine, go back to your G.P. (or see another one for a second opinion). Do you have tingling in your hand especiay the last and ring finger?
G.P. may suggest physio, good luck with the Dr.

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