Monday, July 13, 2009

Pain In My Hip After Working Out, DON'T Have Any Pain Medicine? 10 pts for best answer!?

Hey! Today I was doing an exercise where you have to stomp down your foot really hard, A LOT. My hip really hurts whenever I move my upper body, or step on the floor. Please Help!
could be you aggravated the QL in your low back. It is used to move the upper leg up as well as balance and twist the torso. it snakes through the ball of the hip and attaches in the upper leg.try icing your low back and hip for a few min. to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. If pain persists see a doctor.The Epsom salt bath advised above should help too.Good Luck
pineapples are natural pain relievers or soak in a hot bath with epsom salt.
Hot Epsom Salt bath, may help also try a heating pad and some rest.
yah thats normal i get it alot too. It means your body got tired from working out and you need to rest
BATH TIME!with bubbles!!o O o oo o Oo o o Oo o O o o o o
o o Oo o oOo o oO o o o O O oo
try putting a heating pad on for 30 min the off for 30min then ice packs30min off for 30min then do it over!! Good Luck!!
Don't put any heat on it.
Use an ice pack for 15-20 min every 1-2 hours.
Gently stretch your back %26 hip by lying on your bed %26 pulling one knee up to your chest, just to your tolerance level... hold for 20-30 seconds, then gently lower %26 then do the other side, even if that other side doesn't hurt (you will probably be compensating w/ that other side so stretch them both).try to keep moving gently, %26 do stretches a few times a day... stay away from the gym until this totally settles down or you'll flare it back up.

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