Monday, July 13, 2009

Pain behind right eye and sinus when I scratch the back of my head?

I know I have sinus problems, my right side is mostly blocked up, but sometimes it clears, but I still got this pain when I scratch my head, and I have the pain behind my eye and a draining sensation in my right nasal passage.
Anybody knows why that happens when I touch my head?
For sure no doubt: you have Occipital Neuralgia-- inflammation of the nerves in the head- Look up the Occipital nerve and it is probably that entire area- I have it and blamed it on sinus, etc. Did you have a recent fall in where u twisted or hurt your neck-
or moved really fast? What they can do for you is just give you a shot of Lidocaine in that area - It works wonders!
you might have a sinus infection which is inflamed and effecting all the nerves and muscles in and around your neck/and head area... You might want to see a doc to rule out any more serious sinus problems.
It could be a sinus infections. I had one not to long ago, and I didn't realize it (until I bent down to pick something up and my head and eyese felt like it was going to explode) that my sinuses were really infected. Told awhile to clear up but after a few days of meds the pain was gone.

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