Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quitting smoking?

What is the best first step to stop. I have only smoked for three years and i really want to stop while i'm still young. I have tried three times in the past, but i want to quit smoking this time once and for all. What is the best first step to take?
You've really got to make the decision to quit, and then just do it - no trying, just do it and don't stop doing it. Focus on the reasons you are quitting, not on what you think you are missing.But there's not much point in tossing your cigs, if you don't fix the underlying reason you smoke. So why do you smoke? Lonely, bored, fidgety, low confidence or self-esteem, caught up in peer pressure, an excuse to indulge in self-guilt and pity, or just an out-of-date habit you don't need now?Once you've quit for 48-72 hours, the nicotine is out of your blood and the rest of your addiction is in your head. The good news is that there are heaps of things you can do to replace your habit - and solve your underlying problems. Healthy snacks and things to do with your hands instead of putting a cig in your mouth, exercise, skills, hobbies and new activities to fill in your old smoking time, etc. All these make you feel good about yourself and give you the feeling of control over your life and future.Educating yourself about what happens when you quit, what to do and so on, gives you a feeling of control. Have a look here: http://www.quitguide.com If you join up for the newsletter, you get a free guide to making friends without a cigarette in your hands, and the rest of the site is full of information to make quitting a breeze.
i smoked for 19 years and got my doc to give me a prescription for chantix. Great drug to help you stop smoking.
Quit last October and haven't even craved one even when people are around me smoking. I took the drug for 4 months.
Have a peppermint each time you crave a cigarette, the craving will go away.And to have lots of water, and the nicotine will wash outMake sure you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, it will help your brain recoverhave faith
The best first step to take is to contact the Quitline and then to join a Quit Smoking Clinic.

Quitting Smoking...?

My husband and I have just quit smoking cigarrettes for a variety of reasons. We both have an awful temper and are at eachother's throats (obviously we both quit together at the same time, cold turkey). My question is, how can we tame our tempers and get along while quitting? Does anyone know of a good online support system for trying to quit?
I stopped smoking about 24 years ago now. I was two packs a day. And I still have the cravings for a cigarette. It doesn't go away.What you guys are trying to do is extremely difficult. First you must realize that. It can be done.Yes immediately after stopping smoking control of tempers is one real facet of the quitting of smoking. An online system may help but in this situation you guys started to do this together you got to maintain together.It is not your partner's fault. This is king tobacco addiction calling you to find any excuse, any excuse whatsoever to force you to start smoking again. No online source will help you effectively.What you must do for the next week and months is that when you feel that craving and anger is to instead state "tobacco craving". Then hug the person saying I love you, I love you, I love you.Okay you have just quit smoking. These symptoms will return in a week, a month, three months then the full year. You will not feel physically better for two years. You will feel great after five years of stopping. but cravings do not go away. You will not have the actual physical demand for it. They are two different things.Hey Good luck. I know its hard for you guys. But do it. And fight the anger towards the other. Its only King Tobacco screwing up your life again. Hold hands more often. If you feel a rage again its nicotine the queen of addictions speaking again. You both decided to help each other and it behooves you to actually try. This means everything intimate.
You did well to quit smoking. Many people try to quit but fail. I am not sure about your tempers. If you could quit smoking, surely you should be able to control your tempers. You love each other.
i would recommend quitnet. they send you informative emails, encouragement. you have chat rooms and celebrate anniversaries..... contact with quitters in all different stages of their quit.good luck to you both....
i am a recent quitter too ~!

Quitting smoking...?

ok so today is my 1st day of not smoking. i'm doing ok.it sounds weird, but i miss having something in my mouth. i keep going to pick up a cigerette (even though i don't have any ) without realising i'm doing it. any ideas on how to stop feeling like this?
and also at work, i get a cigerette break but now i don't smoke i have no idea what to do with this time...any ideas on that ?
Congrats and good luck with it!I started using Chantix a couple of days ago, since I can't do it 'cold turkey'... LOL... so far so good.Lifesavers, mints, etc... will keep your mouth from missing the ciggie, and as far as your hands being bored, try doing a crossword puzzle, circle-word, or whatever you prefer.. it'll keep both your hands and your brain busy during those 'cravings' and then they'll pass.Much luck....
You need to talk to my Girlfriend. She's trying to quit as well. She went to the dentist last fri %26 found out if she smoked anymore she'll be dead in 5 years! Thats enough to make anyone stop! He found the beginings of throat cancer.
I quit smoking 10 weeks ago now. I could not have done it without the patches and the most important - A NICORETTE INHALATOR..!! Its a white plastic contraption that replaces that feeling of wanting to hold something in your hand. You get nicotine cartridges to go inside them so when you need a nicotine fix you just inhale like having a normal cigarette. You can buy a starter pack from almost anywhere. Good luck
Congrats on the decision and good luck with the road to completely stopping!First you have to try and stay out of smokers company. It will just lead you into temptation.
Secondly dont see your break as a smoke break..see it as a oppertunity to stretch your legs and go outside get some fresh air and enjoy the fresh air you have been deprived of for so long
Thirdly break the routine. Eg: if you are used to having a cup of coffee in the morning followed by a ciggy then dont have coffee till later and drink a glass of water afterwardsIt does take major will power to quit and i literally woke up one morning after 12 years smoking and said "I quit" and I did...Good luck and dont forget..one day at a time leads to a healthy lifetime..
well done and keep going. I smoked 20-30 a day and im now on 4 weeks today. seriously after week 1 it gets better. i go to my local phamacy for help. when craving i kept busy/ drank water/brushed teeth chewed chewing gum went some where i couldn't smoke/ nicotien replacement deep breathing helped and eating chopped up fruit or veg. and take each day as it comes. oh and positive thinking i was told you can get stinking thinking which is why should i give up ect, i was told to think of my self as a non smoker who choses not to smoke... it really works tho. hope this has helped good luck and your doing really well ( im on micro tabs)
Good luck.
I'm not long over it myself. Try eating lolly pops. Stopped ma cravings for something to hold and have in my mouth.
Nicotine is a different issue. Went cold turkey.
Try the patches or gum i guess.
Nicorette make a product called the inhalator which is a little plastic mouthpiece with a nicotine cartridge in it designed to aid smokers quit.
just think of people like me who has lots of ciggys to smoke BUT has no money, probably a shorter life than you, stink of smoke etc, stop to think of what I said and then think do you want to be like that, NO, so stay away from the ciggs you ll get there eventually - good luck.
Patches and accessories to help stop smoking did not exist when I quit in 1965, so I went cold-turkey. But for you such things as cinnamon-flavored gum, grapefruit juice, and lots of teeth brushing will help. Hard peppermint candies can help as well.The most important incentive to retain is the real reason you are quitting and the motivation behind that reason. You will have the craving a long time and certain habits that are associated with smoking may need to be curtailed too, such as drinking alcohol and coffee.Immediately after meals brush your teeth and use a cinnamon-flavored mouthwash.I wish you success, but only you can do it.
Cold Turkey will not work i can say that.. im trying to quit aswell.. I used to have one every half an hour 40 minutes and that was bad so now im on one like every 1.30/2hrs maybe more sometimes aswell.. try eating sweets or get nicarette gum.. good luck
good for you hun, i got a cigarette inhaler from chemist its like a plastic cigarette you can buy capsules to put inside but i only used the inhaler because like you i felt lost without having something to hold and put in my mouth it worked really well i only use it now when i get stressed ..also when your friends go for ciggy breaks if you can just take a 5 Min's power nap you will feel a lot more refreshed ..good luck and keep it up ..the benefits will soon begin to show
Make a point of having a glass of water when you're with others who smoke. If you've got the chance in your break, go out and get a breath of fresh air even if its only for 5 minutes. Walk round the block. That helped me. It DOES get easier the longer you stay off. After a few days I wasn't thinking of ciggies any more. Good luck!
you dont smoke when your asleep
pretend your dreaming
Have a peppermint each time you crave a cigarette, the craving will go away.And to have lots of water, and the nicotine will wash outMake sure you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, it will help your brain recoverhave faith
i cant help myself so ii cant help you

Quiting Smoking?

Has anyone here been able to quit smoking? If so, what made you decide to quit, how did you quit, and how long did it take for the cravings to go away? Did you notice that things tasted and smelled differently afterwards? Do you feel physically different (gained weight, can walk faster, don't cough, etc.)?Any info will help me : )
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
i quit by never smoking ever lol
Yes, someone has quit smoking. And for the better always. You can do it!
just dont buy any and stay away or ask friend not to smoke around you. it takes lots of will power
I've tried and failed a few times :(I made it up to 3 days twice,. but thats the furthest I've made it.
I quit once for two years, and yeah, it's like different. but the bummer is that after two years, I still missed it each and every day, and one day weakness took hold of me and I started again. ten years later, still doing it. my quit date this time is aug 1. the plan? just drop it, cold turkey. worked last time!
My g/f wouldn't kiss me or or move in with me until I quit. It wasn't hard. I understood why she didn't want to kiss a dirty mouth. I now think it is disgusting.
well i don't smoke however my mother did on and off for 20+ years! she has stopped smoking about 3+ years ago and told me that although sometimes she craves it she knows that her kids need her in their future! do you have family? parents? kids of your own? also do it for yourself! only when you are ready to quit you will succesfully quit. About smelling things differently yes its a common thing to experience, also my mom loves to chew on fruity gums etc.! hope I helped and good luck!
I have never smoked, (and keeping it that way) but when i'm quitting a bad habbit, i think of it as something really gross, like i would pretend the cigarette is made of fertilizer or something, or i'd close my eyes, count down from three and throw them away!(easy, but really effective!) or think of a lot of really good things in life, so you don't want to smoke, because smoking is like suicide. or maybe try to start new, for example, try something new, live life in a role models perspection, because if you try to become a better person, you realize you dont need to smoke any more. Good luck and best wishes!
I tried repeatedly for two years before I was finally able to quit. I didn't use any aids (gum, patches, etc.), I just gradually reduced the amount that I smoked. My main problem was that anytime I drank, I NEEDED to smoke. When I made it through an evening of drinking without taking a puff, I knew I had beat it. Honestly, after three years, the cravings still have not gone away entirely. I no longer crave cigarettes under normal circumstances, but I get cravings after my morning coffee and while drinking.Food definitely tasted better after, and I realized that I hadn't actually smelled anything in years. Walking by doughnut shops became heavenly. I gained weight after quitting, about 15 pounds. After about 6 months though, I dieted and lost it. You will definitely feel hungrier after quitting, but a little weight gain is far better than lung cancer. I can walk farther and climb stairs again. I also get sick far less frequently.Overall, quitting was very hard to do, but it was very rewarding.
I am going on two years and the craving are still there without help. The patch is the best but you really have to want to quit and make a choice even though you still crave the cigarettes. I have made up my mind to quit and have given myself the choice to smoke when I have real strong cravings. Just putting distance from you and people that smoke helps. I am working on it every day and it gets better. I have felt guilty when I do smoke but it is a real reminder for me to know why it is that I am going to quit.
It is only as difficult as your resolve. As of this writing, I have not had a cigarette for 18 months. I smoked for 6 years, after quitting for 3, after smoking for 5. Cigarettes are not in control. Will can be stronger.In both periods of not smoking, which I quit cold turkey, a headache settled in about 10 days into it that would not go away. I fought the headache and the urge with all my will the first time, but the second I knew better. Its the withdrawal headache, and as little as one drag will make it vanish. The trick is to throw away the cigarette after 1-2 drags and not finish it. Take those 1-2 drags as a remedy for that headache and then walk away. Your tolerance will be down and the 1-2 will be all you need. Trash any unwanted cigarettes and find a vent. Will power is paramount. Nothing else cured the headache for me, ranging from lavender oil on the temples to every OTC remedy I could find. You have to WANT to quit.
hi i have not had a cigarette for 4 days, ready for england smokefree on 1st july ..i booked myself in the non smoking clinic at my pharmacy ..i am on nicquitin clear patches and have a inhulator( Plastic cigarette) it is definatley helping with the cravings, as my husband smokes around me and because of my will power to succeed it doesnt really bother me , I smoked for 17 years 20 a day..i clean alot haha...i find myself chores and jobs to do to take my mind of it ..i take my dog for a walk everyday,but before stopping by the time im heading back up my hill , im breathless and starting to sweat a little, today i breezed up the hill not at all breathless, and no sweating at all ..also i can smell so much better and taste things more, and my skin is improving already, no wheezing ..i have coughed a little but i think its all the rubbishclearing of my chest, oh and i smell so much nicer so my kids have told me...its amazing..i may gain a little weight, but hey i can work it off as i will feel fitter and i have more energy already...my house has been bleached and polished as i could smell the odour of cigarettes throughout the whole of the house , and i only smoked in my kitchen occasionally...scary i know...i will go every week to my check up , monoxide test ..i had 11mg and i had not smoked for 9 hours beforehaving it done SHOCKING ..we discuss how im getting on etc..i have a phone number to ring , if i need someone to talk to ...i will be on the patches for about 6 - 12 weeks ...but i say dont do it alone join a non smoking clinic or visit your gp, they will help with patches etc , which will save you money..i have saved 拢20 already ...just in 4 days of not smoking..if you need a chat add me to your friends i will be only to happy to chat...good luck
I quit smoking 4 weeks ago today to be exact. I think I was just ready I ran out of smokes and decided I just wasn't going to do it anymore. I haven't had cravings too bad,its strange though sometimes it's like I forgot I quit smoking I think I want a smoke then I remember oh yeah I don't do that anymore, but when this happens I am ok with it. Part of the reason I quit is because I want to have kids and I don't want to smoke while I am pregnant or around my kids so now is the time to quit. Good luck its not easy but you can do it I smoked for 9 years.
4 years ago I told my husband he had to quit smoking before we got married. He had a lot of cravings when he went out with friends, but he made it through. About 3 or 4 months after he quit he could taste, smell, and breathe better. Now he looks back and asked himself why he ever liked doing it. When he sees smokers now he thinks it's disgusting. You can do it! I know you can! Oh, and I told him I'd give him a half hour back rub at the end of each week if he didn't smoke at all.
My girlfriend quit smoking one year ago, we live together and it was madness! For about the first month or so, it was like she was someone else. She was very on edge, and little depressed. She described it as losing her best friend, she always thought that she was never really addicted until she tried to quit. I am a respiratory therapist and have seen the suffering that a smoking lifestyle leads to, however the choice to quit was her own. I can tell you that many people try and try to quit, but research has shown the more attempts you have, the closer you become to being smoke free. I recommended to her, as I do my patients, to have a back up plan, like nicorette gum, or patch. Also, dont beat yourself up if its harder than you thought, allow your body and mind time to adjust. A great tool is to find something that encourages taking those slow deep breaths like you would with a cigarette. Part of the appeal of smoking is taking that time for yourself to inhale and exhale in a relaxing way. Try yoga, or meditation. My girlfriend would use lavender oil, when she had a craving, she would put a drop in her palm and rub her hands together, and just inhale the aroma nice and slowly. Granted she quickly became addicted to the oil, but that was harmless. Now I am rambling..so good luck and try to be nice to the people that love while your quiting :0)
I quit smoking on 23 of may not long after the smoking ban came into force in wales with the help of a nicorette inhalator which i am using less and less but it is a great help if you get a really bad moment, my scence of smell has improved greatly and my mouth feels great it used to be dry and sore when i smoked now i can enjoy my food more, i am eating more but have not put that much weight on 1 or 2 pound but i notice a massive difference in myself when i walk or run i do feel fitter and healthier in a short time and i smoked 20 or more roll ups a day for 18 years, i never would of thought i could stop so there is hope for everyone.

Quiting Percocet?

for about 2 weeks I have been aking 7 percocet at a time every night, I stoped cold turkey tonight. How hard will it be to stop? I know I made a mistake by mis using them and I am quiting...jus wantto know how hard it will be for only using them for about 2 weeks
If it has only been 2 weeks you should be fine. I work in hospital and they have people on morphine for longer then that and then just take it away one day and they are always fine and morphine is stronger drug.
Even though its onlt been a few weeks your probably already addicted. I know from experience but if yu have it in your mind to quit you should have no probem.
I DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I was prescribed Percocet for a couple weeks. After I stopped my Dr. never told me I had to wean off. I ended up at the E.R. because two days after stopping I had withdrawals bad. P.S. I did not take seven I took the recomended dose and then stopped before I was even out because I was feeling better. Until the unexpected hellish withdrawals kicked in.
It is very possible that you could go into cardiac arrest 2 night, if you happen to start sweating really bad you need to call 911 immediately. I am concerned about your welfare. The sweating will generally be cold but either one should alarm you to contact 911. Anything out of the ordinary, nausea, vomitting, dizziness.Yea I know in the hospital doctors do prescribe morphine but when they stop them cold turkey, they have a prescription for pain meds to take at home.

Quitin smoking?

I want to know how people who are quiting smoking or quit, how they are doing? I have quit many times before, but always end up back on the fags after a few weeks - months.
I am on patches and its my first day and have done ok, just worried about tomorrow.
This afternoon I was going a bit mental at 4.30pm and nearly marched myself to the shop but didnt. I was bored!!No idiot answers please
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. I quit. I just quit. That is the only way to do it. If you want to quit, you will. Hate to be hard nosed about it but that's the long and the short of it. Good luck.
I'm lucky enoug never to have smoked, but I wrote a document for work recently on giving up smoking (www.lawcare.org.uk/freedownlo...Apparently cravings last ten minutes, and if you can distract yourself and wait for it to pass things will get easier. Also, rid yourself of anything to do with smoking - ashtrays, etc - and clean your house to get rid of the smell. Stay away from people who are smoking, and places you used to smoke.Good luck - it's worth it and you can do it.
I gave up six months ago after 20 years of smoking. I went cold turkey and have not puffed a ciggie since January. I just made a rule up - I am not going to buy them - if you haven't got them you can't smoke them. I went to bed early if necessary just to get me through another day of not smoking!. I just kept thinking that if I had a ciggie I would undo my hard work to date. After a while, I just kind of forgot I didn't smoke - now, I HATE the smell of it but am really trying hard not to be a reformed smoker! Good luck and keep going with it.
You need willpower.Just tell yourself you are going to stop,it ain't easy.there will be rough days ahead for you.A friend of mine tried to pack up and was wearing patches but he carried on smoking,it's a wonder he didn't O D on the nicotine rush,he hasn't given up because he doesn't have the all important willpower. I sincerely hope you win out in the end,it will be worth it.go for it girl and good luck.
i quit a week today, im on the 24 hr patch, im coming of them tomorrow onto the 16hr , they gave me some freaky dreams lol...i also have the inhalator , helps with the hands.. i have craved but it doesnt last long , do lots of cleaning, i cleaned out my car,got rid of the ashtray , the house is spotless, dont give in , im determined im never putting a cigarette to my lips again, i can taste better, smell better , feel better , its worth it ...i smoked 20 day for 17yrs...be strong we will do it...good luck :)
will power if you can't do it! who will for you ? i know exactly how you feel got my self an mp3 and start exercising best thing i have done.take care and good luckps forget the patches, big waist of money
Put away the ashtrays. Put everything out of sight that deals in smoking. Ban everyone from smoking in your presence. Goto places you cannot smoke...like cinemas, diners etc. Forget you've ever smoked and ban the idea out of your thinking. It takes will-power to put down your habit. If you feel yourself sliding into wanting a a smoke then breathe through your lips as if there is a ciggy there. Take short bursts of air to your lungs instead of the bad smoke caused by smoking. Try this every time you feel yourself slipping - it does work out!
you should just keep thinking aboout what it's going to do to you if you don't quit. The thought of it myself makes me NEVER want to start, good luck

Quit smoking?

i want to quit smoking without the help of aids. i think its for the best in a way that i break away myself. any suggestions? or anyone have a story to tell?
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
i quit smoking without using anything by just cutting down. it took a long time, but i haven't had a cigarette in like 2 months. the hardest ones to give up are the "habit" cigarettes. like the cigarette you have with the coffee in the morning, the cigarette you have on your ride to work, etc. if you can cut those ones out and only smoke when you really need to, then you will do fine.
Had a search around the internet and found this great website.Check it outhope this helps