Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Question About Making Another Doctor Do Surgery?

I have some form of blood clot in my wrist, it has been like that since april and the orthepedic doctors were waiting to see if it would go away. But now they are going to removed, so i have to get surgery done. But they are so back up with surgeries so i have to wait over a month.and it is really hurting. I been in pain for months, any movement in my wrist hurts and i cant just keep taking pain killers. I cant be sleeping everyday. Could I have another doctor to do the surgery? How would I go about doing that? After i get the surgery done, can i just go back to my regular orthepedic doctor for check ups to see how my wrist is doing?
Express your concerns with your present doctor and tell them u are thinking of going somewhere else due to the back up. If u go to another doctor i am sure he will have to see your charts from the other doctor and exam u so that may take some time too. But really tell your doctor a blood clot is nothing to mess with. Be a pain if u have to , it's your life and doctors are so ready to put off and off anymore. Good Luck.
I would talk to your current doctor about this. It's certainly something that you could consider. I would express your feelings to your current doctor, and ask them about going to another doctor, and what doctor they would suggest, and if you could go back to your normal doctor after wards.
of course you can go to another dr- if your insurance says ok. you tell your current doc that you'd like your records sent to your new doctor for a second opinion. they won't say no. but your followups are best done by the surgeon.
won't it take close to a month to get a new patient appt and then a pre-op consult at another specialist doctor anyway? good luck. get well soon

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