Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quitting smoking?

What is the best first step to stop. I have only smoked for three years and i really want to stop while i'm still young. I have tried three times in the past, but i want to quit smoking this time once and for all. What is the best first step to take?
You've really got to make the decision to quit, and then just do it - no trying, just do it and don't stop doing it. Focus on the reasons you are quitting, not on what you think you are missing.But there's not much point in tossing your cigs, if you don't fix the underlying reason you smoke. So why do you smoke? Lonely, bored, fidgety, low confidence or self-esteem, caught up in peer pressure, an excuse to indulge in self-guilt and pity, or just an out-of-date habit you don't need now?Once you've quit for 48-72 hours, the nicotine is out of your blood and the rest of your addiction is in your head. The good news is that there are heaps of things you can do to replace your habit - and solve your underlying problems. Healthy snacks and things to do with your hands instead of putting a cig in your mouth, exercise, skills, hobbies and new activities to fill in your old smoking time, etc. All these make you feel good about yourself and give you the feeling of control over your life and future.Educating yourself about what happens when you quit, what to do and so on, gives you a feeling of control. Have a look here: http://www.quitguide.com If you join up for the newsletter, you get a free guide to making friends without a cigarette in your hands, and the rest of the site is full of information to make quitting a breeze.
i smoked for 19 years and got my doc to give me a prescription for chantix. Great drug to help you stop smoking.
Quit last October and haven't even craved one even when people are around me smoking. I took the drug for 4 months.
Have a peppermint each time you crave a cigarette, the craving will go away.And to have lots of water, and the nicotine will wash outMake sure you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, it will help your brain recoverhave faith
The best first step to take is to contact the Quitline and then to join a Quit Smoking Clinic.

Quitting Smoking...?

My husband and I have just quit smoking cigarrettes for a variety of reasons. We both have an awful temper and are at eachother's throats (obviously we both quit together at the same time, cold turkey). My question is, how can we tame our tempers and get along while quitting? Does anyone know of a good online support system for trying to quit?
I stopped smoking about 24 years ago now. I was two packs a day. And I still have the cravings for a cigarette. It doesn't go away.What you guys are trying to do is extremely difficult. First you must realize that. It can be done.Yes immediately after stopping smoking control of tempers is one real facet of the quitting of smoking. An online system may help but in this situation you guys started to do this together you got to maintain together.It is not your partner's fault. This is king tobacco addiction calling you to find any excuse, any excuse whatsoever to force you to start smoking again. No online source will help you effectively.What you must do for the next week and months is that when you feel that craving and anger is to instead state "tobacco craving". Then hug the person saying I love you, I love you, I love you.Okay you have just quit smoking. These symptoms will return in a week, a month, three months then the full year. You will not feel physically better for two years. You will feel great after five years of stopping. but cravings do not go away. You will not have the actual physical demand for it. They are two different things.Hey Good luck. I know its hard for you guys. But do it. And fight the anger towards the other. Its only King Tobacco screwing up your life again. Hold hands more often. If you feel a rage again its nicotine the queen of addictions speaking again. You both decided to help each other and it behooves you to actually try. This means everything intimate.
You did well to quit smoking. Many people try to quit but fail. I am not sure about your tempers. If you could quit smoking, surely you should be able to control your tempers. You love each other.
i would recommend quitnet. they send you informative emails, encouragement. you have chat rooms and celebrate anniversaries..... contact with quitters in all different stages of their quit.good luck to you both....
i am a recent quitter too ~!

Quitting smoking...?

ok so today is my 1st day of not smoking. i'm doing ok.it sounds weird, but i miss having something in my mouth. i keep going to pick up a cigerette (even though i don't have any ) without realising i'm doing it. any ideas on how to stop feeling like this?
and also at work, i get a cigerette break but now i don't smoke i have no idea what to do with this time...any ideas on that ?
Congrats and good luck with it!I started using Chantix a couple of days ago, since I can't do it 'cold turkey'... LOL... so far so good.Lifesavers, mints, etc... will keep your mouth from missing the ciggie, and as far as your hands being bored, try doing a crossword puzzle, circle-word, or whatever you prefer.. it'll keep both your hands and your brain busy during those 'cravings' and then they'll pass.Much luck....
You need to talk to my Girlfriend. She's trying to quit as well. She went to the dentist last fri %26 found out if she smoked anymore she'll be dead in 5 years! Thats enough to make anyone stop! He found the beginings of throat cancer.
I quit smoking 10 weeks ago now. I could not have done it without the patches and the most important - A NICORETTE INHALATOR..!! Its a white plastic contraption that replaces that feeling of wanting to hold something in your hand. You get nicotine cartridges to go inside them so when you need a nicotine fix you just inhale like having a normal cigarette. You can buy a starter pack from almost anywhere. Good luck
Congrats on the decision and good luck with the road to completely stopping!First you have to try and stay out of smokers company. It will just lead you into temptation.
Secondly dont see your break as a smoke break..see it as a oppertunity to stretch your legs and go outside get some fresh air and enjoy the fresh air you have been deprived of for so long
Thirdly break the routine. Eg: if you are used to having a cup of coffee in the morning followed by a ciggy then dont have coffee till later and drink a glass of water afterwardsIt does take major will power to quit and i literally woke up one morning after 12 years smoking and said "I quit" and I did...Good luck and dont forget..one day at a time leads to a healthy lifetime..
well done and keep going. I smoked 20-30 a day and im now on 4 weeks today. seriously after week 1 it gets better. i go to my local phamacy for help. when craving i kept busy/ drank water/brushed teeth chewed chewing gum went some where i couldn't smoke/ nicotien replacement deep breathing helped and eating chopped up fruit or veg. and take each day as it comes. oh and positive thinking i was told you can get stinking thinking which is why should i give up ect, i was told to think of my self as a non smoker who choses not to smoke... it really works tho. hope this has helped good luck and your doing really well ( im on micro tabs)
Good luck.
I'm not long over it myself. Try eating lolly pops. Stopped ma cravings for something to hold and have in my mouth.
Nicotine is a different issue. Went cold turkey.
Try the patches or gum i guess.
Nicorette make a product called the inhalator which is a little plastic mouthpiece with a nicotine cartridge in it designed to aid smokers quit.
just think of people like me who has lots of ciggys to smoke BUT has no money, probably a shorter life than you, stink of smoke etc, stop to think of what I said and then think do you want to be like that, NO, so stay away from the ciggs you ll get there eventually - good luck.
Patches and accessories to help stop smoking did not exist when I quit in 1965, so I went cold-turkey. But for you such things as cinnamon-flavored gum, grapefruit juice, and lots of teeth brushing will help. Hard peppermint candies can help as well.The most important incentive to retain is the real reason you are quitting and the motivation behind that reason. You will have the craving a long time and certain habits that are associated with smoking may need to be curtailed too, such as drinking alcohol and coffee.Immediately after meals brush your teeth and use a cinnamon-flavored mouthwash.I wish you success, but only you can do it.
Cold Turkey will not work i can say that.. im trying to quit aswell.. I used to have one every half an hour 40 minutes and that was bad so now im on one like every 1.30/2hrs maybe more sometimes aswell.. try eating sweets or get nicarette gum.. good luck
good for you hun, i got a cigarette inhaler from chemist its like a plastic cigarette you can buy capsules to put inside but i only used the inhaler because like you i felt lost without having something to hold and put in my mouth it worked really well i only use it now when i get stressed ..also when your friends go for ciggy breaks if you can just take a 5 Min's power nap you will feel a lot more refreshed ..good luck and keep it up ..the benefits will soon begin to show
Make a point of having a glass of water when you're with others who smoke. If you've got the chance in your break, go out and get a breath of fresh air even if its only for 5 minutes. Walk round the block. That helped me. It DOES get easier the longer you stay off. After a few days I wasn't thinking of ciggies any more. Good luck!
you dont smoke when your asleep
pretend your dreaming
Have a peppermint each time you crave a cigarette, the craving will go away.And to have lots of water, and the nicotine will wash outMake sure you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, it will help your brain recoverhave faith
i cant help myself so ii cant help you

Quiting Smoking?

Has anyone here been able to quit smoking? If so, what made you decide to quit, how did you quit, and how long did it take for the cravings to go away? Did you notice that things tasted and smelled differently afterwards? Do you feel physically different (gained weight, can walk faster, don't cough, etc.)?Any info will help me : )
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
i quit by never smoking ever lol
Yes, someone has quit smoking. And for the better always. You can do it!
just dont buy any and stay away or ask friend not to smoke around you. it takes lots of will power
I've tried and failed a few times :(I made it up to 3 days twice,. but thats the furthest I've made it.
I quit once for two years, and yeah, it's like different. but the bummer is that after two years, I still missed it each and every day, and one day weakness took hold of me and I started again. ten years later, still doing it. my quit date this time is aug 1. the plan? just drop it, cold turkey. worked last time!
My g/f wouldn't kiss me or or move in with me until I quit. It wasn't hard. I understood why she didn't want to kiss a dirty mouth. I now think it is disgusting.
well i don't smoke however my mother did on and off for 20+ years! she has stopped smoking about 3+ years ago and told me that although sometimes she craves it she knows that her kids need her in their future! do you have family? parents? kids of your own? also do it for yourself! only when you are ready to quit you will succesfully quit. About smelling things differently yes its a common thing to experience, also my mom loves to chew on fruity gums etc.! hope I helped and good luck!
I have never smoked, (and keeping it that way) but when i'm quitting a bad habbit, i think of it as something really gross, like i would pretend the cigarette is made of fertilizer or something, or i'd close my eyes, count down from three and throw them away!(easy, but really effective!) or think of a lot of really good things in life, so you don't want to smoke, because smoking is like suicide. or maybe try to start new, for example, try something new, live life in a role models perspection, because if you try to become a better person, you realize you dont need to smoke any more. Good luck and best wishes!
I tried repeatedly for two years before I was finally able to quit. I didn't use any aids (gum, patches, etc.), I just gradually reduced the amount that I smoked. My main problem was that anytime I drank, I NEEDED to smoke. When I made it through an evening of drinking without taking a puff, I knew I had beat it. Honestly, after three years, the cravings still have not gone away entirely. I no longer crave cigarettes under normal circumstances, but I get cravings after my morning coffee and while drinking.Food definitely tasted better after, and I realized that I hadn't actually smelled anything in years. Walking by doughnut shops became heavenly. I gained weight after quitting, about 15 pounds. After about 6 months though, I dieted and lost it. You will definitely feel hungrier after quitting, but a little weight gain is far better than lung cancer. I can walk farther and climb stairs again. I also get sick far less frequently.Overall, quitting was very hard to do, but it was very rewarding.
I am going on two years and the craving are still there without help. The patch is the best but you really have to want to quit and make a choice even though you still crave the cigarettes. I have made up my mind to quit and have given myself the choice to smoke when I have real strong cravings. Just putting distance from you and people that smoke helps. I am working on it every day and it gets better. I have felt guilty when I do smoke but it is a real reminder for me to know why it is that I am going to quit.
It is only as difficult as your resolve. As of this writing, I have not had a cigarette for 18 months. I smoked for 6 years, after quitting for 3, after smoking for 5. Cigarettes are not in control. Will can be stronger.In both periods of not smoking, which I quit cold turkey, a headache settled in about 10 days into it that would not go away. I fought the headache and the urge with all my will the first time, but the second I knew better. Its the withdrawal headache, and as little as one drag will make it vanish. The trick is to throw away the cigarette after 1-2 drags and not finish it. Take those 1-2 drags as a remedy for that headache and then walk away. Your tolerance will be down and the 1-2 will be all you need. Trash any unwanted cigarettes and find a vent. Will power is paramount. Nothing else cured the headache for me, ranging from lavender oil on the temples to every OTC remedy I could find. You have to WANT to quit.
hi i have not had a cigarette for 4 days, ready for england smokefree on 1st july ..i booked myself in the non smoking clinic at my pharmacy ..i am on nicquitin clear patches and have a inhulator( Plastic cigarette) it is definatley helping with the cravings, as my husband smokes around me and because of my will power to succeed it doesnt really bother me , I smoked for 17 years 20 a day..i clean alot haha...i find myself chores and jobs to do to take my mind of it ..i take my dog for a walk everyday,but before stopping by the time im heading back up my hill , im breathless and starting to sweat a little, today i breezed up the hill not at all breathless, and no sweating at all ..also i can smell so much better and taste things more, and my skin is improving already, no wheezing ..i have coughed a little but i think its all the rubbishclearing of my chest, oh and i smell so much nicer so my kids have told me...its amazing..i may gain a little weight, but hey i can work it off as i will feel fitter and i have more energy already...my house has been bleached and polished as i could smell the odour of cigarettes throughout the whole of the house , and i only smoked in my kitchen occasionally...scary i know...i will go every week to my check up , monoxide test ..i had 11mg and i had not smoked for 9 hours beforehaving it done SHOCKING ..we discuss how im getting on etc..i have a phone number to ring , if i need someone to talk to ...i will be on the patches for about 6 - 12 weeks ...but i say dont do it alone join a non smoking clinic or visit your gp, they will help with patches etc , which will save you money..i have saved 拢20 already ...just in 4 days of not smoking..if you need a chat add me to your friends i will be only to happy to chat...good luck
I quit smoking 4 weeks ago today to be exact. I think I was just ready I ran out of smokes and decided I just wasn't going to do it anymore. I haven't had cravings too bad,its strange though sometimes it's like I forgot I quit smoking I think I want a smoke then I remember oh yeah I don't do that anymore, but when this happens I am ok with it. Part of the reason I quit is because I want to have kids and I don't want to smoke while I am pregnant or around my kids so now is the time to quit. Good luck its not easy but you can do it I smoked for 9 years.
4 years ago I told my husband he had to quit smoking before we got married. He had a lot of cravings when he went out with friends, but he made it through. About 3 or 4 months after he quit he could taste, smell, and breathe better. Now he looks back and asked himself why he ever liked doing it. When he sees smokers now he thinks it's disgusting. You can do it! I know you can! Oh, and I told him I'd give him a half hour back rub at the end of each week if he didn't smoke at all.
My girlfriend quit smoking one year ago, we live together and it was madness! For about the first month or so, it was like she was someone else. She was very on edge, and little depressed. She described it as losing her best friend, she always thought that she was never really addicted until she tried to quit. I am a respiratory therapist and have seen the suffering that a smoking lifestyle leads to, however the choice to quit was her own. I can tell you that many people try and try to quit, but research has shown the more attempts you have, the closer you become to being smoke free. I recommended to her, as I do my patients, to have a back up plan, like nicorette gum, or patch. Also, dont beat yourself up if its harder than you thought, allow your body and mind time to adjust. A great tool is to find something that encourages taking those slow deep breaths like you would with a cigarette. Part of the appeal of smoking is taking that time for yourself to inhale and exhale in a relaxing way. Try yoga, or meditation. My girlfriend would use lavender oil, when she had a craving, she would put a drop in her palm and rub her hands together, and just inhale the aroma nice and slowly. Granted she quickly became addicted to the oil, but that was harmless. Now I am rambling..so good luck and try to be nice to the people that love while your quiting :0)
I quit smoking on 23 of may not long after the smoking ban came into force in wales with the help of a nicorette inhalator which i am using less and less but it is a great help if you get a really bad moment, my scence of smell has improved greatly and my mouth feels great it used to be dry and sore when i smoked now i can enjoy my food more, i am eating more but have not put that much weight on 1 or 2 pound but i notice a massive difference in myself when i walk or run i do feel fitter and healthier in a short time and i smoked 20 or more roll ups a day for 18 years, i never would of thought i could stop so there is hope for everyone.

Quiting Percocet?

for about 2 weeks I have been aking 7 percocet at a time every night, I stoped cold turkey tonight. How hard will it be to stop? I know I made a mistake by mis using them and I am quiting...jus wantto know how hard it will be for only using them for about 2 weeks
If it has only been 2 weeks you should be fine. I work in hospital and they have people on morphine for longer then that and then just take it away one day and they are always fine and morphine is stronger drug.
Even though its onlt been a few weeks your probably already addicted. I know from experience but if yu have it in your mind to quit you should have no probem.
I DID SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I was prescribed Percocet for a couple weeks. After I stopped my Dr. never told me I had to wean off. I ended up at the E.R. because two days after stopping I had withdrawals bad. P.S. I did not take seven I took the recomended dose and then stopped before I was even out because I was feeling better. Until the unexpected hellish withdrawals kicked in.
It is very possible that you could go into cardiac arrest 2 night, if you happen to start sweating really bad you need to call 911 immediately. I am concerned about your welfare. The sweating will generally be cold but either one should alarm you to contact 911. Anything out of the ordinary, nausea, vomitting, dizziness.Yea I know in the hospital doctors do prescribe morphine but when they stop them cold turkey, they have a prescription for pain meds to take at home.

Quitin smoking?

I want to know how people who are quiting smoking or quit, how they are doing? I have quit many times before, but always end up back on the fags after a few weeks - months.
I am on patches and its my first day and have done ok, just worried about tomorrow.
This afternoon I was going a bit mental at 4.30pm and nearly marched myself to the shop but didnt. I was bored!!No idiot answers please
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. I quit. I just quit. That is the only way to do it. If you want to quit, you will. Hate to be hard nosed about it but that's the long and the short of it. Good luck.
I'm lucky enoug never to have smoked, but I wrote a document for work recently on giving up smoking (www.lawcare.org.uk/freedownlo...Apparently cravings last ten minutes, and if you can distract yourself and wait for it to pass things will get easier. Also, rid yourself of anything to do with smoking - ashtrays, etc - and clean your house to get rid of the smell. Stay away from people who are smoking, and places you used to smoke.Good luck - it's worth it and you can do it.
I gave up six months ago after 20 years of smoking. I went cold turkey and have not puffed a ciggie since January. I just made a rule up - I am not going to buy them - if you haven't got them you can't smoke them. I went to bed early if necessary just to get me through another day of not smoking!. I just kept thinking that if I had a ciggie I would undo my hard work to date. After a while, I just kind of forgot I didn't smoke - now, I HATE the smell of it but am really trying hard not to be a reformed smoker! Good luck and keep going with it.
You need willpower.Just tell yourself you are going to stop,it ain't easy.there will be rough days ahead for you.A friend of mine tried to pack up and was wearing patches but he carried on smoking,it's a wonder he didn't O D on the nicotine rush,he hasn't given up because he doesn't have the all important willpower. I sincerely hope you win out in the end,it will be worth it.go for it girl and good luck.
i quit a week today, im on the 24 hr patch, im coming of them tomorrow onto the 16hr , they gave me some freaky dreams lol...i also have the inhalator , helps with the hands.. i have craved but it doesnt last long , do lots of cleaning, i cleaned out my car,got rid of the ashtray , the house is spotless, dont give in , im determined im never putting a cigarette to my lips again, i can taste better, smell better , feel better , its worth it ...i smoked 20 day for 17yrs...be strong we will do it...good luck :)
will power if you can't do it! who will for you ? i know exactly how you feel got my self an mp3 and start exercising best thing i have done.take care and good luckps forget the patches, big waist of money
Put away the ashtrays. Put everything out of sight that deals in smoking. Ban everyone from smoking in your presence. Goto places you cannot smoke...like cinemas, diners etc. Forget you've ever smoked and ban the idea out of your thinking. It takes will-power to put down your habit. If you feel yourself sliding into wanting a a smoke then breathe through your lips as if there is a ciggy there. Take short bursts of air to your lungs instead of the bad smoke caused by smoking. Try this every time you feel yourself slipping - it does work out!
you should just keep thinking aboout what it's going to do to you if you don't quit. The thought of it myself makes me NEVER want to start, good luck

Quit smoking?

i want to quit smoking without the help of aids. i think its for the best in a way that i break away myself. any suggestions? or anyone have a story to tell?
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
i quit smoking without using anything by just cutting down. it took a long time, but i haven't had a cigarette in like 2 months. the hardest ones to give up are the "habit" cigarettes. like the cigarette you have with the coffee in the morning, the cigarette you have on your ride to work, etc. if you can cut those ones out and only smoke when you really need to, then you will do fine.
Had a search around the internet and found this great website.Check it outhope this helps

Quit smoking?

i have to quit smoking for health reasons but i still like smoking, im finding it very difficult as i suffer from anxiety and smoking calmed me, i can't use patchs as they made me very ill even the weak strength, i cant take the tablet as that will interfere with my other meds, i haven't tried the inhaler or the gum can any one help me with this?
the gum worked for me
I had to quit smoking because I got Braces on my teeth, maybe you should try that
You could try hypnotherapy? I tried it and it didn't work, but I'm told it works for many people, so maybe its worth a try?
go to your doctor and they can give you these fags, and you have a course of them and they slowly lower the nicoten in them and then you quit, there good, i know from experience
Try "Cold Turkey" ..Will over matter...
just keep smoking
Perhaps you can ask your doctor about a brand new drug on the market:Stop-Smoking Pill Approved by FDARead story below
I dont think that the inhaler will help you, after all you need to break the habit of 'hand to mouth'. I my opinion the gum tastes like you're chewing an ashtray.
Just try your hardest, every time you feel yourself weaken, drink a glass of water, it will help cleanse your mouth, and busy yourself with something.
Good Luck, I know you'll do it x
I went to a hypnotist a year %26 a half ago. I also know it takes ON AVERAGE 3 tries before you get it right. (it was 3 for me) Good luck, you can do it.
ps the hyp was about $200 for the first session, if you relapse, you come back for $60-90. worth every penny. Still cant believe I did it! And there's NO WAY I would have put the cigs down %26 walked away.
I dont smoke but do suffer anxiety, so I can see why you would feel the need to do it. Could you not try going to your GPs for something to calm the anxiety? Smoking may be doing you far worse. Good luck.
Hi,i gave up smoking just over a year ago all with the help of sweets.Apparently it's the sugar in the molasses used to make tobacco brown that the body craves for.My sister did it and recommended it to me and it worked.Get yourself some Werthers Original Sweets.[they are the highest sugar content sweet on the market]You must only have one when you feel like a cigarette,it takes the craving away.It was only about 6 weeks later that i gave up the sweets and have not wanted to smoke since.It's worth a go,try it and let me know.
I haven't smoked for 6 months now- can't believe i did it! Still miss it, but what worked was reading up on what smoking does to you- from a health point of veiw! Check out the quit-smoking web site-http://www.quit-smoking-stop.com/harmful...hope this helps!
I advise u to see consult-er. He'll give u the best way to quit smoking.
I myself have been looking to quit smoking.
Have you ever considered trying hypnosis therapy?
It has been known to work for man.
The nicotine gums are designed to give you a nicotine hit.
Maybe they are worth a try as you ha vent tried them.
The inhaler is designed for the feeling of holding a cigarette, plus you inhale the nicotine(not very pleasant).
Maybe you could try just cutting down while you find a solution that helps you.
Good luck.
Hi,I stopped smoking with Allen Carrs "the easy way to stop smoking" its a book,I read it in an afternoon ,finished it, and havent smoked since,that was 9 months ago.It has got a 53% success rate,twice as high as patches,look on his web site,thousands have given up with it,he also does a day course,its about 拢300 but the course has a 92% success rate.I read about the book on answers,lots of people recommended it,some of my friends have done it this way too,he puts something in your subconcious,its brilliant.By the way did you know nicotine is a stimulant and it makes you more anxious in the long run,Im much calmer since i stopped smoking.Good luck with whichever way you try鈽?
I also had medical problems ,especially respiratory ones.I had tried patches previously to no avail. I doubt that nicotine replacement therapy will help you. The first thing is that you realise your state of health and determine to not smoke or you are bound to die a nasty death. It is your decision to make. If you don't have the willpower to decide to give up all the medications in the world won't help you.You say that tablets will interfere with your current medication.Are you sure of this? Ask your doctor if a new drug called Champix,the ingredient is varenicline, can be taken together with your other meds. This new drug is very effective and does not use nicotine replacement. It suppresses the part of the brain that makes you want to smoke, it makes cigarettes distasteful and helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It is a 3 month course, which should be monitored by your doctor or practice nurse. It is a prescription only tablet. It has a success rate of over 30% of those who take it, which is higher than for any other method. II took it for two months and gave up. I had smoked up to 40 a day for 60years.Although my lungs are in a bad shape my overall health is better. See your doctor and perhaps give it a go. Good luck anyway. A PS . The only side effect I experienced and I believe others also was that after taking the tablet I felt a bit nauseous for about an hour, not enough to actually be sick,just queasy. You take two tablets a day.
hi there i gave them up when i found out my mother has cancer im off them 6 mounts now, i to suffer from anxiety and they might came you down but they will only kill you in the long run...
This is a difficult situation and being an ex-smoker myself I understand how you must feel especially since I used to get panic attacks and depression and the smoking helped to relax me. I was given an ultimatum give up or have a machine do my breathing for me.
I thought I could never do it, but I went completely cod turkey that same day, I brought polos as they helped every time I craved a cigarette and i had a small pencil that I could hold between my fingers to simulate a cigarette.Try it, it does help - for the first few days try to avoid places where others smoke heavily. If you go to places where people only smoke occassionally and breathe in their fumes the desire to smoke will become less prominent as you are getting a nicotine fix without having to actually light a ***. After a while even the smell of other peoples smoke will make you feel ill so it will work, but slowly.You cannot give up overnight so dont try as it will just make it harder. Listen to relaxing music every time you feel anxious and follow the tips I gave in one of your earlier questions.
I gave up in January with the quit smoking clinic at local doctors, and ive been tobacco free ever since.
I started with the fruit gum, then later on switched to the mint lozengers with help me lots.
I use to smoke other stuff to but to substitue it or to mix with it i brought some legal high herbal blend for bad days totally tobacco free and quite relaxing.
you must stop if you want to live you have been told,so do it no excuse you can phone the free number for a free DVD,go to your health clinic,there are classes you can en roll in and other people will help you go swimming to relieve your anxiety or go for a session of reflexology ,aromatherapy,there will be something for you I promise,try the gum and ordinary gums good too keeps the mouth fresh best of luck go on you know you can do this?
Why give up? My friend, it takes willpower to smoke so don't give up so damn easily, your body must be telling you that you need to buy Marlboro Lights. You have to really cultivate your habit, just try smoking 15/20 a day to start off and build it up to a credible 30 or so. Maybe even take up cigars also and at least consider chewing tobacco.HOW ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO EXERCISE YOUR LUNGS?As I said, people with no willpower give up (you have to be committed to the cost, health aspects, bad smell, nasty taste, social ostrisisement etc) and you don't strike me as a wimp.IT IS BIG AND IT IS CLEVER.So pull yourself together, stop this ill advised and ridiculous venture into considering non smoking comformity, you are effectively self harming and that cant be right can it? NOBODY LIKES A QUITTER.If you give up it will make you ill, you wont sleep, you will be spouting phlegm so for gods sake just do the right thing and keep giving you body what it needs, a nice, smooth, tasty Marlboro, you know it makes sense.IT HELPS REDUCE UNWANTED PREGNANCIES.Just picture it in your head, that something to do with your hands, the missing piece of the jigsaw when you have a coffee or a beer, that sweet smooth flavour of American tobacco gently coursing through your lungs and making you feel right again.BEAR IN MIND THAT IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO RECYCLE TOBACCO - YOU WOULD BE HARMING THE ENVIRONMENT BY NOT SMOKING. ISN'T THAT A LITTLE SELFISH? WE ALL NEED TO DO OUR BIT.If you give up you will eat more and snack on chocolate? That can't be good can it - non smoking is plain unhealthy.SMOKING HELPS REDUCE WEIGHT AS PART OF A CALORIE CONTROLLED DIET. IT ALSO MAKES YOU LOOK HARD.One final point to make my friend, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow so why are you being such a lightweight. Go and get yourself a beer right now and spark one up, you will feel so much better and this whole nightmare of having to think about giving up will end. In fact, have a few beers because smoking is always allowed if you're drunk. Why conform to the establishment when you could be making a personal statement about your belief in freedom.Good luck, stop the madness.
I say only say that you will need a lot of self control. It will be difficult, but consider what you have in life, if you have an husband or child, are these more important to you along with you health, or is smoking more important.have you asked your doctor, what would be suitable to help you due to the meds you are taking.I suffer with anxiety but fortunately don't smoke, but I know others who do, so I do know how you feel by saying smoking helps to keep you calm. Do you best to quit, try cutting down, take up an hobby, something that will take your mind of your urge to smoke and to help calm your anxiety at the same time.Every day is going to be hard for you because your need to stop smoking is for your health, seek support from family and friends.I wish you all the best, hope you found some advice in this answer.good luck with your 'stop smoking'
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.

Quit smoking tips?

Does anybody have any? I told my fiance that the minute we got engaged I'd quit - that was 2 1/2 months ago. I only smoke 2 or 3 per day, but it's the one right after work and then after dinner that I CANNOT go without...help!
I quit cold turkey and smoked about 3/4-1 pack a day for 15 years.I made a list of the times I smoked and craved a smoke. I keep this diary type list going for 1 week. Then I analyzed the list to see specific patterns in smoking needs and habits. Then the times I seemed to smoke the most or crave a cigarette, I exchanged the activity for one where I couldn't smoke. It has been 6 months and although I used to have a cigarette in the morning with my cup of coffee, I still have the cup of coffee and the idea of lighting one up makes me gag.You can do it if you really want to. I recently lost my sister to lung cancer and she found out she had it 2 months before she died. I think that also made a definite impact on my decision to quit.Good Luck.
If you only take two or three a day, then you can kick the habit. You have to do what you promised your fiance or he will not trust you to keep any other promise.
What's the matter, little man. Can't you stop smoking without anybody holding your hand, what kind of a bozo are you?With luck, I pissed you off enough you're going to show me who's a bozo!!Good luck. I know. it ain't easy!
Never start, but if it's too late and you've started try to cut down on your own and then use some quitting tool like the patch or gum. Then do some sessions with a therapist. Baby Steps all the way.
"COLD TURKEY"watch a view to see what cancer really does to the body
good luck
Watch your father slowly die in front off you from small cell lung cancer that spread to his brain.Thats what did it for me but I hear nicorette helps also
TRY A COMMIT LOZENGE it's what i'm using
try this site ...
lock yourself in a room nothing but food,mini frige should do it - 3 days! then it's done, watch tv, sleep, what ever it takes
i really beleive that the addiction is ll in the mind, its just habit. ive smoked for a year now to prove my firneds wrong that i could quit with no question. it depended on mye how busy i was. keep yourself busy. LESS TIME YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT SMOKING THE BETTER. i never smoke when i go back home from college. i know my parents would kill me. i was no more than 4 a day. the easiest thing is to not have any cigarettes in the house. you want to smoke, but dont want to run to the gas station and get one. ask yur husband to help you substain. im sure he would
For me it was the first one in the car in the morning--had the most trouble getting past that one. I quit 10 years ago February and my husband quit about 7 years ago. I quit cold turkey and husband used Welbutrin--we both quit for good, too. I found that popping a piece of gum in my mouth kept me from smoking when I had an urge--my mouth was doing something so I was appeased until I forgot that I even wanted a cig. For my hubby, he quit smoking his usual cigs and switched to these really nasty 'all natural' cigs. He eventually couldn't take those any more and quit. For him the Welbutrin was a lifesaver--it made smoking cigarettes so incredibly gross and unsatisfactory that he quit. It blocks the so-called satisfaction sensors so that cigs are very unenjoyable. That and nasty cigarettes and the desire to quit worked well. Plus, Welbutrin is an antidepressant so you shouldn't get as much depression over quitting.
Just flat out QUIT, cold turkey.
I quit a 2-3 pack a day, 27 YEAR LONG habit cold turkey nearly 3 years ago.Just ride out the first few days with plenty of gum %26 hard candy, and the PHYSICAL addiction is gone in 5 days. Then you just fight the mental addiction, but even THAT is gone in a year.You have to do this, to prove to your fiance that you are as good as your word.
Good luck--you CAN do it!!
ok so use gums, pills, and patches. experiment. see if you can find one that wroks the best. ask your docter about whats right for you.
Tips for the First Week1.Drink a lot of liquids, especially water
Avoid sugar and fatty food
3.exercise regularly and moderately.
4.Get more sleep.
5.Take deep breaths.
6.Change your habits.
7.Do something to reduce your stressi suggest you do to this website for more tips
http://www.surgeongeneral.gov/tobacco/1s...for Ten unusual quit smoking tips go to this web site
http://whyquit.com/pr/100305.html...if i were you i join group on yahoo ...
good luck . this is the right thing %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; ;)
My boyfriend quit. If you meant your promise of quitting, then just stop cold turkey. It's hard the first 2 weeks, but then you don't even think about it anymore. Get some gum or lollipops. Just watch that you don't replace cigs with eating because then you'll balloon!If you wanted to quit, then you would have done it already. You have to WANT to do it for yourself, not for someone else. Quit smoking for your health, your future child's health, and to make yourself, your clothes, your house, and your car smell better. And that smoker's cough should go away after a few months, too.
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.

Quit smoking aid?

what is a good quit smoking aid that you have used successfully? this is my third or fourth time trying. i tried the nicotine gum but i dont like it because it burns my throat. what else is out there?
A good aid is to call the Quitline and to join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
its weird but lollipops, regular gum and hard candies helped me...as long as i kept one around i was good to go..i hate the gum too!! and the patches burned me so i feel ur pain :( good luck
I smoked for 30 years. I quit over 5 years ago. The method that worked for me was the patch and PRAYER. I gave my addiction to God and he took it away.
There is a new medication available by prescription, Chantix, it really works. It blocks the nicotine receptor in the brain. So once you start the med you slowly come off the cigarettes over the course of 7 -10 days. The meds may be continued for up to 6 months. Ask your Dr. about it, its relatively new on the market. Price without insurance is roughly 125.00 per month but very well worth it. Good luck wish you great success!!
I smoked 3 packs a day (no kidding!!). At age 40 I had a heart attack. I was in the hospital for 2 months %26 rehab for 1 month. It took me almost a year to be able to speak full sentances. 17 years later I still have problems breathing and being active.I owned my own business. That ended about six months after my attack. I don't smoke, I eat "healthy" and excersize (when I can).. I don't have the energy to play with kids. Long walks are very hard.I wish I had stopped (like you).. long ago.But I also had tried many times. Deep down I just believed this stuff wouldn't happen to me.I hope you're smarter than I was!

Quick! What's the number for 911?

911.what a waist of 5 points
hold on let me call 411 and ask
You know, in other countries, they don't use that number for emergencies! So there are other numbers out there. :)
ha 2 points!!
haha ur such a dork! :D lol
1-800-eat-shi oh nevermind thats the how's my driving..um its 611 from your T-mobile phone..if you wanna check your minutes..its #646#
Er... it's 119, but that's only because I live in Korea.I do hope you weren't actually in an emergency situation, because you will probably have bled to death by the time you finish typing your request, waiting for answers, and trying to decide who was serious. Next time you have a genuine emergency, assuming you have survived for there to BE a next time, pick up the telephone and dial 911. That means that you use your finger to push the following digits: 9then 1then 1 againand wait for emergency vehicles to be dispatched to you.DO NOT CALL 911 in a non-life threatening situation. Running out of beer, for example, while tragic, is non-life threatening. Best of luck...
no comment
911 duh heheh=]
haha little rascals, that just made my night :)

QUICK! How do I report a yahoo! user who i think is on drugs?

their acting very "high" on acid on their webcam, yahoo knows their ip # how do i report them? i need help now! they might be in danger!
Hit the "report abuse" tab.
screw telling yahoo. tell the police
call 911 not da yahoo! peopl
snitches are a dying breed.

Quick recovery of pulled muscles?help?

i did a 6 hour jujitsu advanced brown belt grading yesterday and my muscles are killing ...im 15
It's not pulled muscles if you are just sore. Take some advil, drink plenty of fluids, do some light cardio and stretch for the next few days. Your muscles will recover in a few days. If you have a sharp pain on a muscle then it likely is a pulled muscle. In that case, advil every day, ice packs for 20 minute periods as often as possible and rest will heal most pulled most muscles in a few weeks. Before you start up again, make sure you stretch that muscle really well or your chances of repulling that muscles are pretty high.
What works for me is to keep ice on them and don't use them at all.Even doing that it can take a week or longer for them to heal.

Questions about sleep?

If someone didn't sleep for 2 days does he need to sleep for 16 hours because 2 days sleep is 8 hours X 2?
No you can't "catch up" on sleep lost. Just make sure you get a good nights sleep when you do!
There is such a thing as sleep defecit, and how long you need to rest to counteract the sleep lost is up to the individual. there are too many variables like how active the person is, how much the person weighs, and how much the person normally sleeps to be sure how long an individual must sleep to erase the sleep deficit.

Questions about donating PLASMA?

i know its a bad reason but i need money :( plus...it saves lives sooo we all win! anyway....does it hurt? i mean..does it hurt more than when they take your blood?? is the needle the same size? if i have a good vein that they always take blood from should i use that one? what can i expect. any answers are appreciated
my son did this for the cash also. lol, are you college age also? he said it didn't hurt anymore than giving blood. it did however take a very long time. (can't remember for sure but I think it was like 2 hours) because he is impatience, he hasn't done it again. good luck to you.
When I did it they explained the needle was a bit larger than donating blood..they have to have the big, round ,red blood cells come out unobstructed. It did not hurt but takes at least 1.5 hours, they take out whole blood (more thana "pint") and they put it back minus the
plasma stuff they need. They won't let you fall asleep! It's more of a medical procedure it seems. Pay is good for the first 2, then it went down as a "regular". Hummm?!Eat before hand.

Question is in the detais?

i have a friend who is smoking frm quiet a long time n nw hw wants to quit smoking but he cant he says that in the whole week he dosent get time to smoke but when in the weekends when he goes out with his friends he smokes becoz he smokes n al his friends also smokes he said if he leaves his friends he'll be able to quit smoking but he cant leave then becoz they all r his gud friends (they have a group)he says that if he cant leave his friends he cant quit smoking its serious n i want to help him so plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me....
You can't help a smoker quit unless he really wants to quit. Apparently he is doing it for appearance or maybe peer pressure. You can't help him!
You just asked a question with one long sentence!! Anyhow..tell your friend that if he chooses to continue smoking that you will keep after him until he has quit.If that doesn't work,then start showing him pictures of people on the internet that have smoked for a long while and all of the bad effects of smoking.

Question for people who get migraines only.?

1.) how often do you get them
2.) how many cups a day do you drink of coffee
1) Every day
2) I don't drink coffee or like drinksThey really suck don't they ?
1. pretty much every other day, unfortunatly
2.i don't drink coffe. occasionally a small ice capp from tim hortons, but thats not hard cofee
:] hope that helps
I suffer from clustered migraines. I get them approx. every two months and they last for a couple days each time. I drink alot of coffee. From about the time i get out of bed until about 8pm. Unless I have a migraine, then i don't drink any at all till it goes away.
1. no less than 2 or 3 times a week.
2. i dont drink coffee. i take PILLS, drink lots of water, and sleep it off.
1.) I haven't had one for quite some time now because I've been taking Cyproheptadine daily which has worked for them. However, I used to get them about 4 or 5 times per month.
2.) I have never been a coffee drinker.
I am 14. I use to get them everyday and didn't drink coffee.
We have treated 15 - 20 yrs cases.
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

Question for migraine sufferers.?

For those of you that have been diagnosed with migraines, have they been able to pinpoint the cause or reasoning behind them? If so, what is that cause and what kind of treatment has given you the most relief?
I get them %26 my most common trigger is my period.
I also get them with weather changes (thunderstorms or temperature changes like extreme heat - etc)
Occaisonal other triggers are lack of sleep.
Often there are multiple triggers in people that add up %26 then you will get a headache. So maybe one month or one week it will thunderstorm %26 no headache, but the next you didn't sleep well, maybe had a glass of wine %26 then boom! big headache...
There are several good books out there on Amazon.com I'll post links to that you should read.http://www.amazon.com/what-your-doctor-a...http://www.amazon.com/heal-your-headache...I take a daily preventive- actually 2 preventives-- I use to only take one- Topamax, then I saw another specialist at Johns Hopkins %26 he tweaked my preventives %26 added Nortryptaline %26 that has really made a big difference. I also take 500 mg of magnesium a day, that is a good natural preventive -- good for relaxing the muscles.
I take a combo of either Relpax or Zomig, 2 Aleve %26 a Phenergan when I do get a migraine (Phenergan is for nausea.) I was told to take it even if I am not nauseated. it will keep me from throwing up later.Good Luck.
I'm not sure what exactly they have pinpointed as the cause for everyone but I know that a lot of times people get them from different causes. Personally I get them from both lack of sleep, stress and some other factors as well. Dark places seem to help me usually with no noise. But it's kind of trial and error so you really need to test to find out for yourself.
I don't suffer from migraine but I know of a friend who gets her migraine triggered by you will never guess - chocolates! Yes, it's true and very sad. I hope you get well soon.Ethan
They dont have a clue, I have had them for 20 years and have had everything from cat scans to nose surgery that was supposed to have helped years ago ha ha, it made them worse , I have tried every anti migranine type pill and shot there is no luck. So now I am on something called Fiorinal 3 , for the pain and take Vicodin if they dont work. I thought for a minute that imitrex injections was working but wa la they came back. If you ever come across anything that does work send me a message, Good Luck
There is no medicine for H/A OR MIGRAINE. Not only these but for almost all painful diseases. Hence they become chronic.
Acidity, excessive wind, cold , heat, sour food and sinusitis, constipation, intestinal inflammation;
Blockage in the flow of Vital Energy are their causes. None of them can be treated with medicine. Our 100% success in treating migraine %26H/A confirms it.
Acupuncture is the best treatment. I can treat it with naturopathy and YOG, but how can you manage pl see.
Avoid late sleeping if possible;spicy, sour, stale bakery foods and alcohole.
Sweet foods, sweet fruits, milk, rice and good sleep will help you.
But you try one herbal remedy- two drops of drumstick leaves' juice in opposite nostril if one side pains and both nostrils if full H/A will give you rescue. Betel leaf helps but it isvery strong.
If it is acute pl search a painful point 3-6 mm behind your thumb nail and press it, H/A will disappear within 30 seconds.Source(s):
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.
I get debilitating migraines about once every 2 weeks sometimes more/less.
I was injured by a Dr. who hit a nerve in my neck and did permanent damage.
I have tried imitrex injection, and all the rest on the market, nothing worked, I always ended up in the E.R. for relief. I live in WI and moved to AZ where I found a great neurologist, I am disabled from various conditions from the injury but migraines being one, I don't work so maybe these drugs wouldn't be for you but they are a godsend for me, I vomit from mine so he gave me Promethazine 25mg and Butal/apap/caf 50-325 tablets.
I recently moved and my new neurologist didn't like it but he said if they work for me to stay on them. I can now control them with these and try to carry on my life.Just a thought for you.I have tried theropy,chiropracters,meditati... cat scans,mri's,pain clinics, to no avail.
I have had cat scans done, and MRI's and i have been taking medicine for the past 3 years. I'm only 17. Doctors have no idea what's wrong with me.

Question for doctors or nurse. This is kind of embarrassing.?

Why would my pants smell like pee? They always get wet in between my legs but I do not pee my pants. I always go to the bathroom when I have to go. I hate it because it's very embarrasing and I feel like people can smell it sometimes. Why is this and is there anything out there I can take. I have a DR appt on Friday for something else so I'm going to ask about it when I go. Has anyone else ever had this problem?
Serious answers only please.
It is possible you are having some bladder leakage. Have you tried wearing a light days oval pad? Is it enough to catch the fluid? If that small pad absorbs it all it might just be minor dripping that happens after going tinkle. But if it isn't enough to catch it all than I am guessing it is more serious. Many women have problems with light incontinence. The Doctor will rule out any infection or medications causing the problem and make suggestions to help you deal with the problem.
well..i am NOT a nurse or a doctor but,i think maybe that u accually worry so much about if people know about something u dont want them to know about and u sweat and the sweat comes down with the smell of 'you know from where' so just dont worry. and also u have to take showers at least 2 times in three days, like i take a bath in the mornings and showers at night. everyday so i dont have to worry about any stinks. but just dont worry its probably ur sweat with the smell of 'it' hope it helped =)
wearing a pad might help for watever is comin' outdo your legs touch when youre walking? if so it could be sweat
You are probably smelling oder given off by bacteria or yeast.
pee pants pee pants pee pants...
Ask your doctor about leakage, or incontinence. Alot of people suffer from this especially women who have had babies, the muscles get weakened and you have leakage. I light pad should help or try doing keegles to strengthen your muscles.
sounds like a weak bladder or muscle problem. definitely mention it at your doctors office.
you don't mention your age but if you are young and never had kids, that should not be happening. As women age, it can become a problem, but there is an exercise called 'Kegel exercises" that could help you. ask your doctor to explain them or look it up here..http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/kegel-e...

Question for City Paramedics?

HelloI'm a Paramedic just graduated a while ago...I work on the oil fields but I hate it and so I am moving to Calgary a city over a million people...I'm just wondering what can I expect in big city what kind of calls? How much severe trauma do you think ill see? Or any other info you think I need to know?Thanks
I can't speak for Calgary, but I do work in a large city. 99% of my calls are not critical. They are a mix of people abusing the 911 system, or people who have minor injuries or illness. You will provide a lot of supportive care. You won't see a lot of real trauma, although in a large city you will get some. Just last shift we had a huge MVC with almost an hour of extrication time. We had helicopters on the ground, traffic backed up for miles, news cameras.. You know, the reason we got into this line of work! Good luck in Calgary. Expect to run on a lot of non-critical calls, but always be ready for the critical ones.
That's right, you will see ALOT of non-critical medical or trauma related complaints. Like any other Big City, you need to be prepared for the real thing as well. Just when you think, another dull shift then BANG! 3 hours after you were supposed to get off and you're still there! As you can guess where I work from my screen name, I've been in this business for 20 years and I still haven't seen it all! (have seen more than my fair share though!)I guess it's what keeps me going. You will definitely see more variety of illness in a big city..The more populous,the more likely you'll see strange things. Stuff you learned about in class but will see in the streets. Things like Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm, Placenta Abrupto, Pontine bleeds just to name a few. Good Luck in Calgary!

Question about tens machine?

I HAVE JUST BOUGHT A TENS MACHINE. Can you tell me if you have one ? And how affective is it .Ibought mine for low back pain .Thanks in ad vance .
What is TENS?
TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. A TENS machine consists of a small box, about the size of an audio-cassette case with a clip on the back so you can attach it to the belt of your dressing gown (or whatever you are wearing in labour). The machine gives out little pulses of electrical energy. Leading out of the box are four wires connected to sticky pads. You place the pads on your back - get your midwife or birth companion to do this for you. If your birth companion is helping you, he or she should follow the instructions which you will have received with the TENS machine. Two of the pads are placed on either side of your spine at about bra-strap level. The other two go lower down, at about the level of the dimples in your bottom. The pads are covered in a gel to help the electrical pulses pass through your skin more easily. The TENS machine has dials that you can adjust to control the frequency and strength of the pulses. There's also a boost button for you to hold in your hand and press when you want maximum output from the machine to help you with a difficult contraction. What are the advantages?
鈥?Portable, non-invasive and entirely under your control 鈥?Easy to use 鈥?Doesn't stop you being mobile 鈥?Use it for as long as you want and then take it off - no lasting side-effects 鈥?Not thought to have any effect on babies 鈥?Can be used for a home birth
What are the disadvantages?
鈥?May only help in the first half of labour and become rather irritating when contractions get really strong 鈥?Costs between 拢20 and 拢30 to hire for a month 鈥?May have to be removed for electronic monitoring of your baby's heart, although the risk of TENS interfering with a fetal heart monitor has been described by one midwifery textbook as only 'slight'. Taking the machine off interrupts the release of endorphins 鈥?If you want to use a birthing pool, you can use TENS before you get in the water, but not when you are in the pool 鈥?Makes it more difficult for your birth companion to massage your back, which is a really excellent form of pain relief.
Any useful tips?
鈥?There are lots and lots of different TENS units available for hire. Ask your friends or your midwife (even better, an obstetric physiotherapist) to help you choose. 鈥?Start with the controls at their lowest settings and turn them up gradually as your contractions get stronger. 鈥?Take the pads off every three hours and smear them again with gel before reapplying them. This ensures that the contact with your back is really good. 鈥?Keep mobile. Being mobile during labour helps women feel more in control and should therefore enhance the effect of TENS. 鈥?If you don't think it's helping you, take it off and don't feel bad. You've lost nothing (except your hire fee). All other forms of pain-relief, both medical and non-medical, are still open to you.
My Mum had one and found it effective in helping her deal with chronic pain. I had a 'Pain Gone' pen which helped me endure the pain of a frozen shoulder for some months when previously I had been at the end of my endurance.
It`s an excellent machine. I`ve been using one for a number of years now, Anytime I get pain in the lower back, I use the Tens and it works perfectly.
A TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator) unit is a device that is thought to somehow block nerve pathways that may submit pain impulses. It can be used as an alternative to or in conjunction with medication. As a nurse, I have seen about 50% success rate in the patients I have encountered who have used these machines. There seems to be a correlation beetween a person's prescription narcotic use and the pain relief they would get from a TENS unit. It seems that the more medications a person was taking, the less effective the TENS unit would be in aiding to relieve their pain. If you have more questions, I've always found that webmd.com has accurate and up-to-date information on a variety of health-related topics. Good luck!
Tens works really well, just have to find the right settings. Remember that Tens only treats the symptom (the pain) not the cause - if you have symptoms for longer that a week or two see a Dr - lower back pain could just be a strain but it could also be a prolapsed disc.
And keep up gentle exercise - rest a back for 24hrs only then get it moving or you'll make it worse!!
My mother has had metal rods operated into her back and down both legs. There is a battery under the skin on her back. She uses a battery wand to turn the machine on and off. She cannot use it when sleeping or driving. She says that it works very well in relieving pain. Many people have to use the TENS machine first before being approved for this operation. For many people the TENS machine affects their nervous system and they cannot use it. If you can use the TENS machine, then you can have the surgery and appliance my mother uses.NB! You cannot go through airport screening devises with the appliance my mother has, also the batteries do die and more surgery is needed to replace the battery and to clean the rods once every 5 years or so.
I have one and mine was for the same as you, low back pain. It is really good as you can adjust it accordingly. As long as you use it sensibly its fab!Hope you get some relief soon.
I have a Boots TENs machine - I use it for neck and shoulder pain, last year when I first damaged my shoulder and broke my collar bone the TENs machine was the only thing that made work bearable - I found using painkillers all the time was tiring and affected my ability to think on the job. My shoulder and neck have recently begun aching again and I use the machine to help me settle at night - It has a time setting so I leave it on for an hour and find that I can get off to sleep with no problems. It did take me a while to find the correct setting - I use a variable pulse now and that suits me fine
I have on and I would recommend it for your back pain, my tens machine helps when all other forms of pain relief fail.

Question about taking off of work...?

so i've had my job for almost 3 weeks now... if i called in sick.. would i get fired?
check your employer's sick leave policy. (and i hope you mean you really are sick)
maybe not the first time but more than that could be a good reason for termination.
I don't know that they would fire you, but I think they wouldn't be too happy about you calling in already. 3 weeks isn't a very long time before missing a day of work at a new job. These kinds of things you have to be real careful with. I would never call in sick until I had been at a new job for at least 5-6 months. And, I would make sure that I am truly sick to do that. But, it's your choice and you do what you have to do. But, be careful! You might not have a job to call in to before long, especially if you make a habit of this.
I was always taught that you go to work sick and let them send you home. That way the employer knows that you made the effort and you really are sick.
It really depends too on what type of job you have. If you are counted on and there isn't another employee that can pick up for you.

Question about stitches around the eye!?

My daughter last saturday fell and split the side of her eye open and got three stitches, the doc said they have to be taken out this saturday, she also said do not get the area that has been stitched wet, do not wash. should she of giving my daughter antibiotics. will it hurt her to get them out, and will it split open again after stitches are out. just a concerned mum. she is only 2 yrs old and am so worried there going to pop open again and hate her running around cause i dont want her to fall.
follow the directions very carefully and call the pediatrician if you need assistance. worry about the things that you can change and not the things you can't -she's only 2 and you'll live a happier life.
it's possible that they are dissolvable stitches which disappear when sprayed with a certain chemical. if not, the worst part is over anyways, taking stiches out is simply a matter of cutting and carefully pulling.unless your doctor prescribed antibiotics or you are noticing an infection, i wouldn't worry too much about taking them.
They were being a bit overcautious. Sutures in the face don't normally need to stay in a whole week, and they can be replaced with tape or adhesive easily enough if there are some special concerns. It would have been fine for her to wash after 36 hours, as long as it's dried well afterwards. It's nearly impossible to get a facial wound infected, so antibiotics are definitely not warranted, and two-year-olds are normally their own worst enemies in suture removal, which in older folks is painless, but they get pretty worked up at that age and can actually cause an injury.
I got stitches right below my lip. They were super tiny. I only had three too. I got them out in a week and everything was fine. They shouldnt pop open. The doctor gave me polysporan for mine. He should have given you that, unless there is something on it where it cant be by an eye. Everything should go fine. However, if something does happen to where they split open again, go the emergency room. If they are super tiny stitches he may have to ues a scalple (spelling). It doesnt hurt to get them out. However if they are super small and if he does have to use the scalple there will be a tiny pinch because he will have to pull a little to get it positioned in a good way to cut. Other then that everything should go fine.
It might be a little uncomfortable having them taken out, but the doctor will probably be very gentle knowing her age. At two, the wound will probably heal very fast and I wouldn'%26#92;t worry about the wound opening after the stitches are out. You should make sure the wound has a small band-aid or gauze over for a few days to help it heal along wih using some antibiotic ointment.
I'm not sure how much damage was done to that area, but it's a good chance little or nothing will show of a scar as she grows.
Wish me luck. On Monday, I have to have about 8 stitches taken out from my nose after having a minor surgical repair for a skin cancer.
Sutures on the face are typically removed after a few days, so your doctor knows what she's doing here.Your daughter might feel some discomfort while the stitches are being removed, but it is not a painful process. Keep her reassured, and keep yourself calm, and it'll all be over before she knows it.The skin will not be at full strength around the cut, after the stitches are removed, so make sure she stays out of trouble for a week or two. But don't worry about the cut reopening by itself. Just keep her face clean around her cut, follow your doctor's advice, and everything will be fine.
i did the exact same thing when i was 2, i got 7 stiches on top of my eyelid below my eyebrow. follow the directions your doctor gives you, if you are still concerned, ask your doctor these questions, chances are, he no's wat he's doing=) good luck to your little one!

Question About RX Terminology.?

I've noticed that at times when I get a prescription for Oxycodone filled, the label says only "oxycodone" - while at other times it says "oxycodone HCL" - I researched the "HCL" portion and it means " hydrochloride." Does the "HCL" mean I'm getting a different medication?
no it is the same thing. the HCl has to do with the chemistry part of the drug. The HCl is there attached to the drug untill it hits your stomach. then it detaches from the drug and "activates it" so the drug can do its job. HCl is a stomach acid found and produced by the stomach and helps breakdown food. The HCl that comes off the drug helps breakdown food in the stomach and is excreted by the body harmlessly.
No. It's all the same thing.
same medicine - some pharmacies don't print out the full chemical name.
Nope it's the same thing.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/hydrochlori...

Question About Recording Systolic BP?

I take my blood pressure once a week on a blood pressure machine. When I first sit down and record my BP, the systolic is quite high (about 140-144), but after a moment or two, I'll retake my systolic BP and it will be around 122-128. What is the reason for this discrepency? And which number should I take as my "real" systolic BP? Thanks.
You should be sitting relaxed for five minutes before you take your BP to get an accurate measure of your resting SBP. If you are worried about accuracy you could take it three times during the day and then average your values.
Maybe if you were not so hateful you wouldn't have this problem? Think about that. Hate makes your blood pressure rise. You're killing yourself for no good reason.

Question about my penis/crotch area...?

I've been drinking a LOT of milk lately(there was this one day when I had ~3 L of milk) but then again like 2 days ago I had NO milk to balance everything out. However, for around 3 days now I've been feeling this weird pain on my crotch area. It's not a strong pain, but it's there. I'm really concerned, and I remember my health teacher telling me that when he had so much calcium they had to do some really bad surgery around his crotch area...is the same thing happening to me? I just turned 16 and I'm not really that tall so...if not, what is the problem? It pain doesnt just go on my penis, but really everywhere in the crotch area. Thanks.
If you have pain down there - its not normal and even though it could be embarrassing go and get it checked out just so you can rule out anything serious.
Dear Friend,Some one once told me "Too much of anything is bad for you." I don't have the answer to your problem, but I suggest you keep your quantities to a minimum.
Lay off the milk...or cut back on it anyway.

Question about my pain killer?

i just had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out friday, 3 are healing up perfectly but one is killing me, im on a generic percocet the name is oxycodone 325 mg, and it makes me really sleepy and groggy, but what has me worried is it makes me real dizzy.. is that normal or do i need to get a differant pain killer?
Oxycodone is an analgesic that causes drowsiness, nausea, dizziness, and lightheadedness. Your symptoms are normal. If you take your meds on a full stomach it might relieve your symptoms a little, but when taking a painkiller as strong as the one you are it is completely normal. This is why it states that you shouldn't drive or operate heavy machinery while taking them.
normal how ever i would maybe call your dentist about the tooth giving you issues perhaps you have dry socket ouchy
Yep sounds about right for percocet. They can give you tylenol with codeine, it won't work as well but will likely have less side effects. Demerol or morphine will do the similar things - especially the dizzy part. I don't react well to morphine - it makes me see people who aren't there - even happy hallicinations are still bad. lol If only one tooth out of four is hurting you probably need to at least call, likely visit your dentist/surgeon. It may be they missed a piece, or you have a dry socket.
Perfecty normal. Nope, U don't need to ask for a different pain reliever. You could take less ( a half a pill) if that get rid of the pain. but like the person above stated, if its dry socket, it would take 2 at a time to get rid of my pain... dizzy is o.k.

Question about my arm Best answer gets 10 Pts Please help?

Today me and my cousin where boxing and he accidentally punched me in the arm kinda of hard not to bad but didnt have boxing gloves on [ i did] anyways i have to veins in my arm where i got punched and 5 minutes later my eye site was messing up and my ears where blocked up for about 5 more minutes then finally everything became normal again my arm still hurts kind of there is no bruise cut scrape or anything out of the ordinary although it hurts i am not sure what to do i know i should maybe see a doctor even though nothing looks wrong but i cant get n appointment for a while and i was wondering if anyone here could give me advice what to do becuase i really want to know what the problem is wether or not i should worry or jsut wait it off? please help me best answer get's 10 points Plez
He most likley hit a nerve. In this case, it is normal to expeiriance what you did. A trip to the hospital or docters in the first 72 hours is not nessesary unless, you see no improvment and/or you are in severe pain. If you start feeling better, you probably just bruised a bone or had some temporary damage. Advil should take care of pain and discomfort right now. Hope you feel better! And remember, if it dosent get any better, you should go see a docter! Good luck!
first of all, if your going to box, (even playing), you should both be wearing gloves. if you got hit in the arm, that shouldn't effect you eyesight. chances are your arm is going to be sore for a few days, but i'm pretty sure you'll live.
I really wouldn't worry about it too much. It sounds to me that it was a freak little accident. Give it a day and see how you feel. If you don't have any more problems with your eye sight or your ears, and you don't develop some massive bruise with swelling I wouldn't worry too much. However, if your condition does worsen, or you just want to be 100% positive that you're fine call and make an appointment with your doctor and see what he/she says. Maybe the receptionist could let you speak with a nurse, sometimes speaking with them and telling them about your symptoms will get you in with the doctor faster (if they feel you're in need), other time they're able to tell you that it's probably not an emergency. Good Luck.
it could have been a nerve that he hit, everything should be fine, just wait it off, if in 2 days, it does not get better, go to a doctor.

Question about moderation?

I have a problem, and I need to know some steps to help control it. I seem to always overexert myself whenever I need to do something, and then 'burn out' examples seem the only way to explain.At my last job I was working 70 hours a week and busting my ***, but I quickly fettered out and quit. School is another thing, I got straight A's the first month, then pass by the skin of my teeth the rest of the year. A third example being working out. One or two days of intense work out followed by a week or two of inactivity.My question being, how do I moderate myself to avoid burning out, this is pretty deeply rooted, so I need some really good advice.Thank you.
It seems like you have answered your own question. Don't start off with such vigorous activity. Just learn to pace yourself from the beginning and then you won't burn out--at least I don't think you will. You probably should consult someone other than YA, unless there are some qualified counselors on here.
out of all you have to calm down and try to think of something diffrent
You need to sit down and make yourself a schedule. It is clear that you have a problem in controlling your life. So make something that will control you. Here is my schedule. If I have to make any changes I make myself write a description in a special notebook explaing why I am not following my schedule. I just hate going back and reading my stupid excuses.7-8 Get Dressed and Eat Breakfast
8-9 Work out
9-10 shower and get dressed
10-10:30 drive to work.
10:30-1 Work
1-1:30 Lunch
1:30-5:30 Work
5:30-6 drive home
6-7 Prepare Dinner
7-9 Watch TV
9-10 Get ready for Bed
Stop expecting so much of yourself - you work seventy hours because you threw yourself in to it, but there were no dividends (there wouldn't be, it was a job).I'd guess that you thrive on a challenge, but it's no fun if no-one else is competing.Set yourself sensible goals that you wish to achieve - just for your own satisfaction (get a year wall planner and go on a slower path in your quest for world domination) - but build in some YOU time and don't forget the rest of us may be mere mortals, but we can be quite nice really.cheers
Well, ya kinda sound like I used to be. I went to my Dr. It was just so out of hand I couldn't finish a sentence much less a project. She diadnosed me with ADHD and Oh my! What a difference a day makes. Before you pick on yourself, find how if your health is okay. Oh, by the way I can remember not being able to concentrate in Elementary School! I am 56 years old and I started on proper medication for my Neurological problem three years ago. That's a long time to live thinking you must be nuts...lol... Best of Luck to You. Friend2Friend, J
it seems as if you have a "short attention span"/"instant gratification" type of personality--we're all get like this sometimes.for the work situation: were required to work so many hours, or did you do this voluntarily?for the school situation: was it that you thought the earlier material was easy and you anticipated skating through it? (i'm guilty of having done this myself)for the gym situation: what are your workout goals?
you obviously know, in retrospect, that you push yourself too hard in the beginning and then slack off towards the end...the only "advice" i can offer is to remind yourself that you tend to burn-out--make yourself a schedule: if you voluntarily work extra hours, cut back a little. arrange some study time; study SOMETHING even if you don't have any school assignment--read ahead maybe? limit your exercise to an hour...plan out your weightlifting regime and stick to it, for example..."this week i'm only going to do X-amount of sets with Y-amont of weight and can only increase the sets/weight by Z-amont"giving yourself a schedule and structure may prevent you from overdoing it.good luck!

Question About Medication Hyoscyamine?

ok i have 2 questions first can Hyoscyamine possibly cause heart palpitations ive been on it for 2-3 weeks and ive had palpitations for about a week 2nd question is can i just stop this medicine or will that cause me a problem its Hyoscyamine 1 tablet 3 times a day 0.125 mg my dr is out of town and would like to stop it since it isnt helping me and might be causing other problems
Hyoscyamine may cause side effects. Tell your doctor if any of these symptoms are severe or do not go away:
* drowsiness
* dizziness or lightheadedness
* headache
* blurred vision
* flushing (feeling of warmth)
* dry mouth
* constipation
* difficulty urinating
* increased sensitivity to lightIf you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately:
* diarrhea
* skin rash
* eye pain
* fast or irregular heartbeat
One of the common adverse reactions to hyoscyamine is palpitations and a less common adverse reaction is tachycardia. The half-life is 3-5 hrs. The med is metabolized in that time and excreted in urine. Contact your doctor's office and speak to the doctor on call. I think you can discontinue this med but you need to be sure and you need to know if there's anything else that should be done for you. Get off the computer and on the phone.

Question About Making Another Doctor Do Surgery?

I have some form of blood clot in my wrist, it has been like that since april and the orthepedic doctors were waiting to see if it would go away. But now they are going to removed, so i have to get surgery done. But they are so back up with surgeries so i have to wait over a month.and it is really hurting. I been in pain for months, any movement in my wrist hurts and i cant just keep taking pain killers. I cant be sleeping everyday. Could I have another doctor to do the surgery? How would I go about doing that? After i get the surgery done, can i just go back to my regular orthepedic doctor for check ups to see how my wrist is doing?
Express your concerns with your present doctor and tell them u are thinking of going somewhere else due to the back up. If u go to another doctor i am sure he will have to see your charts from the other doctor and exam u so that may take some time too. But really tell your doctor a blood clot is nothing to mess with. Be a pain if u have to , it's your life and doctors are so ready to put off and off anymore. Good Luck.
I would talk to your current doctor about this. It's certainly something that you could consider. I would express your feelings to your current doctor, and ask them about going to another doctor, and what doctor they would suggest, and if you could go back to your normal doctor after wards.
of course you can go to another dr- if your insurance says ok. you tell your current doc that you'd like your records sent to your new doctor for a second opinion. they won't say no. but your followups are best done by the surgeon.
won't it take close to a month to get a new patient appt and then a pre-op consult at another specialist doctor anyway? good luck. get well soon

Question About Making Another Doctor Do Surgery?

I have some form of blood clot in my wrist, it has been like that since april and the orthepedic doctors were waiting to see if it would go away. But now they are going to removed, so i have to get surgery done. But they are so back up with surgeries so i have to wait over a month.and it is really hurting. I been in pain for months, any movement in my wrist hurts and i cant just keep taking pain killers. I cant be sleeping everyday. Could I have another doctor to do the surgery? How would I go about doing that? After i get the surgery done, can i just go back to my regular orthepedic doctor for check ups to see how my wrist is doing?
You have the final say on your health.You can get a 2nd 3rd 4th etc. opinion its your right period.
You would most likely have to start the "process" all over again with the new doctor. SO, stay with the Dr. who knows you and the situation.
Yeah, I know it hurts, but its probably best.
I would talk to your current doctor about this. It's certainly something that you could consider. I would express your feelings to your current doctor, and ask them about going to another doctor, and what doctor they would suggest, and if you could go back to your normal doctor after wards.
You may have to pick up your medical info or have it faxed over. I would ask the office about that, but they will give it to you if you do choose to go to another doctor.

Question about lightheadedness?

Hi. Im 16 yrs old, weigh 213 (Most fat not muslce, oging to try to bld muscle though) Im 5'6-5'8 and lately (Last few days) Ive been getting light headed when I get up form sitting/laying down. It lasts for just a few secs. Sometimes i get pressure infornt of my forhead, and it doesnt hurt, but it does give me discomfert. the question is, since i was a kid, i have to sleep with like 2-3 pillows, you can picture it, my next is like bent. Just recently i been getting like this and the thing that im thinkin of is, since ive been sleeping like this, is it possible that the reason i get these lightheaded moments and such is because since my next is all twisted when i sleep, that some blood gets cut off? Im going to sleep with 1 pillow (my moms is this special curved one that like made of that tempurpuda crap from "NASA" supposebly, anyways, would this help make it go away? I have these pains that when i turn/tild to a certain way, back of neck hurts...alot.PLEASE HELP RLY SCARED GodBless
go and see a doctor as it may be more serious than you think. i had headaches every day for 15 months and the light headedness and i ev entually went to a doctor wehen my eyesight started to go funny. i was diagnosed with a rare but serious condition so please go and get yourself checked out
hi, its sounds like orthostatic hypotension,. a big word for a typical problem. it means your blood pressure drops quickly when u change positions. try to get up in stages. sit up first, then slowly rise. your body will then accomadate the blood pressure changes. there is nothing wrong with you if this happens. also with your neck, sounds like u just have a preference for a certain position when u sleep.again, dont worry.goodluck ;)michele
Since your Mom cares enough about you to buy you special pillows, then she'll be good enough to take you to the doctor. Just ask her.
You have two seperat problems. first the pain in the neck. You sleep with so many pillows because of a sleep disorder that you probablly don't know you have called sleep apnea. it basically means you have a hard time breathing when you lay flat. so by increasing th height and angle of your head you are preventing your airway from closing, see a doctor about that. T
the pain is because you are putting pressure on your neck. It is a stiff neck. you are basically stretching the muscles for 8 hrs, depending on ho wlong you sleep. What you cantry doing is putting the pillow more under your upper back and shoulders. this will keep your head elevated and reduce the stress on the neck.
finally the dizziness. when you lay flat your heart has to work as a certian stress level to get blood to all parts of your body, your blood pressure. You also have blood flowing evenly throughout. you dont have to fight gravity. when you stand up you all of a sudden have to fight gravity and your heart wasn't ready to work that hard. all you have to do is get up a little slower. i'm not saying take 5 min to get up, but don't shoot up like a rocket. this will allow your heart to make the adjustment it needs to to keep the proper blood flow to the head.,
you should still see your doctor, there may be other underlying problems though
At your age, Mom should still be taking you for reg checkups at your pediatrician. I can give several reasons for your symptoms, but they would all be guesses. Tell Mom and have her make an appt for a complete physical. And as far as your weight...dont worry about it. You still have several growth spurts to go thru between now and up to 3 years from now. Just get in for a check up...and have him check your ears, sinuses and BP.
Hey my Man, With that much weight, at your age, tells me that your diet, and perhaps being sedentary(immobile), has caused any number of health problems,...for example, high blood pressure, type II childhood diabetes,etc... The explanation for the light headiness is a health issue, although, I am not a doctor but my suggestion is that you see a doctor, ASAP! Also a good nutritionist and begin to excersise, very slowly,... perhaps walking, swimming is the least harmful to the joints. I wouldn't suggest Jogging as with your extra weight, you could cause joint, back and more neck problems. Regarding the 2-3 pillows, this doesn't sound good for any ones neck, continue with the special curved pillow, good move! However my hunch is that your light headiness problem needs to be addressed by your doctor,..but mostly will improve DRAMATICALLY! With a healthier diet LIKE VEGGIES, FRUIT, High Protein(tuna, fish, poultry, eggs,etc...), low fat, low sugar, etc...Also by exercising you will adjust your metabolism to burn more fat! Good Luck My Brother, may you have MANY healthy years, but only YOU, can determine that by taking ACTION! God Bless!
Aloha jny
lose weight. I don't think you should weigh more than 160.
check the chart online. I do genealogy and am seeing a lot of records and guys back 100 years ago who were around 5'8" used to weigh 135 although I think that's a tad light for you.I don't know what you're eating, drinking or taking. Diabetes causes lightheadedness and it happens in overweight people. Also if you're taking medication such as aspirin or cold nose sprays or anything that could be the cause. But I would suggest you get in to see your doctor and get your blood tested just to make sure you're ok.

Question about Ibuprofen?

What are the long term affects of taking Ibuprofen, Im talking many yrs and about 800 mg a day at least?
Ibuprofen is an non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in the same class as Celebrex and other drugs that were pulled from the market because of cardiac side effects. NSAIDs act by inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins. These hormones are involved in many physiological processes, including pain perception, fever and inflammation. However, prostaglandins may also help to maintain the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system and the blood vessels of the heart, and they influence the excretion of water and sodium by the kidney. In people with hypertension (raised blood pressure) or heart failure, NSAIDs can worsen their condition and impair the effectiveness of their treatment. I would NOT take ibuprofen or any other NSAID for long periods of time. Ibuprofen has also been shown to cause gastro-intestinal problems with long term use, as the poster above mentioned. What it comes down to is which is worse? The pain or condition that you're taking the ibuprofen for or it's side effects? Next time you're in to see your doctor, ask him if there is something else you can take and if you can switch off for a while. He may have forgotten that you're still on it.
It will give you ulcers as it messes with your stomach,I too take it for my back and my doctor said it can mess with kidneys also.Without it i can;t even get out of bed; GUESS I;M DAMNED IF I DO AND DAMNED IF I DON;T ...PLEASE TALK TO YOUR DOCTER ABOUT THIS,i;M SURPRISED HE NEVER TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS AS YOUR ONLY SUPPOSE TO BE ON IT FOR A SMALL WHILE..good luck,
Well you know all the usual stuff about medicine and using it more then you should. None of them are really true in most cases. Trust me they would not have made it over the counter (OTC) if there was any real serious potential for problems. In my experience 800mg a day is not a whole lot either. The prescription strength is 800 mg 3 times a day. Of course long term use can lead to some serious stomach bleeding. 20,000 people a year DIE from NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti- Inflammatory Drugs) most of these are older Americans that take these drugs long term for arthritis etc. The other potential problem of long term use is Kidney problems. These drugs do put some extra stress on the kidneys. Finally they also can hurt the liver as well but not usually as much as the kidney.
I was on this for years before seeing a doctor, he took tests right away to make sure there were no internal organ problems.
With my serious problems Osteo-arthritis in the severe degenerative stages, twelve surgeries in four years on my spine and neck and, with severe nerve damages I now take Vicodin to replace the Ibuprofen and have blood tests every six weeks. Any of these can raise havoc with the stomach or other organs not to say the habitual use of these. My own daughter was habituated to aspirin. You can be habituated to any drug if your not careful.
Have you tried a Yahoo search for ibuprofen + "side effects"?

Question about ibuprofen?

one of my wisdom teeth is growing in and it hurts soooooo bad! i have been taking ibuprofen for the pain and it works well. i take two 200mg pills probly twice a day. my sister said that i shouldnt do that because it could cause stomach bleeding...is this true?
Excessive amounts over a long period of time...yes it is possible. But, for inflammation such as your teeth, taking 800 MG 2 x a day (every 8 to 10 hours) is ok...but for a week at most.you can also take 400 MG of Advil at the same times for the pain. If you still have issues.see your Dr.!
with a dr permission i was taking 800 4 times a day. if you are in that much pain i would find a dentist. but yes there are some concerns over ulcers and stomach bleeding.
400 mg. 2x a day shouldn't hurt you. Take it with milk or food to reduce stomach upset.

Question about health insurance?

I'm 18.. my mom and dad can't afford to have health insurance for me.. and I'm inbetween jobs right now.. but i really need to see a doctor. I live with my dad and he doesn't make that much.. how do i qualify for like medicare or something can help me see a doctor??
You wont qualify for medicare or medicaid unless you have a disability. My suggestion to you is hit the emergency room. You can usually have them bill you instead of paying for it then and there. After that you can set up a payment plan. Some hospitals also can adjust your bill based on income if you qualify. You can apply for that with the financial dept at the time of or after your er visit.If you need to see the doc because you are pregnant or other sexual health concerns, go to planned parenthood or the health dept.
Other thought: Are there any free or reduced clinics in your area?And in most cases parents cant carry a child over 18 if they are not a full time student, so it may not be that they can't afford to, but actually can't.
sorry if you live in the united states you dont qualify for anything. if you are in school then you can go there. if its an emergency you can get admitted to most emergency rooms. where i live they don't take people without insurance anymore though. if its non-emergency maybe you can get some help on the alternative medicine board here.
If you're really in a bind, go to your county hospital. Most likely you can get some help there. After all that's what property %26 state income taxes are for to help people like you when they need it. I know the illegal aliens sure as hell take advantage of this where I live.
I go through Ameriplan. It's not exactly insurance but... it does the same as insurance for me. And it's so much less. Just check it out, the site I went to is below. Best of Luck.http://www.mybenefitsplus.com/40233517...