Monday, July 13, 2009

Pain in mi right ovary?

for some reason mi right ovary seems to be hurting every now and then. I know im not pregnant because the last time my bf and i fooled around was over a month ago and i got my period so i can rule out pregnancy but could i be ovulating?
Anytime a woman has a question it's best to see your OB/GYN. Our female health isn't something to ignore. If you are younger and do not yet have an OB/GYN get one. If you're old enough to have sex with your bf then your old enough to have an OB/GYN. My daughter is 17 and our pediatricians have 2 doctors on staff who specialized in adolescent teens - will dispense birth control and are qualified to perform pelvic exams. If you think the pain is related to ovulation follow your cycle to find out if it happens around ovulation time. For example - if your cycle is usually 30 days (count from first day of period to first day of next period) then you will ovulate around the 14th day. Your doctor may want to check for ovarian cysts which are common but very often not dangerous. Also getting your period does not rule out pregnancy as it's not uncommon to have a period in early pregnancy - take a pregnancy test to be sure.
Your ovaries cramp a bt when you ovulate. It's nothing out of the ordinary. If it's major pain that is concerning you, I'd definitely check with your OBGYN. It could be a cyst. You might also be aware that there is a possibility it could be your appendix, also.
a pain in your ovary can mean a lot. but don't worry it could be nothing. Sometimes when a woman starts to ovulate it can cause pain because of the egg is moving through our ovary's. most likely that is what it is. but you could also have something eals wrong. I would wait a few days or if the pain should worsen then go see your doctor
You take a glass of warm water + 1/2 lemon till you feel fresh.
Best is to put the SOUTH POLE of a strong magnet on pain site for 20 mins at 11 hrs gap. Pain will disappear.
Observe if heating helps to relieve pain.
Prepare mud from hilly soil and spread on painful area.
Treat acidity with milk, rice, pure ghee drawn from curds, cocoanut water and fruits/sprouts/salads.
Avoid spicy, stale, bakery foods and alcohole.Treat constipation with green vegis and salads avoiding above mensioned foods.
Never eat without hunger. If no hunger have a citrus fruit.
R.H. 鈥?19, Jhulelal Society, Sector 鈥?2/E, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, INDIA.

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