Monday, July 13, 2009

Pain in the back of my jaw?

I woke up wit pain in back of my jaw, where ur neck an jaw bone connect. (It don't hurt unless apply a little bit of preassure). Would it hurt because I sleept on that side all night? Or is it different?
Yes, it sounds to me like you have a syndrome called TMJ. a.k.a. Temporal mandibular joint disfunction. There are a few possible causes for this to start. Q:Is it hard for you to close your jaw tightly with all your teeth aligned strait or is it crooked? Do you get a popping sound when you eat? Do solid foods bother you like a tough steak or taffy when you chew? If yes, it will also bother you at night especially. When you sleep you jaw goes slack and relaxes. If it is not kept in proper alignment during sleep you'll wake up in PAIN. There are braces available for supporting the jaw during rest. I know all about this . I've lived with this condition for many years. Warm soaks, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxers, pain meds offer relief. Ther are surgical solutions but they are risky because of possible nerve damage could occur. I'm with on this.Good luck! See your doctor to make sure of a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. It usually is a chronic, progressive disorder that can turn arthritic if left unchecked.
Is there popping??
your probably grinding your back teeth together maybe?
Does it make a clicking or a popping sound when you bite or when you open your mouth? Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth especially during sleep?
If yes, I think you have A TMJ disorder.
This disorder will cause you to have pain in the neck, headaches/ dizziness, ear pain or ringing in the ears and your jaw may lock wide open (ouch). I know this because I also have this contition, I'm wearing my splint for a year now. the treatment seems effective. My doctor advised me to aviod chewing gums and to apply hot compress on the area of pain. Go see your doctor for confirmation. It's best to have your treatment when it is in the early stages.

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