Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pain Relievers?

I always have headaches and I have used just about every type of pain reliever brand name and otherwise is there a reason why they don't work on me? I usually take two. Is there something different that works a whole lot better?
I have the same problem! The migraine prescriptions don't work either... The only thing that kicks my headache is vicodein... I would make an appointment to see a Doctor... there may be a bigger reason you are getting these headaches!
you need to speak to a doctor and find out what kind of headaches you have. if they are tension headaches, Advil or some kind of ibuprohen will work. if they are migraines (or cluster, like mine,) a prescription medicine, like Imitrex, works great. recently, because I was having so many headaches all the time, I started a new propholactic medicine, Topomax, which I take two times a day, and I haven't had a headache in two weeks!good luck!
tiger balm from a chinese food store is great - also pinch the fold of skin between your thumb and index finger - usually works for me.if headaches are frequent i would get checked out by your doctor

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