Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Period cramps help!?

i have these really bad cramps in my lower stomach area, and i normally get them but ive taken advil and it hasnt helped at all. does anyone know what food i can eat to help rid the pain? i know heating pads work, but i am more looking towards other things. i also heard that milk or dairy? works any ideas? thanks 鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
Try midol. It's stronger. Also, try doing something physical and taking a bath. Chocolate can actually help menstrual symptoms, so maybe eat some chocolate. lol
Try taking a hot bath or jogging, jogging really helps even though its somtimes hard to start.
If you rub your feet it helps or if you eat spinach with strawberyy jellyy.that also helps
take a warm shower and just let the water run over your stomach u shouldn't take baths on your period
You could take 800mg of the ibuprofen..have you tried that dosage?
take something proven good to stop cramps like midol.i don't know any foods that u can eat.
Ok, I have very painfull monthlies too the best thing to take if you can is aleve. I would sugest eating spinache before you monthly it helps with the cramps. Also if you have the energy I don't but exercise is said to help. I cannot get out of bed for the first 2 days of mine.Good luck.P.S.
If the pain is more than you can handle and you have alot of clots see your doc it could be something serious.
Site below tells about foods that will help you a great deal as researched by a gynecological group. Don't take drugs like Advil or Tylenol since they hurt your liver.
no baby there is no food that helps cramps if you dont have a heating pad try a hot bath or put hot water in a zip lock bag and put it on your lower stomach.Mydol is the thing for cramps and I take three and it works and i get cramps worse than anyone just ask my husband.
You need to buy Motrin, Advil, Nuprin, or Aleve
even Mithodol that stuff really works.
I had the same problem. I had tumors, so make sure you get checked! Milk does help. take magnesium also. and don't forget iron. heating pads did help me as well as a hot facecloth on the area, or a hot bath.
Mine used 2be sooo horrible I know how u feel and Im sry ur going through this. Nothing used to help me, so I went to the doctor and they decided 2put me on birth control. Yeah its a lil weird 2think about but I love it, I rarely get cramps + my period lasts for 4days. But If you dont feel comfortable taking birth control, I heard exercise helps + lots of water.
Best of luck!
There are some pills that you can get over the counter. CVS carries them. They are stronger than Advil or Tylenol, however, they make you sleepy. I like them especially at night so that I can get a good night's rest without the cramping keeping me up. They are call Percogesic. You'll find them near the Tylenol on the Bottom shelf. They work wonders on other pains, like headaches, as well.
I find 2 aleve work best for cramps. Also drinking hot ginger tea.
Good Luck
i take ibuprofen it helps me heaps
could use i heating pad
idk how to take care of that since ive never had any
I know you don't want to use heat but that's what worked best for me --- especially wet heat like a hot tub bath.
See a doctor if you can, go to an emergency room and wait your turn and wait for an x-ray. It may get to be so bad you will have to apply for social security income because you have trouble working consistently. In that case find get medical evidence like when you saw a doctor (keep the papers your doctor gives you after seeing you) and go to your local ss administration office with your medical evidence and take a number and wait to tell your story to one of them. They have you see another doctor but hopefully after a month or three you will get the income you need. But besides there here are other options:Marijuana (which despite what many think, is legal in the U.S. as long as you are using it for medical reasons). The effects depend on the strain, some will make you hallucinate a little or maybe a lot but those strains are rare and hard to get I think, others make you high or calm or numb your body or a mixture of those things.If you can afford it or think you need the, get better: shoes, insoles, pillows (the typical puffy kind are bad for your neck), seats (without a hole or depression on the seat for your tail bone you are asking for pain and if the back is not conforming to your spine, that isn't gonna help either) and a better bed (a sagging bed can be killer on your back).Electro-therapy and infrared heating devices can also be a big help for nerve and muscle pain and is cheaper then trying to get marijuana all the time unless you just happen to be somewhere where you can legally grow it and have a lot of money to grow and storage it.To prevent gas pain from gas build up you will need to eat a certain type of enzyme (read the website in my profile).

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