Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Please help, i burned myself how do i prevent a scar?

HELP! i burned myself with the clothing iron on my arm. it's the third or fourth day, right now it's still red and i've put a lot of neosporin on it but it's sooo red i'm scared it will be an ugly disgusting scar! what can i put on it to ease it? what can i do?
clothing iron... hmmm, i would have taken that to a burns unit straight away - there is lots they can do if you get it there early. don't worry you've still got options... just not as many. if you are still worried then take it to a hospital - you can email me a couple of photos if you want, but the internet isn't the best place for diagnosis. COLD WATER is the best first aid when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal within the first hour (sooner the better). NEVER ice or vinegar or milk or butter or mustard or toothpaste or sunscreen or semen or vaseline - not until it is fully healed!13 hours or so later now so i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent)cover the burnt area in paraffin wax after cleaning and removing any burst blisters - these are just sites of infection and will take longer to heal. wash and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.paraffin creates a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain as it protects sensitised nerves. the paraffin imitates the natural oils secreted by the skin. skin cells are better able to multiply and regenerate with this treatment. pain is also helped. make sure you buy plenty of this paraffin - as the burn heals switch to aqueous cream bp.(aqueous cream has a bunch of paraffin in it plus some moisturisers - look out for stuff that also contains sorbolene or glycerine as these help also). following this regime definitely will help your sunburn heal faster and peel less. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids- this is a function of healthy put aloe on the paraffin on over the top as long as there is no broken skin this works great. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin. this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/alternatives are available in your area email if you still have questions - send photos
Okay, so toothpaste usually works, but only if you put it on right away. Remember that for next time.So now, I suggest rubbing aloe vera gel on it frequently, it'll help. Hope you heal well soon!
I've used aloe vera successfully in the past. It's best if you have the plant, but gel will work as well. It also helps the burn stop hurting. It's best if used immediately, but I imagine it would still help.
You may end up having a scar anyway. Best thing to do to take the "burn" or redness out of it is to use something with Aloe in it. I'd recommend straight Aloe if you have it. (There are plants that you can by if you don't.) I wouldn't recommend hand lotion - there may be ingredients that can make it worse.
put on vaseline! this keeps he skin soft and can prevent severe scaring! dont cover it up ither! good luck! if it dose scar scar's eventualy fade so it will not be ugly! dont worry and good luck!x
The protein in semen has been proven to help cure many types of burns. In fact, they use semen bought from sperm banks in many burn wards.
Clothing irons leave terrible burns and I'm sorry you got burned. I would suggest letting a doctor look at it and tell you what's best to do. I know this wasn't the answer you were looking for but you shouldn't mess around with burns.
Make up could help but I'm pretty sure that you don't wanna put it on for the rest of your life. Have you tried aloe vera? Or you probaly can get special surgery to get rid of it.
Pure Vitamin E. You can get it at any drug store. Make sure it is PURE and NOT a lotion or mixture. It is great for any scars not just burns. If you have an aloe vera plant cut off a stem and rub the goo on. It's more for burn relief but I also find it helps the scar.Good luck!!
It sounds like you may have already gotten it infected. If it is only red immediately around where the iron hit it, then it may be o.k. depending on how long the iron actually touched it. It is possible that you have a 3rd degree burn. Neosporin is the best home remedy. Don't let anyone tell you to put butter or other household stuff on it. That can cause more problems than you have now. If there is no puss and no red streaking around it, keep up with the neosporin. I had a burn from a motorcycle tailpipe that took a few months to heal. I was lucky it did not get infected but the Doc told me NO butter, NO peroxide for suspected infection (that actually kills good cells), NO home remedies. Keep it clean and when you gently wash it with soap each day, make sure to just pat it dry with a clean towel. Don't use a towel that you have just dried your body with or a previously used towel. Burns are very susceptible to infection so cleanliness is a must. If you suspect infection at all go to get medical help ASAP. There isn't much you can do about scarring at this point. After it heals, no open skin at all, you can put Vitamin E oil on it or any over the counter scar cream found in the pharmacy. Good luck.
PS I am seeing the Aloe suggestions. I use Aloe but that usually just helps right after the burn. You also need to make sure if you use some that it is clean. Your burn is too susceptible to infection, in my estimation, to use anything that may contaminate it. Like, NO toothpaste. Someone has rubbed their brush on that that has been in their mouth. Not sterile! Also, sperm advice is a scam from a sham, I hope you know.
Neosporin helps for fast healing... Fast healing can typically help inhibit scarring
I have found cutting open vitamin e capsules and spreading the vitamins directly on the burn. Although I think scarring is eminent based on one's general body make-up. Hope you feel better
I suppose consuming Triamcinolon ointment according to new medicine or honey according to traditional medicine on your injured skin; but I advise you to counsel with Dermatologist
Do you have a Alovera plant or get some gel of it at drug store without alcohol in it. Plus using vitimin E capsule inbetween, beak it open and put on it.
there is not much you can do for a burn wound its not like a cut you have killed the cells in your arm and it will proobibly leave a small csacar dependeing on how badly you burend it
Toothpaste will help ease the pain, whilst you should invest in a product called bi-oil which you apply everyday and slowly reduces the scar. It will cost around $15-20 from your local chemist.Hope this helps!
my sister used merderma and this aloe gel. but scars dont go away quickly so dont expect it to be gone in a day. if u use those it should eventually disappear!! GOOD LUCK!!

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