Wednesday, August 5, 2009

PLEASE HELP QUICKLY just got stung by a BLACK BEE!?

What are the dangers of being stung by a really big black bee with dark brown wings towards the end? And what should i do? i applied some vinegar and neosprin and the stinger didnt go inside. Can anyone find any pictures of large black bees so i can classify which type it is? Is any medical help necessary? i feel fine but there is minor swelling on the part i got stung(back). got stung about 20 or 30 mins ago and the bee was weak after it stung me im not sure if it would have died but i killed it so i can tell what type of bee it is. please help quickly . what should i do and what are some possible dangers? Thanks!
I know a bit about insect/bug bites/stings. Unless it's a species that hunts for its prey like a scorpion or a spider or some wasps the venom probably isnt gonna do much to you. If it is only swelling and not causing you to lose your breath I wouldnt worry about it. The main danger with most bee and wasp stings (and some scorpions) is having an allergic reaction and going into anaphylactic shock and dying due to breathing problems but if you're not having an allergic reaction then you should be fine :). You would know if you were having one there would be major swelling and several other symptoms. Most bee stings and wasp stings use the same kind of venom so if you've never had an allergic reaction to other bee stings you should be ok. As far as what kind it was it would be easier searching the net if you said like what state you live in or what region.
It might be a mason wasp as shown here
I hope some of that info helps
it's just a honey bee, unless you're allergic you'll be fine.
Unless you have an allergy to stinging insects, you should be fine. The only real danger from bees is swarming or violent, anaphylactic allergic reaction, which you clearly are not having.
well its not that dangerous all you have to do is pee on it i know it sound really wierd but it really works and also makes the pain a lot less too, i know this becase a doctor told me to when i got got stung by onne too. trust me it will work bye

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