Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Please help i have a "bubble" on my finger!??

last night i was putting fake glue on nails on myy cousin and the little glue bottle i had spilt on the carpet and i hadent realized it and i accedentally put my finger on the spot. it took off like five layers of my skin, i put a band aid on it and when i woke up in the morning my finger had a 'bubble' on it and i want to get rid of it! please help me
Your body is trying to heal. The bubble should be filled with a clear puss, which is a healing solution naturally produced by your body. If you burst it, the bubble will deflate, but you will want to put some antibiotic with an analgesic to reduce pain. I would suggest not bursting it. But if you cannot stand it, you won't do too much harm in bursting it. Remember, make sure you apply antibiotic (like neosporin) to it if you burst it.If it is any other color (except red) then you have something else going on. Red, swollen and painful means infection - definitely apply antibiotic to it. Hope this helps!
its probably a blood blister .. dont worry about it .. it will go away in alittle while so just ignore it
It's called a blister. You just leave it alone. If you pop it, it could get infected and hurt a lot. Keep a bandage and some antibacterial ointment on it. You'll be fine.

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