Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Please help me! My wrist is HURTing really bad..and i dont know why...?

Ok, for like the last 5 days, my left wrist has been hurting me, right on the part of the wrist below the thumb. It slightly hurts when i move it up and down. And really hurts when i move it side to side. It hurts really bad when i open a where i cant even turn the knob. It also really hurts if i try and pick something up...I mean, it hurts even when i get dressed like when i pick up the shirt/pants and get dressed. When i bend my thumb, it hurts too. My mom is making me wear a wrist brace like this one: do you think can be wrong. There is no swelling from what i can see. Please help.
Have you been playing a lot of video games/ texting/ anything like that lately? I got that pain before when I had been playing video games a lot. Just take Tylenol or whatever and ice it.Feel better! :]
try to ice it for liek 2 days %26 if ur not feeling any results i think u should get it checked out at tha doctors.
did u fell or hurt urself??i think u shud see ur doctor..coz it looks like u gt fracture in ur wrist...instead of cmg to yahoo ans. u shud go to doc..lady !
possibly carpal tunnel or another injury. Do you recall falling on it at all? Wear the brace but you really should see the doc. You can have an injury without swelling. Put some ice on it anyway and try an antiinflammatory
have u been playing ball or anything, pick up something heavy the past few days, type a lot, all these can lead to hand and wrist pain, best to ice it down for 15-20 couple times a day and take ibuprofen maybe good for pain. Mine bothers me if I play a game to long or after outdoor activities. Even picking up the milk wrong could get you. hope u get better
Your mom is doing the right thing, only if it hasn't subsided in a week you need to see a doc! He/she might want to X-ray it.

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