Saturday, August 8, 2009

Pulled a muscle !! need help!!!?

hi i am a pregnant female and i pulled my middle back/ribs muscle. the doc told me i pulled them by puking so much. but anyway it hurts so bad to do anything (swallow,cough, laugh, walk) and its really getting frustrating.does anybody have any advice on what to do and what is the best painkillers. i would greatly appreciated it thank you
Well since you are pregnant, there is not many painkillers besides tylenol that you can use without a doctors advise or watch. But, if it is on your back, you could try using an ice pack first for inflammation becuase most likely that is causing you more pain. next, try rubbing or have someone rub some pompeian brand olive oil onto the affected area until absorbed and place a heating pad on a comfortable setting. Just make sure that you do not do put a heating pad where the baby is. If you feel you must then only for a short period of time on the lowest setting as a setting too high can affect the baby like if you were in a hot tub or sauana. anywhere else is ok.Massage in the area can do wonders too before or after you do the other steps or on its own. Good luck and hope you feel better.
Try stretching your back as much as possible. Ibuprofen would be good to take, but make sure that whatever you take is OK with your doctor since you are pregnant. Ice would also be helpful and possibly lying down.
Plenty of Rest and ICE!
strech were it is and what they just said and put ice on it

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