Tuesday, August 4, 2009

People say that?

you can drown in any ammoun tof water
well what is the smallest ammount of water you can drown in?
And is it really drowning or is it just like chocking on water?
I think to reliably drown, one must be submerged such that any attempt to breathe or cough the water out of one's lungs will be ineffective because of the unavailability of air. Therefore, a cup of water in the bronchial tree might be fatal for a very weak or ill person, but in general, I think if a person can bend over, or otherwise be inverted and overcome the spasms enough to inhale air and be able to cough out the water, it's possible they would survive.
I'v alway's heard a cup of water. If you or someone holds your nose in it and your mouth is shut.
Very little. We have an opening with two passages in the back of our throats. One passage goes to the lungs, the other to the stomach. There is a tiny flap covering that opening that opens for food and closes for breathing. This is how we do either one or the other. If something other than air enters the passage leading to the lungs, we choke. Even the tiniest morsel of food or tiniest amt of fluid can cause us to actually drown when this foreign object enters the lungs.
Babies and small children can drown in a small puddle of water. If you were unconscious in a puddle of water an adult would also drown.
In order to drown, your face has to be submerged in water. So I guess you could drown in a few inches, as long as your mouth and nose were submerged. Basically, you just can't be able to breathe.
Choking on water would be if you were drinking water and it went down the wrong tube or something. Drowning is suffocation.

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