Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quitting smoking...?

ok so today is my 1st day of not smoking. i'm doing ok.it sounds weird, but i miss having something in my mouth. i keep going to pick up a cigerette (even though i don't have any ) without realising i'm doing it. any ideas on how to stop feeling like this?
and also at work, i get a cigerette break but now i don't smoke i have no idea what to do with this time...any ideas on that ?
Congrats and good luck with it!I started using Chantix a couple of days ago, since I can't do it 'cold turkey'... LOL... so far so good.Lifesavers, mints, etc... will keep your mouth from missing the ciggie, and as far as your hands being bored, try doing a crossword puzzle, circle-word, or whatever you prefer.. it'll keep both your hands and your brain busy during those 'cravings' and then they'll pass.Much luck....
You need to talk to my Girlfriend. She's trying to quit as well. She went to the dentist last fri %26 found out if she smoked anymore she'll be dead in 5 years! Thats enough to make anyone stop! He found the beginings of throat cancer.
I quit smoking 10 weeks ago now. I could not have done it without the patches and the most important - A NICORETTE INHALATOR..!! Its a white plastic contraption that replaces that feeling of wanting to hold something in your hand. You get nicotine cartridges to go inside them so when you need a nicotine fix you just inhale like having a normal cigarette. You can buy a starter pack from almost anywhere. Good luck
Congrats on the decision and good luck with the road to completely stopping!First you have to try and stay out of smokers company. It will just lead you into temptation.
Secondly dont see your break as a smoke break..see it as a oppertunity to stretch your legs and go outside get some fresh air and enjoy the fresh air you have been deprived of for so long
Thirdly break the routine. Eg: if you are used to having a cup of coffee in the morning followed by a ciggy then dont have coffee till later and drink a glass of water afterwardsIt does take major will power to quit and i literally woke up one morning after 12 years smoking and said "I quit" and I did...Good luck and dont forget..one day at a time leads to a healthy lifetime..
well done and keep going. I smoked 20-30 a day and im now on 4 weeks today. seriously after week 1 it gets better. i go to my local phamacy for help. when craving i kept busy/ drank water/brushed teeth chewed chewing gum went some where i couldn't smoke/ nicotien replacement deep breathing helped and eating chopped up fruit or veg. and take each day as it comes. oh and positive thinking i was told you can get stinking thinking which is why should i give up ect, i was told to think of my self as a non smoker who choses not to smoke... it really works tho. hope this has helped good luck and your doing really well ( im on micro tabs)
Good luck.
I'm not long over it myself. Try eating lolly pops. Stopped ma cravings for something to hold and have in my mouth.
Nicotine is a different issue. Went cold turkey.
Try the patches or gum i guess.
Nicorette make a product called the inhalator which is a little plastic mouthpiece with a nicotine cartridge in it designed to aid smokers quit.
just think of people like me who has lots of ciggys to smoke BUT has no money, probably a shorter life than you, stink of smoke etc, stop to think of what I said and then think do you want to be like that, NO, so stay away from the ciggs you ll get there eventually - good luck.
Patches and accessories to help stop smoking did not exist when I quit in 1965, so I went cold-turkey. But for you such things as cinnamon-flavored gum, grapefruit juice, and lots of teeth brushing will help. Hard peppermint candies can help as well.The most important incentive to retain is the real reason you are quitting and the motivation behind that reason. You will have the craving a long time and certain habits that are associated with smoking may need to be curtailed too, such as drinking alcohol and coffee.Immediately after meals brush your teeth and use a cinnamon-flavored mouthwash.I wish you success, but only you can do it.
Cold Turkey will not work i can say that.. im trying to quit aswell.. I used to have one every half an hour 40 minutes and that was bad so now im on one like every 1.30/2hrs maybe more sometimes aswell.. try eating sweets or get nicarette gum.. good luck
good for you hun, i got a cigarette inhaler from chemist its like a plastic cigarette you can buy capsules to put inside but i only used the inhaler because like you i felt lost without having something to hold and put in my mouth it worked really well i only use it now when i get stressed ..also when your friends go for ciggy breaks if you can just take a 5 Min's power nap you will feel a lot more refreshed ..good luck and keep it up ..the benefits will soon begin to show
Make a point of having a glass of water when you're with others who smoke. If you've got the chance in your break, go out and get a breath of fresh air even if its only for 5 minutes. Walk round the block. That helped me. It DOES get easier the longer you stay off. After a few days I wasn't thinking of ciggies any more. Good luck!
you dont smoke when your asleep
pretend your dreaming
Have a peppermint each time you crave a cigarette, the craving will go away.And to have lots of water, and the nicotine will wash outMake sure you get a lot of fresh air and exercise, it will help your brain recoverhave faith
i cant help myself so ii cant help you

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