Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Question about my arm Best answer gets 10 Pts Please help?

Today me and my cousin where boxing and he accidentally punched me in the arm kinda of hard not to bad but didnt have boxing gloves on [ i did] anyways i have to veins in my arm where i got punched and 5 minutes later my eye site was messing up and my ears where blocked up for about 5 more minutes then finally everything became normal again my arm still hurts kind of there is no bruise cut scrape or anything out of the ordinary although it hurts i am not sure what to do i know i should maybe see a doctor even though nothing looks wrong but i cant get n appointment for a while and i was wondering if anyone here could give me advice what to do becuase i really want to know what the problem is wether or not i should worry or jsut wait it off? please help me best answer get's 10 points Plez
He most likley hit a nerve. In this case, it is normal to expeiriance what you did. A trip to the hospital or docters in the first 72 hours is not nessesary unless, you see no improvment and/or you are in severe pain. If you start feeling better, you probably just bruised a bone or had some temporary damage. Advil should take care of pain and discomfort right now. Hope you feel better! And remember, if it dosent get any better, you should go see a docter! Good luck!
first of all, if your going to box, (even playing), you should both be wearing gloves. if you got hit in the arm, that shouldn't effect you eyesight. chances are your arm is going to be sore for a few days, but i'm pretty sure you'll live.
I really wouldn't worry about it too much. It sounds to me that it was a freak little accident. Give it a day and see how you feel. If you don't have any more problems with your eye sight or your ears, and you don't develop some massive bruise with swelling I wouldn't worry too much. However, if your condition does worsen, or you just want to be 100% positive that you're fine call and make an appointment with your doctor and see what he/she says. Maybe the receptionist could let you speak with a nurse, sometimes speaking with them and telling them about your symptoms will get you in with the doctor faster (if they feel you're in need), other time they're able to tell you that it's probably not an emergency. Good Luck.
it could have been a nerve that he hit, everything should be fine, just wait it off, if in 2 days, it does not get better, go to a doctor.

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