Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quitin smoking?

I want to know how people who are quiting smoking or quit, how they are doing? I have quit many times before, but always end up back on the fags after a few weeks - months.
I am on patches and its my first day and have done ok, just worried about tomorrow.
This afternoon I was going a bit mental at 4.30pm and nearly marched myself to the shop but didnt. I was bored!!No idiot answers please
Contact the Quitline and join a Quit Smoking Clinic.
I used to smoke a pack and a half a day. I quit. I just quit. That is the only way to do it. If you want to quit, you will. Hate to be hard nosed about it but that's the long and the short of it. Good luck.
I'm lucky enoug never to have smoked, but I wrote a document for work recently on giving up smoking (www.lawcare.org.uk/freedownlo...Apparently cravings last ten minutes, and if you can distract yourself and wait for it to pass things will get easier. Also, rid yourself of anything to do with smoking - ashtrays, etc - and clean your house to get rid of the smell. Stay away from people who are smoking, and places you used to smoke.Good luck - it's worth it and you can do it.
I gave up six months ago after 20 years of smoking. I went cold turkey and have not puffed a ciggie since January. I just made a rule up - I am not going to buy them - if you haven't got them you can't smoke them. I went to bed early if necessary just to get me through another day of not smoking!. I just kept thinking that if I had a ciggie I would undo my hard work to date. After a while, I just kind of forgot I didn't smoke - now, I HATE the smell of it but am really trying hard not to be a reformed smoker! Good luck and keep going with it.
You need willpower.Just tell yourself you are going to stop,it ain't easy.there will be rough days ahead for you.A friend of mine tried to pack up and was wearing patches but he carried on smoking,it's a wonder he didn't O D on the nicotine rush,he hasn't given up because he doesn't have the all important willpower. I sincerely hope you win out in the end,it will be worth it.go for it girl and good luck.
i quit a week today, im on the 24 hr patch, im coming of them tomorrow onto the 16hr , they gave me some freaky dreams lol...i also have the inhalator , helps with the hands.. i have craved but it doesnt last long , do lots of cleaning, i cleaned out my car,got rid of the ashtray , the house is spotless, dont give in , im determined im never putting a cigarette to my lips again, i can taste better, smell better , feel better , its worth it ...i smoked 20 day for 17yrs...be strong we will do it...good luck :)
will power if you can't do it! who will for you ? i know exactly how you feel got my self an mp3 and start exercising best thing i have done.take care and good luckps forget the patches, big waist of money
Put away the ashtrays. Put everything out of sight that deals in smoking. Ban everyone from smoking in your presence. Goto places you cannot smoke...like cinemas, diners etc. Forget you've ever smoked and ban the idea out of your thinking. It takes will-power to put down your habit. If you feel yourself sliding into wanting a a smoke then breathe through your lips as if there is a ciggy there. Take short bursts of air to your lungs instead of the bad smoke caused by smoking. Try this every time you feel yourself slipping - it does work out!
you should just keep thinking aboout what it's going to do to you if you don't quit. The thought of it myself makes me NEVER want to start, good luck

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