i have to quit smoking for health reasons but i still like smoking, im finding it very difficult as i suffer from anxiety and smoking calmed me, i can't use patchs as they made me very ill even the weak strength, i cant take the tablet as that will interfere with my other meds, i haven't tried the inhaler or the gum can any one help me with this?
the gum worked for me
I had to quit smoking because I got Braces on my teeth, maybe you should try that
You could try hypnotherapy? I tried it and it didn't work, but I'm told it works for many people, so maybe its worth a try?
go to your doctor and they can give you these fags, and you have a course of them and they slowly lower the nicoten in them and then you quit, there good, i know from experience
Try "Cold Turkey" ..Will over matter...
just keep smoking
Perhaps you can ask your doctor about a brand new drug on the market:Stop-Smoking Pill Approved by FDARead story below
I dont think that the inhaler will help you, after all you need to break the habit of 'hand to mouth'. I my opinion the gum tastes like you're chewing an ashtray.
Just try your hardest, every time you feel yourself weaken, drink a glass of water, it will help cleanse your mouth, and busy yourself with something.
Good Luck, I know you'll do it x
I went to a hypnotist a year %26 a half ago. I also know it takes ON AVERAGE 3 tries before you get it right. (it was 3 for me) Good luck, you can do it.
ps the hyp was about $200 for the first session, if you relapse, you come back for $60-90. worth every penny. Still cant believe I did it! And there's NO WAY I would have put the cigs down %26 walked away.
I dont smoke but do suffer anxiety, so I can see why you would feel the need to do it. Could you not try going to your GPs for something to calm the anxiety? Smoking may be doing you far worse. Good luck.
Hi,i gave up smoking just over a year ago all with the help of sweets.Apparently it's the sugar in the molasses used to make tobacco brown that the body craves for.My sister did it and recommended it to me and it worked.Get yourself some Werthers Original Sweets.[they are the highest sugar content sweet on the market]You must only have one when you feel like a cigarette,it takes the craving away.It was only about 6 weeks later that i gave up the sweets and have not wanted to smoke since.It's worth a go,try it and let me know.
I haven't smoked for 6 months now- can't believe i did it! Still miss it, but what worked was reading up on what smoking does to you- from a health point of veiw! Check out the quit-smoking web site-http://www.quit-smoking-stop.com/harmful...hope this helps!
I advise u to see consult-er. He'll give u the best way to quit smoking.
I myself have been looking to quit smoking.
Have you ever considered trying hypnosis therapy?
It has been known to work for man.
The nicotine gums are designed to give you a nicotine hit.
Maybe they are worth a try as you ha vent tried them.
The inhaler is designed for the feeling of holding a cigarette, plus you inhale the nicotine(not very pleasant).
Maybe you could try just cutting down while you find a solution that helps you.
Good luck.
Hi,I stopped smoking with Allen Carrs "the easy way to stop smoking" its a book,I read it in an afternoon ,finished it, and havent smoked since,that was 9 months ago.It has got a 53% success rate,twice as high as patches,look on his web site,thousands have given up with it,he also does a day course,its about 拢300 but the course has a 92% success rate.I read about the book on answers,lots of people recommended it,some of my friends have done it this way too,he puts something in your subconcious,its brilliant.By the way did you know nicotine is a stimulant and it makes you more anxious in the long run,Im much calmer since i stopped smoking.Good luck with whichever way you try鈽?
I also had medical problems ,especially respiratory ones.I had tried patches previously to no avail. I doubt that nicotine replacement therapy will help you. The first thing is that you realise your state of health and determine to not smoke or you are bound to die a nasty death. It is your decision to make. If you don't have the willpower to decide to give up all the medications in the world won't help you.You say that tablets will interfere with your current medication.Are you sure of this? Ask your doctor if a new drug called Champix,the ingredient is varenicline, can be taken together with your other meds. This new drug is very effective and does not use nicotine replacement. It suppresses the part of the brain that makes you want to smoke, it makes cigarettes distasteful and helps reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. It is a 3 month course, which should be monitored by your doctor or practice nurse. It is a prescription only tablet. It has a success rate of over 30% of those who take it, which is higher than for any other method. II took it for two months and gave up. I had smoked up to 40 a day for 60years.Although my lungs are in a bad shape my overall health is better. See your doctor and perhaps give it a go. Good luck anyway. A PS . The only side effect I experienced and I believe others also was that after taking the tablet I felt a bit nauseous for about an hour, not enough to actually be sick,just queasy. You take two tablets a day.
hi there i gave them up when i found out my mother has cancer im off them 6 mounts now, i to suffer from anxiety and they might came you down but they will only kill you in the long run...
This is a difficult situation and being an ex-smoker myself I understand how you must feel especially since I used to get panic attacks and depression and the smoking helped to relax me. I was given an ultimatum give up or have a machine do my breathing for me.
I thought I could never do it, but I went completely cod turkey that same day, I brought polos as they helped every time I craved a cigarette and i had a small pencil that I could hold between my fingers to simulate a cigarette.Try it, it does help - for the first few days try to avoid places where others smoke heavily. If you go to places where people only smoke occassionally and breathe in their fumes the desire to smoke will become less prominent as you are getting a nicotine fix without having to actually light a ***. After a while even the smell of other peoples smoke will make you feel ill so it will work, but slowly.You cannot give up overnight so dont try as it will just make it harder. Listen to relaxing music every time you feel anxious and follow the tips I gave in one of your earlier questions.
I gave up in January with the quit smoking clinic at local doctors, and ive been tobacco free ever since.
I started with the fruit gum, then later on switched to the mint lozengers with help me lots.
I use to smoke other stuff to but to substitue it or to mix with it i brought some legal high herbal blend for bad days totally tobacco free and quite relaxing.
you must stop if you want to live you have been told,so do it no excuse you can phone the free number for a free DVD,go to your health clinic,there are classes you can en roll in and other people will help you go swimming to relieve your anxiety or go for a session of reflexology ,aromatherapy,there will be something for you I promise,try the gum and ordinary gums good too keeps the mouth fresh best of luck go on you know you can do this?
Why give up? My friend, it takes willpower to smoke so don't give up so damn easily, your body must be telling you that you need to buy Marlboro Lights. You have to really cultivate your habit, just try smoking 15/20 a day to start off and build it up to a credible 30 or so. Maybe even take up cigars also and at least consider chewing tobacco.HOW ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO EXERCISE YOUR LUNGS?As I said, people with no willpower give up (you have to be committed to the cost, health aspects, bad smell, nasty taste, social ostrisisement etc) and you don't strike me as a wimp.IT IS BIG AND IT IS CLEVER.So pull yourself together, stop this ill advised and ridiculous venture into considering non smoking comformity, you are effectively self harming and that cant be right can it? NOBODY LIKES A QUITTER.If you give up it will make you ill, you wont sleep, you will be spouting phlegm so for gods sake just do the right thing and keep giving you body what it needs, a nice, smooth, tasty Marlboro, you know it makes sense.IT HELPS REDUCE UNWANTED PREGNANCIES.Just picture it in your head, that something to do with your hands, the missing piece of the jigsaw when you have a coffee or a beer, that sweet smooth flavour of American tobacco gently coursing through your lungs and making you feel right again.BEAR IN MIND THAT IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO RECYCLE TOBACCO - YOU WOULD BE HARMING THE ENVIRONMENT BY NOT SMOKING. ISN'T THAT A LITTLE SELFISH? WE ALL NEED TO DO OUR BIT.If you give up you will eat more and snack on chocolate? That can't be good can it - non smoking is plain unhealthy.SMOKING HELPS REDUCE WEIGHT AS PART OF A CALORIE CONTROLLED DIET. IT ALSO MAKES YOU LOOK HARD.One final point to make my friend, you could get hit by a bus tomorrow so why are you being such a lightweight. Go and get yourself a beer right now and spark one up, you will feel so much better and this whole nightmare of having to think about giving up will end. In fact, have a few beers because smoking is always allowed if you're drunk. Why conform to the establishment when you could be making a personal statement about your belief in freedom.Good luck, stop the madness.
I say only say that you will need a lot of self control. It will be difficult, but consider what you have in life, if you have an husband or child, are these more important to you along with you health, or is smoking more important.have you asked your doctor, what would be suitable to help you due to the meds you are taking.I suffer with anxiety but fortunately don't smoke, but I know others who do, so I do know how you feel by saying smoking helps to keep you calm. Do you best to quit, try cutting down, take up an hobby, something that will take your mind of your urge to smoke and to help calm your anxiety at the same time.Every day is going to be hard for you because your need to stop smoking is for your health, seek support from family and friends.I wish you all the best, hope you found some advice in this answer.good luck with your 'stop smoking'
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