Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Okay i have real bad sun burn but not bad enough to go to the hospital.?

Does anyone know any at home remidies for my sunburn or anything besides aloe. It isn't helping.
cold water is the best first aid when you burn yourself - 20 minutes under the tap is ideal. NEVER ice or vinegar or milk or butter or mustard or toothpaste or sunscreen or semen or vaseline or tomatoes or vanilla extract or yogurt or sour cream or egg white or lavender oil or cocoa butter or salt or tea or potato or shaving cream or olive oil or baking soda or banana peel or petroleum jelly or whipped cream or avocado or bacon grease- not until the skin is fully healed! ignore anyone who advises any of these!i would advise that you cover the burnt area with sterile paraffin wax or aqueous cream bp. (check the links below and see if you can find a local equivalent)cover the burnt area in paraffin wax after cleaning and removing any burst blisters - these are just sites of infection and will take longer to heal. wash and reapply every 4-6 hours - cover with cling wrap if you wish to cover with clothes - this will stop your clothes getting covered with paraffin and maintains the burn.cling wrap alone is ok if you can't get hold of any paraffin. it also acts as a protective artificial skin - helping retain moisture and protect from further damage and pain. cling wrap is cheap and clean off the roll. in Australia ambulances often use this when someone has been burnt. - please note that cling wrap isn't always practical, like on your face.paraffin creates a seal stopping water leaving the body and reduces pain as it protects sensitised nerves. the paraffin imitates the natural oils secreted by the skin. skin cells are better able to multiply and regenerate with this treatment. pain is also helped. make sure you buy plenty of this paraffin - as the burn heals switch to aqueous cream bp.(aqueous cream has a bunch of paraffin in it plus some moisturisers - look out for stuff that also contains sorbolene or glycerine as these help also). following this regime definitely will help your sunburn heal faster and peel less. aloe is good coz it remoisturises but that moisture can be quickly lost as the skin can't contain fluids- this is a function of healthy skin.so put aloe on, and then the paraffin on over the top as long as there is no broken skin this works great. if there is broken skin leave out the aloe - just paraffin.burns can cause heartburn/reflux/gastric ulcers (in more severe cases) - i have never heard the term 'sun poisoning' before but this maybe what some ppl are referring to. its quite unpleasant especially when combined with pain, thirst and more pain.long term treatment to prevent scarring or loss of function due to contractures(as skin heals it can tighten reducing how much you can move - a skin graft is necessary to repair this). daily moisturiser, daily stretches - talk to a physio, pressure bandages like tubigrip, massaging the scar. this all reduce/flatten the scar and minimise the need for further treatment/surgery. always keeps scars out of the sun - always covered with clothing. please note that this is an explanation based on the many questions that have been asked on ByeDr.com. all treatments are used in hospital settings and when done correctly (by a health professional) hugely improve the outcomes of burns patients. it is not an opinion but medical advice

http://www.doorone.com.au/xgs-aqueous_cr...http://www.pharmacyonline.com.au/david-c...hope this helps - let me know how you go and what similar brands/alternatives are available in your area email if you still have questions - send photos feedingthedogcustard@hotmail.c...finally if you are really worried go to a hospital that has a burns unit or plastic surgeons. anything more serious than sunburn should be seen by a burns trained doctor or nurse.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps to take the sting out.
Other than that, olive oil is good to lubricate the skin .
But you have to rub it in really good, so you would have to
wait for it to stop hurting
Sounds bad enough to go to an Urgent Care facility instead of a hospital. You may need prescription grade creams.
Aloe vera. You can buy cream at any CVS or local drug store. Make sure there is no alcohol in it though because alcohol will make your skin burn. Also make sure to wear sunblock so that you will not burn again, burning again can cause the burn to be more serious so that you will need to go to the hospital!
A cool bath with milk in it. Also take some aspirin to take the edge off!
Soak or shower in very cold water. Witch hazel works, also. Just put it on cotton balls or gauze and wipe in on the skin. It is an liquid and is usually in a white plastic bottle. Most pharmacies carry it. I've used it and found it very helpful. But I also found this for you:
Aloe Take as many leaves as necessary from an aloe plant; refrigerate; peel off top layer of leaves; apply the side of the leaf with flesh exposed directly to the sunburn. Other remedies use aloe vera juice: for mild to medium sunburn, keep the affected area moist with aloe vera juice. Repeat frequently. This will reduce the pain and the amount of peeling. Aloe vera ointment works well, too, as it contains oil and will not evaporate. For a severe sunburn, keep the area moist at all times with aloe vera juice. Since aloe vera is an astringent, you may want to use aloe vera ointment or some sort of oil, such as olive or baby. Aloe is very effective in relieving pain and inflammation.锟?Combine aloe juice with 锟?the amount of vitamin E. Dab on the sunburn. Vitamin E is a good moisturizer.Apple cider vinegar Apply apple cider vinegar to the burn with a cottonball, or make a cooling compress for a large area to relieve the pain. Keep the skin moistened. This remedy will prevent blistering and peeling.Aspirin Aspirin kills the pain and reduces inflammation and redness of a sunburn. It short-circuits the whole sunburn process. It must be taken within 24 hours of getting sunburned. Aspirin is preferable to ibuprofen or acetaminophen because it is less stressful on the liver and kidneys.Baking soda Dissolve some baking soda in water and make a compress using a clean cloth. Another remedy is to add 1/2 cup of baking soda to a tepid bath and soak. Instead of drying the affected area with a towel, let it air dry. Baking soda is cooling and will help the skin retain moisture.Baths Add 20 drops of each of lavender and chamomile essential oils to a tubful of cool water and soak for 10 minutes.Bergamot Add bergamot oil to cool bathwater.Calendula Put 20 drops of calendula tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the skin until the pain goes away. Calendula is also available in gels and salves. Calendula will help soften and heal burned skin. It is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and can be used long after the burn to heal the skin.Cucumber Rub sunburned area with fresh cucumber slices. They are very cool and will soothe the area.Epsom salts Dissolve epsom salts in water and make a compress using a clean cloth.Ice Apply ice or cold water to the burned area. This will stop the burning process and cool the skin.Lavender Mix 20-25 drops of lavender oil in one cup of water and bathe the sunburned area.Lemon water Mix the juice of three lemons into two cups of cold water and sponge on the sunburn. The lemon will cool the burn, act as a disinfectant, and will promote healing of the skin.Milk Make a compress of whole milk (or buttermilk) and apply to the burned area for 20 minutes; repeat every two to four hours. Wash the milk off so you won't smell sour! The fat content of the milk is soothing for burns.锟?A similar remedy suggests using a cup of skim milk and four cups of water, adding a few ice cubes, and applying as a compress as recommended above.Oatmeal Put some oatmeal in tepid bath water, soak for a few minutes, then air dry yourself.Oil Cover the area with cooking oil and sprinkle powdered ginger on the oil. This will promote healing.Onion Bruise an onion and rub on the burn.Peppermint Apply peppermint oil to the sunburned skin. You can also make a mild peppermint infusion and use it as a wash to cool the sunburn.Potato Grate a potato and apply it to the burned area. The starch will cool and soothe the burn.St. Johns Wort Make an ointment or salve with the essential oil of St. Johns wort for burns that have not broken the skin. It is anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial. Caution: St. John's wort makes the skin more photosensitive, so stay out of the sun if you have used this remedy or if you are taking another form as an antidepressant. The cauton is courtesy of a reader named Wendi.Shower Take a warm shower to draw out the heat of your sunburn. The warm water will increase circulation to the area while hydrating it, thereby speeding the healing process.Tea Make some tea, cool, and apply to the burn. While any tea may be beneficial, mint tea, such as peppermint or spearmint are especially good. The teas have tannins that help the healing process.Urtica urens Put 20 drops of urtica urens tincture in four ounces of water and bathe the skin. This remedy is good for itchy, prickly skin.Vinegar See Apple Cider Vinegar remedy above.Witch hazel Make a decoction of witch hazel and apply with a compress.Yarrow Native Americans used an infusion of ground yarrow as a wash.Yogurt Apply plain yogurt with live cultures, let it stand for a few minutes, then rinse off under cool water.锟?Another remedy using yogurt is to mix equal parts of yogurt and mashed strawberries and apply to the sunburned area for 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.Caution! You may have sun poisoning if you experience chills, fever, or get blisters or a rash. See your physician!
try soaking in a cold bath, i find it helps. Im not sure what else would work, google might have some answers for you! I also find aloe doesnt work, for a couple of minutes, but thats it!
Cold compresses and an anti-inflammatory med such as advil, aleve, etc.
Just take a towel, soak it, wring the water out and then lay it on the sunburned area. Keep shaking out the towel so it can get cool again. It really works.
I just had a treatment on my face which caused it to blister and burn. The cold compresses worked fast and they're free. You may have to keep applying them, but they sure feel good. Good luck.
Try and find Marine with Sea funnel and that will help your sun burn. I had a sun burn and it helped. The burn left in 2 days and my arm felt better. Or go to the Pharmacy and get ST37 and that is for burns. The Doctor had me use it a long time ago and it is for people that have bad burns. I hope this will help and I hope you will feel better. When I had the bad burn I had 2nd and 3rd degree burn fron the sun. I burned my nerve endings and I blistered really bad and The Hospital had me use ST37 and it is for that reason.
take a cold bath or place cold wet rags or paper towels on the sun burn.
good luck!

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