Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Okay i broke my ankle and my heel now hurts. Read on for more details?

I broke my ankle about 8 weeks ago and got my cast off about a week ago and the doctor gave me a brace and said i should keep the brace off while in the house and should only have it on when i go outside.Right now i am taking motrin and have my foot up most of the time and i couldn't walk on it when i had the cast on. But now my heel hurts does anyone have any suggestions on what i should do to make it hurt less? Any HELPFUL suggestions would be appreciated.
other than going back to the doctor I suggest that you just take it more easily. you've been off you heel for at least 8 weeks right? it probobily got weak. my friends older sister had the same problem. just take it easy. ice it. and take pain killers. also if it doesn't get any better go to the doctor.
I would recommend you ask your doctor to send you to physical therapy b/c having your ankle immobilized for 8 wks will tighten all the joints and weaken all the muscles in the ankle/foot region and cause you to have problems in other areas (such as your heel). Also, doing PT now will help prevent future problems. If your doctor says no to PT then find another doctor.
Sounds like maybe " Plantar Fasciitis" do a google search %26 see if that's the problem

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