Monday, July 13, 2009

Pain in my side after working out, I DON'T HAVE ANY PAIN MEDICINE!?

Hey! Today I was playing a game where you have to step down really hard on the ground, A LOT. My left side of my hip hurts whenever I move my upper body, and whenever I step on my left leg. I DON'T HAVE ANY PAIN MEDICINE(advil, ibuprofen, etc...)
Please help!
could be you aggravated the QL in your low back. It is used to move the upper leg up as well as balance and twist the torso. it snakes through the ball of the hip and attaches in the upper leg.try icing your low back and hip for a few min. to reduce inflammation and numb the pain. If pain persists see a doctor.An Epsom salt bath should help too.Do not apply heat to a recent injury like this. It will only increase the inflammation and cause more damage and pain!! Why people are saying that I don't know.Good Luck
Apply something warm, heat should help, although I should tell you that it would be better not to move at this point. You seem to be describing an inflammatory process in the hip. If it doesn't go away go to a doctor.
you should follow what Zebralfoxfire said
I'm a massage therapist too.

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