Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pains in the lower part of one Leg?

My sister likes to run, dance, and walk a lot and she just started complaining about pains in her lower leg. She is about 5'2" and is 16. she probably weighs about 110, and has not recently taken a fall or tripped. There doesn't seem to be a reason for the pain. she says that the pain is in the right leg, and when she shows me the leg she runs her hand across the shin and says it stops short of the knee. she gets this after walking or dancing for a while and then sitting down, or when she bends her knees up to her chest when trying to sit on the floor. What is this pain? Is it Shin splints? Or is it just Groing pains?
It could be shin splints but, being honest, there is no way to know for sure without a visit to the doctor. Symptoms of shin splints are pain in the front of the leg, usually about midway between ankle and knee. When working out, the pain starts right away and lessens during the workout. The pain can return later in the workout or the next morning. The pain may be dull at first but can become severe enough to prevent her from working out.If she suspects she may have a shin splint but has not been formally diagnosed, it is important that she get diagnosed. The symptoms of a shin splint are the same as the symptoms for a tibia stress fracture. An xray is needed to tell the difference. Also, a shin splint can become a stress fracture if she doesn't follow treatment properly. She will also want to make sure she is using really good footwear. Many times, shin splints are the result of poor fitting footwear or footwear with poor support.

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