Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ok i put somethin up like 5 hours ago bit i need more help & FAST!!!!!?

i cant sleep every thing that makes some1 sleepy is keeping me up
i put this up like 45mins ago
tell me if u have any ideas i will gratefull for ever cause my arm r getting num or w/e just pplleezz HELPpleeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzz help i have taken 5 sleeping pills over 3 hours.
it did NOTHING!
i had turkey/warm milk/tea nothing..this is day 5 120 hours yah im goin MMMAAADDDDDDDD with only 14 hours of sleeepppppppppp (now this iz the first thing i put up on the other1 /im not crazy they just waz copyed and pasted this way so0o i could tell u wats goin on)
Ok yah plezz read / wats wronge with me in the last.....?
4 days around 96 hours i have only sleept bout 10 hours what could be wronge with he cause im never tired %26 have been doin everythin normaly like 2day i swan(i mean laps %26 stuff) 5 hours %26 more the other 2 days
help plezzzzzzz cause this iz weired!!!!
At this point you need to go see a doctor. Being up so long with no sleep can cause sleep induced psychosis. Your doctor can put you on Ambien or some of the other non-addictive sleep aids that work much better than over the counter sleep meds. Please do not take anymore OTC meds and contact your doctor for help. Sometimes our sleep cycles get out of whack due to stress, diet, work, etc. and doctors are there to help you out.
Stop going on yahoo, and go to bed might help
Have you been drinking before? Are you taking any drugs, including OTC? You've just gotta stop and go lay down. Turn of the computer!
you can see your doctor asap
we cant really help if you have taken 3 or so tablets..
you may harm yourself, by doing this... please see the doctor
sorry i cant help you out...
Listen to Classical music, that ALWAYS works for me.
Have you ever tried a doc?
Oh wait don't drive have some one do it for you or some thin........
read a book, get a hobby, see a doctor. sometimes those meds will not work on some people. stop taking them. get some exercise, drink some water. Pray...sometimes that helps too. Good luck, God Bless
Maybe your body does not need the sleep! Some people only need minimal sleep and function perfectly well! Perhaps you should just find something constructive to do with your time!
Turn off the computer for 1. Try to relax take a bath or shower it sounds like your wound up. And if you smoke I have had sleep issues before and not lighting up 3 -4 hours before bed makes for much better sleep.Maybe you need VALIUM
get in the tub take a warm relaxing bath lack of sleep does make you crazy--do not take any more meds--or tylenol pm's sometimes they have a backward effect on some--lie down no radio no tv no stimulation--rest even if you cannot sleep eventually your body will just give up and relax
take a hot bath, make it really cold in your house and get under a bunch of covers with a book, or watch something boring like golf. keep the lights dim and do not get up to do anything else. quit taking sleep medicine, don't drink caffeine throughout the day. If you have to then lay in bed with your eyes shut counting, or think of something that happened a long time ago and try to remember every detail. you could also try laying and bed and just writing in a notebook, that may also make you tired. One other thing that might help is laying in bed with your eyes closed and focusing on relaxing every part of your body starting with your toes and working your way up. You need to see a doctor though to find out why you can't sleep.
Try having sex or masturbating, that always works for me :)

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