Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ok i need to know if I can still play soccer if I have a swollen foot (A bump on the bottom of my foot)?

It all started when I was barefoot on a picnic and I stepped on a thorn and it stinged a little, so I picked it out, but it still stinged and it had like a tiny hole. Then I put my flip-flops on and played volleyball. The next day I woke up and it wasn't swollen, but it still stung and it still had the little hole. I then went to a soccer clinic thing and played soccer for 4-5 hours and then watched half a soccer game at a restraunt, then at half-time I went home just in time to watch the other half of the soccer game and I felt a bump on the bottom of my foot and I was thinkin' "Is it swollen?" and I pulled off my shoe and sock and yes it was swollen a lot! The rest of the day I put it in hot water and the next day it was still swollen and it didn't even go down any. And now I've been putting ice on it and it doesn't seem to be doing anything, but making it numb. Can someone tell me if I can play soccer on the swollen foot and how to make the swelling go down???
i feel really sorry for u, u should go to ur doctor and ask does it get bigger or it hurts so much? btw i love playing soccer too but cant be on a team... maybe u didnt get all of it out cuz i have something similar at first but then it stopped hurtung i can do watever i want but there's still a bump but i dont really care anymore
Soccer is not the kind of game you play when hurt, that's why we have football and hockey. Soccer is more of a less manly game and care should be taken not to further an injury in a game of this sort.

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