Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh. MY GOD. my tighs (facing front only) are very SOREEEEE.. I jumped around and danced for like, 30 min,so

so what does that got to do with it? I havent exersized in a few days too, and I've heard if you exerise suddenly when you were not moving before, you will get sore baby parts. So now, how can I make this sore go away fast? Cause it's so sore that I yell whenever I go down the stairs (and I have to bend my knees to do that - which is sore), when I sit, sit in the toilet, try tie down, or just trying to stretch.
take some pain killers and put some hot packs on it
thats really all you can do
it should be gone in a day or two
that doesnt sound like something that happens from dancing....
Depending on the type of soreness, use ice packs for 15 minutes, or use heat to loosen tight muscles. Do some light stretching to get the lactic acid out. Move, without exerting too much energy. Eat healthy, hydrate, rest, and maybe take an anti inflammatory medication.
Soak in a warm bath with espson salt. It will relieve the pain right away. You can take some pain medication as well and when you get out of the tub, while your muscles are still warm, try to do some stretches.

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