does anyone have any clue wat this could be.?..and how to treat it??
You probably just pulled a muscle in your sleep or slept in a strange position. It'll go away in a day or two.
you could have pinched a nerve which will last a couple of days, before you sleep try doing a nice stretch before you sleep and when you wake up you will be surprised how good you feel if you keep up the stretching every day.
Some times that happens to me. Its just the way You slept that night. I know you probally were so tired at the end of that day and fell a sleep in a different way then usual. it will heal up
If your back aches, you're not alone. Four out of five adults experience at least one bout of back pain at some time during their lifetime. In fact, low back pain is the fifth-leading cause of trips to the doctor in the United States.In addition, back injuries, back chronic drx pain, muscle back pain are the leading cause of work-related disability. Even though back pain is rarely life-threatening, the annual cost in terms of lost productivity, medical expenses and workers' compensation benefits runs into the tens of billions of dollars in the United States.Although back pain is common, it's also quite possible for you to prevent most back problems with simple steps such as exercise and adopting new ways to sit and stand and natural remedy for lower back pain. Even if you've injured your back before, you can learn techniques to help avoid recurrent injuries.In the vast majority of cases, back pain is caused by a mechanical problem that can’t be pinpointed exactly. But occasional cases result from some other, more serious causes. The possibilities include infections, vascular disease, and tumors, among other things. That’s why it’s important to know the “red flag” warning signs that suggest serious problems. Among these are recent major injury, radiation of pain down a leg, pain that is constant, pain in the upper back or chest, unexplained fever or weight loss, and pain that increases at night.Causes of lower back pain include wrenched or damaged muscles, boines, tendons, ligaments, kidney or bladder infection, female pelvic disorders...Overeating, overdrinking, eating the wrong kinds of food, wrong posture in sitting and sleeping can also be involved.remedies:For less serious back pain, rest will generally eliminate the problem. Bed rest for 24 hours may be needed.Soaking in a tub of warm water can be quite relaxing to a strained back. Stretching a sore back will tend to accelerate the healing process. This is done by gently bringing your knees up from bed to you7r chest. Once there, put a liitle pressure on your knees. Stretch, then relax.If symptoms persist, call or visit the orthopedics. Doctors knows best.
You might have slept wrong on it last night or could have turned wrong during the night, which is giving you some muscle spasms. My suggestion would be to try and rest on a heating pad this evening, take some tylenol or aleve and see if it gets better. If it doesn't improve, then I would call your family doctor and see if he can prescribe you some muscle relaxers. Best of luck to you.
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