I'm fairly certain I have a sinus infection (head hurts in sinuses) and today I woke up and my head still hurts and on top of that my throat hurts and ears hurt, and my throat hurts to touch it. So I'm thinking there's some swollen glands. My shoulders and such have also been stiff today because I started doing yoga yesterday, and I'm sore today. Now, earlier this evening my neck hurt a little bit whenever my head started hurting again, and it kinda goes down into my back. So my question is this, could the pain in my neck be related to my sinus infection or something worse?
Dont rely on ByeDr.com to be your doctor. See a professional. thats an old wives tale. There are 2 types of meningitis. one viral and the the other is the deadly bacterial.You may have sinusitis though because it can get really bad if not treated properly and sometimes can take months to clear.You need a blood test to know for sure. If its bacterial and goes untreated, it's often fatal. A high school baseball player just died of it in California last month.If its viral, you treat it with analgesics, fluids, and various other medications and pain killers; but most of all rest. It often seems like the flu.The bacterial can be treated with antibiotics but if it gets too far gone then you most likely will die.The statement that you would not be able to function if you had meningitis is false. When I was in medical school I actually got meningitis and it was like having the flu. It was viral and I felt bad, had a moderate headache, but slept it away and I was fine. I've seen many patients come in with meningitis and they just feel bad but they can function fine.Donald Sutherland the famous actor almost died of meningitis when he was younger. He thought he had the flu and it kept getting worse. He went to the hospital and they barely revived him. A doctors visit and blood test are best. Antibiotics for sinusitis; stronger antibiotics for bacterial meningitis; and treat the symptoms for viral meningitis. Good luck and get some rest.P.S. ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS; A LOT!
see your doctor before it turns out to be serious. Usually it just viral but could have secondary infection caused by bacteria and that you will need an antibiotic.
check with ur dr and get tests run
Could be the Flu or Mono. I had Mono, it sucks. Go to the Dr.
You have a blockage in the sinuses, causing the headache. The same blockage will make your ears hurt, because the ears drain via an eustachian tube down the sides of the skull and into the back of the throat. It's not unusual at all to have a sore throat at the same time, since blocked/stuffy noses make people mouth breath- drying out the throat and making it sore. If you had meninigitis, you would not be here on Answers typing- the headache alone would lay you out, and light would hurt your eyes as well- but yes, the most famous diagnostic tool is chin to chest. If you can do that, the meninges are just fine. Take a sinus medication, and a pain reliever like Motrin or Tylenol if it's not included in the sinus medications. Get a throat spray for your throat, if you like. Drink loads of fluids, just not alcohol or dairy. Alcohol will dry your throat worse, dairy is not dangerous, it just makes the mucous feel thicker and you will want to clear your thoat or gag. If you begin to run fever, then you need to see the doctor. The soreness is probably more realated to the yoga. Your neck may also be sore because of tension and worry over the headache. Treat the sinus problem, have a hot steamy shower or a nice soak hot water. Put a hot washrag on your face, and you should get some relief. Most illness is not exotic, so you can calm down. Hoofbeats mean horses, not zebras, and definitely not unicorns.
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