I have passed out and felt sick and sweaty 3 times in the last 6 weeks. It is always shortly after I wake up and usually while I'm in the shower. It leaves me feeling exhausted and weak and after sleeping for a few hours after it happened this morning I didn't feel any better. The only thing that has helped is having some oxygen, that seemed to wake me up abit and give me some energy. I don't have access to oxygen of my own so any ideas why this is happening and what to do? My dr can't see me till end of week and I feel so weak and dizzy. I am only 25 and suffer with M.E.
This is serious. You need to go to the ER today and see if you can get admitted so they can do some test. You need to call your doctors office or just show up and tell them that this is an emergency, but I guess if you do that they will tell you to go to the ER. The best thing to do is go to the ER. Good luck
GO TO THE ER. CALL 911 if you have to.
your doctor doesn't have a choice. You need to call back and say that they need to fit you in. This is serious.
I agree that an emergency room is a good idea. Go now!
This should be treated as an emergency 6 weeks you say.That is terrible.You should have demanded a house call.You need to get help ,and soon,to see what is really wrong with you.Why not get someone to take you to the A and E dept at your local hospital ,where they won't refuse you treatment.Your Dr should be reported for gross neglect.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Paraumbilical hernia?
If you have a paraumbilical hernia does it show on the outside? If I have one, it is on the inside. What are the symptoms?
Bulging is one good sign of a hernia. It could be as small as a golf ball or larger. If you feel something that seems like a ball,then most likely it's the muscle coming through. Also, intense pain, especially upon lifting, moving, or bending. The pain will be local to the area.You should go to a doctor for a hernia. It will only get worse. There is nothing you can do on your own for it.Good luck!
Bulging is one good sign of a hernia. It could be as small as a golf ball or larger. If you feel something that seems like a ball,then most likely it's the muscle coming through. Also, intense pain, especially upon lifting, moving, or bending. The pain will be local to the area.You should go to a doctor for a hernia. It will only get worse. There is nothing you can do on your own for it.Good luck!
Pains, any ideas what on earth they are??
i'm having pains in ma side, does any1 know what they might be?? for further details
or if you want to talk to me, email me
yunieandlenne @ hotmail .co.uk
You don't give much information, but you could have a pulled muscle, gallbladder problems, appendicitis, or constipation. you should seek out another doctor and get a second opinion. Try the following Take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts. Soak for 30 minutes. The Epsom salts will help eliminate the lactic acid that forms on the muscles from over exertion. Massage an analgesic cream into the sore muscles. I find the best cream for pain is “Blue Emu,” You can read more about this cream at http://www.blue-emu.com/Dehydration can cause severe pain in the muscles. I recommend you drink purified water mixed with mineral water 50/50. This will replace the minerals that are exiting your body continuously.I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day. 500mg of calcium and magnesium, taken twice daily, can help with diminishing the pain.
sweet heart don't worry but you should see
your G.P don't put your Email add
on here its blocked wind
send your E MAIL THROUGH
yhoo too me and i will chat to you
love sparkyXXX
or if you want to talk to me, email me
yunieandlenne @ hotmail .co.uk
You don't give much information, but you could have a pulled muscle, gallbladder problems, appendicitis, or constipation. you should seek out another doctor and get a second opinion. Try the following Take a hot bath with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts. Soak for 30 minutes. The Epsom salts will help eliminate the lactic acid that forms on the muscles from over exertion. Massage an analgesic cream into the sore muscles. I find the best cream for pain is “Blue Emu,” You can read more about this cream at http://www.blue-emu.com/Dehydration can cause severe pain in the muscles. I recommend you drink purified water mixed with mineral water 50/50. This will replace the minerals that are exiting your body continuously.I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day. 500mg of calcium and magnesium, taken twice daily, can help with diminishing the pain.
sweet heart don't worry but you should see
your G.P don't put your Email add
on here its blocked wind
send your E MAIL THROUGH
yhoo too me and i will chat to you
love sparkyXXX
Pains on left side of upperbody?
Could be many things check with a doc!
You could be having a mild heartattack. Better go get it checked out. I'm assuming you haven't recently lifted somthing heavy on that side even a day or 2 ago.
if you suspect heart attack at all , best to get to the ER or better yet, call 911 and get an ambulance.
I have the same problem like you. I'm going to see a doctor next week and you should do the same.
What sort or pain is it? How far does it extend? Is it just in the chest area or does it go up into the neck and head? Is it on the far left or centre left of the body? Is it sharp stabbing pains, an ache or a crushing pain? Are you overweight? Do you smoke? Do you suffer from any other condition?
Really you should see a doctor about the pains, as he will be able to offer a proper diagnosis. Some common conditions associated with upper body pains are:
1) acid from the stomach. This gives a sharp pain, which can be worse at night when you are lying down, medication from your doctor can help. It is aggrevated by being overweight and smoking.
2) Heart attack: commonly this is a crushing pain in the centre of the chest, which can flow down the left arm and up into the neck. if the heart attack is very mild the victim may mistake it for very bad indigestion. Breathlessness with severe pain, or any chest pain lasting more than 15 mins needs a 999 call.
3) Angina - symptoms as for heart attack. Call 999. Can be controlled with medication and regular hospital or doctor appointments.
4) Low blood sats - this gives a "stitch" pain below left bust and at top of ribs. Usually due to smoking, aggrevated by overweight. This needs to be diagnosed by a doctor who will put a clip on your finger and take a reading.All chest pain should be checked out by your GP or A%26E depending on the seriousness of the pain. Chest pains are almost always caused and definately aggrevated by an unhealthy lifestyle. Don't smoke, keep weight at a healthy level, take plenty of exercise, don't drink too much alcohol.The BHF (type british heart foundation into a search engine) has a marvellous website with excellent advice.
Call your local A%26E /E.R. explain your symptoms now !
Pains in the lower leg muscles.?
Over the years on and off I have been suffering from what I can only think are tension pains in the backs of my lower legs. Any suggestions anyone please as to what is good to relive these. I am a fit slim middle aged woman and occasional smoker. Thank you.
53yr. old male
I had RLS cramps most every night, after 90days they're gone.It has been proven that vitamin and mineral deficiency is the cause of most health issues. We need to supplement. Visit website (myvemma.com/arrowood) for more info.
Have you tried any drugs?
This is going to sound crazy, but try it.You could not have enough potassium in your diet.Eat a banana. My father had a similar problem.If that doesn't work try stretching.
Because there are a number of possibilities I would recommend seeing your dr to have them further evaluate the situation but in the mean time you may want to try a heating pad to the area to see if that helps a little bit.
Could be a deficiency of potassium, calcium, magnesium or Vitamin B6.
53yr. old male
I had RLS cramps most every night, after 90days they're gone.It has been proven that vitamin and mineral deficiency is the cause of most health issues. We need to supplement. Visit website (myvemma.com/arrowood) for more info.
Have you tried any drugs?
This is going to sound crazy, but try it.You could not have enough potassium in your diet.Eat a banana. My father had a similar problem.If that doesn't work try stretching.
Because there are a number of possibilities I would recommend seeing your dr to have them further evaluate the situation but in the mean time you may want to try a heating pad to the area to see if that helps a little bit.
Could be a deficiency of potassium, calcium, magnesium or Vitamin B6.
Pains in my stomach right now?
My Stomach hurts,
i just ate jello,
what is the matter
with this fellow?
If you just ate jello on an empty stomach, the sugar from the jello on the empty stomach is causing your tummy ache and will pass in a few hours (it happens to me every time).GOOD LUCK!
Maybe a up set stomach,acid reflux,ulcers,tumors. it could be anything.
Apart from having a very basic rhyming skill.I would say you have eaten to much jello, too fast.The pain will pass within an hour or two.
i just ate jello,
what is the matter
with this fellow?
If you just ate jello on an empty stomach, the sugar from the jello on the empty stomach is causing your tummy ache and will pass in a few hours (it happens to me every time).GOOD LUCK!
Maybe a up set stomach,acid reflux,ulcers,tumors. it could be anything.
Apart from having a very basic rhyming skill.I would say you have eaten to much jello, too fast.The pain will pass within an hour or two.
Pains in my left side!?
For the past couple weeks I have had pains in my left side (right in my rib cage it seems) right after I eat. It is not a pain so bad I am doubled over but it is really uncomfortable. I have a doctor's appt on Monday but I just wanted to know if anyone has any ideas as to what would be causing it. Thanx.
Could it be gas pains? Have you ever tried lightly tapping {with your hand in a fist position} on your ribs? Of course don't hit, just tap %26 sort of arch yourself to the right if it's on the left %26 vice versa if it's the right side.Of course keep your Doctor appt. %26 he may oder tests, but in the mean time you could try what I said above.
check web md. see your doctor monday
see your doctor
Could it be gas pains? Have you ever tried lightly tapping {with your hand in a fist position} on your ribs? Of course don't hit, just tap %26 sort of arch yourself to the right if it's on the left %26 vice versa if it's the right side.Of course keep your Doctor appt. %26 he may oder tests, but in the mean time you could try what I said above.
check web md. see your doctor monday
see your doctor
Pains in the lower part of one Leg?
My sister likes to run, dance, and walk a lot and she just started complaining about pains in her lower leg. She is about 5'2" and is 16. she probably weighs about 110, and has not recently taken a fall or tripped. There doesn't seem to be a reason for the pain. she says that the pain is in the right leg, and when she shows me the leg she runs her hand across the shin and says it stops short of the knee. she gets this after walking or dancing for a while and then sitting down, or when she bends her knees up to her chest when trying to sit on the floor. What is this pain? Is it Shin splints? Or is it just Groing pains?
It could be shin splints but, being honest, there is no way to know for sure without a visit to the doctor. Symptoms of shin splints are pain in the front of the leg, usually about midway between ankle and knee. When working out, the pain starts right away and lessens during the workout. The pain can return later in the workout or the next morning. The pain may be dull at first but can become severe enough to prevent her from working out.If she suspects she may have a shin splint but has not been formally diagnosed, it is important that she get diagnosed. The symptoms of a shin splint are the same as the symptoms for a tibia stress fracture. An xray is needed to tell the difference. Also, a shin splint can become a stress fracture if she doesn't follow treatment properly. She will also want to make sure she is using really good footwear. Many times, shin splints are the result of poor fitting footwear or footwear with poor support.
It could be shin splints but, being honest, there is no way to know for sure without a visit to the doctor. Symptoms of shin splints are pain in the front of the leg, usually about midway between ankle and knee. When working out, the pain starts right away and lessens during the workout. The pain can return later in the workout or the next morning. The pain may be dull at first but can become severe enough to prevent her from working out.If she suspects she may have a shin splint but has not been formally diagnosed, it is important that she get diagnosed. The symptoms of a shin splint are the same as the symptoms for a tibia stress fracture. An xray is needed to tell the difference. Also, a shin splint can become a stress fracture if she doesn't follow treatment properly. She will also want to make sure she is using really good footwear. Many times, shin splints are the result of poor fitting footwear or footwear with poor support.
PAINKILLERS...Do you live with them, or can't you live without them?
I am struggling to get off the codeine/paracetamol 30/500, my GP prescribes me since 1994, for endometriosis.
I've tried cutting the dose slowly, but need the pain relief, I suspect I am more 'dependent' on them than 'addicted'.HELP!?
Cut down the dose yourself, but very, very slowly, and replace it with something else like caffine. Your body has been taking the drug over many years and has adapted to it and expects it, so weaning off it will be very difficult. First step is mental victory; you're neither dependent or addicted, but you're in control of the situation to a point. Go for herbal and natural remedies, and maybe try something new like acupuncture.
Dependant is just another word for addicted.
I'm not trying to be rude, because I have gone through this myself. I was on a Duragesic pain patch for 3 years, and was physically and emotionally addicted to it I was using the drug as prescribed, but it was hell coming off of it.
i am now very strongly anti pain meds, and prefer chiropractic treatment and exercise over drugs.Good luck, the withdrawal won't be easy. I hope you have a strong support group around you.
Hello, my name is Katina and I am a recovering "Addict" of perscribed narcotic and non-narcotic pain relievers and antidepressants. I am still in a lot of severe pain, however, my pain specialist and family physician has prescribed me drugs such as Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Tramadol to combat the pain. I have also recently had a procedure done called RFA, which is where the nerves are burned at the source of pain. I am not sure if this procedure is something offered in the area of pain that you have. I do know that I lost my three beautiful children, all of my photos and journals, and the lawsuit I was in against the woman who was speeding the evening of Nov 13, 1998, when we were waiting at a stop sign just around the corner from our home when we were plowed into by two cars. Since that time, I have been in so much pain that I have almost took my own life, it is very hard to live with pain, it is even harder to make the decision to give up pain meds. I had no other choice but to give mine up, I had hit rock bottom, drove a van off the side of a highway, began to steal, and directed the only man who ever cared for me. When I gave up the pills, I honestly thought I could not survive it. However, I did, and with in a year after I got my GED, enrolled in College and now have a business and book on the way. I have the pain still, but I also have my life back, more or less. Photographs are all I have of my children to hold and tell them that I love them. If I could go back, I would demand the doctors not to prescribe me anything that could become addictive. I am not sure if I have helped or not. I can only tell you my story in hopes that you will reflect on your own situation, it may not be as severe as mine was. In addition, I cannot know your pain, as all people experience pain differently. Pain is debilitating, so please do not stop/start anything unless your physician is aware of it. I would call your physician and explain your concerns, it will be scary to do this, but you must. Then he/or she can evaluate you and possible wean you off and then replace the addictive meds with alternative ones. I take several meds that have a low risk for addiction. Tramadol has really worked for me, but also some nerves were burned recently and I see a chiropractor on a weekly basis for neck, mid, and low back problems. I cannot do everything that I use to, however, today; I can remember everything that I can do. My mind is not fogged over, I can feel everything, and pain is a sign that something is wrong. I feel that doctors do not do enough to get the problem FIXED, and are excessively apt in prescribing meds as the prime solution. Insist that this disorder be dealt with promptly; tell them you are tired of being overly prescribed and for them to take care of the ailment, before it turns into something life threatening. All the best to you.
Email me anytime. PS. I have a site opening soon, there will be a forum for people suffering with pain, and or disabilities, free of charge, and contest for writing about stuff like this. I want to help people in the same circumstances, as I have lost so much from my past addiction; I know in my heart that all of it was for some unforeseen reason. Good Luck to you.
Katina Woodruff
One Stop Write Shop
I took 10/500 Lortab for 2 years while my leg was rotting away. The pain was severe and I was removing bone dust almost everyday when I cleaned the leg each day. Each person is a little different. If you need them for pain, then take the medication. If you don't really need it for the pain, then don't take them. Only you know the real answer as to whether or not you should take the meds.
I can tell you from personal experience that the only way to quit is to not take any more. Thats what I had to do. My leg is gone but I still have pain. I just live with it. I cannot take pain medication. If I do, I will take all of mine, ask you for some of yours and then check with your neighboors too. Its tough.
Pain meds are good if they help you function normally or at least have somewhat of a normal life. You should not feel guilty if pain meds help you go to work, excersise a bit, go out with family and friends, etc. There is nothing wrong with being dependent on medicine to improve and prolong the quality of your life. Having said that, I would think after taking the same pain medication for over 10 years, it stopped being effective long ago. I would switch to a different class of medicine and see if it improves your daily function. I would try Cymbalta as it would help your withdrawl symptoms too.
All people who take pain killers need to be aware of the fact that there are likely to be side effects such as kidney damage and therefore you had better do some research on the side effects of the pain killers that you are taking.An Internet search for "side effects" + codeine (OR paracetamol) might be of interest to you.
You should be seeing someone for pain management beofre you try to wean yourself off something you've been taking for so long. I've been taking narcotics for pain for about 17 years. What has kept me from becoming an addict is rotating meds, and working closely with my doctors. When I had surgery on Feb my surgeon called my GP, orthopedist, and neurologist to discuss pain management options. One of the things that has worked most for me is knowing when I really do need to take something. If you feel like you may NEED the meds you should see someone who deals only with pain management. Make sure you bring a list of all meds you're taking and the names and numbers of all your doctors.
I've tried cutting the dose slowly, but need the pain relief, I suspect I am more 'dependent' on them than 'addicted'.HELP!?
Cut down the dose yourself, but very, very slowly, and replace it with something else like caffine. Your body has been taking the drug over many years and has adapted to it and expects it, so weaning off it will be very difficult. First step is mental victory; you're neither dependent or addicted, but you're in control of the situation to a point. Go for herbal and natural remedies, and maybe try something new like acupuncture.
Dependant is just another word for addicted.
I'm not trying to be rude, because I have gone through this myself. I was on a Duragesic pain patch for 3 years, and was physically and emotionally addicted to it I was using the drug as prescribed, but it was hell coming off of it.
i am now very strongly anti pain meds, and prefer chiropractic treatment and exercise over drugs.Good luck, the withdrawal won't be easy. I hope you have a strong support group around you.
Hello, my name is Katina and I am a recovering "Addict" of perscribed narcotic and non-narcotic pain relievers and antidepressants. I am still in a lot of severe pain, however, my pain specialist and family physician has prescribed me drugs such as Lyrica, Cymbalta, and Tramadol to combat the pain. I have also recently had a procedure done called RFA, which is where the nerves are burned at the source of pain. I am not sure if this procedure is something offered in the area of pain that you have. I do know that I lost my three beautiful children, all of my photos and journals, and the lawsuit I was in against the woman who was speeding the evening of Nov 13, 1998, when we were waiting at a stop sign just around the corner from our home when we were plowed into by two cars. Since that time, I have been in so much pain that I have almost took my own life, it is very hard to live with pain, it is even harder to make the decision to give up pain meds. I had no other choice but to give mine up, I had hit rock bottom, drove a van off the side of a highway, began to steal, and directed the only man who ever cared for me. When I gave up the pills, I honestly thought I could not survive it. However, I did, and with in a year after I got my GED, enrolled in College and now have a business and book on the way. I have the pain still, but I also have my life back, more or less. Photographs are all I have of my children to hold and tell them that I love them. If I could go back, I would demand the doctors not to prescribe me anything that could become addictive. I am not sure if I have helped or not. I can only tell you my story in hopes that you will reflect on your own situation, it may not be as severe as mine was. In addition, I cannot know your pain, as all people experience pain differently. Pain is debilitating, so please do not stop/start anything unless your physician is aware of it. I would call your physician and explain your concerns, it will be scary to do this, but you must. Then he/or she can evaluate you and possible wean you off and then replace the addictive meds with alternative ones. I take several meds that have a low risk for addiction. Tramadol has really worked for me, but also some nerves were burned recently and I see a chiropractor on a weekly basis for neck, mid, and low back problems. I cannot do everything that I use to, however, today; I can remember everything that I can do. My mind is not fogged over, I can feel everything, and pain is a sign that something is wrong. I feel that doctors do not do enough to get the problem FIXED, and are excessively apt in prescribing meds as the prime solution. Insist that this disorder be dealt with promptly; tell them you are tired of being overly prescribed and for them to take care of the ailment, before it turns into something life threatening. All the best to you.
Email me anytime. PS. I have a site opening soon, there will be a forum for people suffering with pain, and or disabilities, free of charge, and contest for writing about stuff like this. I want to help people in the same circumstances, as I have lost so much from my past addiction; I know in my heart that all of it was for some unforeseen reason. Good Luck to you.
Katina Woodruff
One Stop Write Shop
I took 10/500 Lortab for 2 years while my leg was rotting away. The pain was severe and I was removing bone dust almost everyday when I cleaned the leg each day. Each person is a little different. If you need them for pain, then take the medication. If you don't really need it for the pain, then don't take them. Only you know the real answer as to whether or not you should take the meds.
I can tell you from personal experience that the only way to quit is to not take any more. Thats what I had to do. My leg is gone but I still have pain. I just live with it. I cannot take pain medication. If I do, I will take all of mine, ask you for some of yours and then check with your neighboors too. Its tough.
Pain meds are good if they help you function normally or at least have somewhat of a normal life. You should not feel guilty if pain meds help you go to work, excersise a bit, go out with family and friends, etc. There is nothing wrong with being dependent on medicine to improve and prolong the quality of your life. Having said that, I would think after taking the same pain medication for over 10 years, it stopped being effective long ago. I would switch to a different class of medicine and see if it improves your daily function. I would try Cymbalta as it would help your withdrawl symptoms too.
All people who take pain killers need to be aware of the fact that there are likely to be side effects such as kidney damage and therefore you had better do some research on the side effects of the pain killers that you are taking.An Internet search for "side effects" + codeine (OR paracetamol) might be of interest to you.
You should be seeing someone for pain management beofre you try to wean yourself off something you've been taking for so long. I've been taking narcotics for pain for about 17 years. What has kept me from becoming an addict is rotating meds, and working closely with my doctors. When I had surgery on Feb my surgeon called my GP, orthopedist, and neurologist to discuss pain management options. One of the things that has worked most for me is knowing when I really do need to take something. If you feel like you may NEED the meds you should see someone who deals only with pain management. Make sure you bring a list of all meds you're taking and the names and numbers of all your doctors.
Painkillers without ibuprofen, tylenol or aspirin.?
Do you get it. I think opiods also comes in combination,
I take pure opiates for my chronic pain. Oxycontin and OyFast Solution. Oxycodone, Morphine, Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Meperidine, and Fentanyl come in pure opiate preparations but I have never heard of pure Hydrocodone and Codeine preparations, only in combination with non-opiate painkillers. I have also never heard of Morphine, Mepridine, Hydro or Oxymorphone, or Fentanyl coming in preparations with Tylenol, Aspirin or Ibuprophen. Oxycodone comes in preparatuion wil all 3, Hydrocodone comes with Tylenol or Ibuprophen, and Codeine comes with Tylenol.
there is a med called Roxicodone, which is basically Percocet without the acetaminophen. there are also pain meds that arent opioids. depends on the type of pain you are having as to what your doctor might prescribe.
I take pure opiates for my chronic pain. Oxycontin and OyFast Solution. Oxycodone, Morphine, Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Meperidine, and Fentanyl come in pure opiate preparations but I have never heard of pure Hydrocodone and Codeine preparations, only in combination with non-opiate painkillers. I have also never heard of Morphine, Mepridine, Hydro or Oxymorphone, or Fentanyl coming in preparations with Tylenol, Aspirin or Ibuprophen. Oxycodone comes in preparatuion wil all 3, Hydrocodone comes with Tylenol or Ibuprophen, and Codeine comes with Tylenol.
there is a med called Roxicodone, which is basically Percocet without the acetaminophen. there are also pain meds that arent opioids. depends on the type of pain you are having as to what your doctor might prescribe.
Painful stiff muscles for over a month now?
I've been dealing with painful stiff muscles for over a month now. Some days I can't turn my neck a certain direction. I've been to the doctor; used the heating pads; taking the aleve...What are the early signs of arthritis? Any remedies you recommend?
You need to see a doctor of rheumatology. Your symptoms sound like Fibromyalgia. Only a rheumatologist can diagnose problems such as you have described. Muscular pain, tingling, burning, and numbness are common symptoms of a repetitive strain injury. However, these symptoms are also common in a condition called Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia basically means pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It affects mostly women and up to 4% of the general population. The pain of fibromyalgia occurs in areas where the muscles attach to bone or ligaments and is similar to the pain of arthritis. The joints themselves are not affected, however, so they are not deformed nor do they deteriorate as they may in arthritic conditions. The pain typically originates in one area, usually the neck and shoulders, and then radiates out. Most patients report feeling some pain all the time; and many describe it as "exhausting." The pain can vary, depending on the time of day, weather changes, physical activity, and the presence of stressful situations; it has been described as stiffness, burning, stabbing, sudden, radiating, and aching. The pain is often more intense after disturbed sleep. The other major complaint is fatigue, which some patients report as being more debilitating than the pain. Fatigue and sleep disturbances are, in fact, almost universal in patients with fibromyalgia, due to lack of serotonin, and if these symptoms are not present, then some experts believe that physicians should seek a diagnosis other than fibromyalgia. Up to a third of patients experience depression, and disturbances in mood and concentration are very common. I have written an article on this subject and I've enclosed suggestions to help with the pain. The link is below.
Have your doctor to give a ct scan or a mri they are costly but you will have your answer and will not have to worry anymore.
You need to see a doctor of rheumatology. Your symptoms sound like Fibromyalgia. Only a rheumatologist can diagnose problems such as you have described. Muscular pain, tingling, burning, and numbness are common symptoms of a repetitive strain injury. However, these symptoms are also common in a condition called Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia basically means pain in the muscles, tendons and ligaments. It affects mostly women and up to 4% of the general population. The pain of fibromyalgia occurs in areas where the muscles attach to bone or ligaments and is similar to the pain of arthritis. The joints themselves are not affected, however, so they are not deformed nor do they deteriorate as they may in arthritic conditions. The pain typically originates in one area, usually the neck and shoulders, and then radiates out. Most patients report feeling some pain all the time; and many describe it as "exhausting." The pain can vary, depending on the time of day, weather changes, physical activity, and the presence of stressful situations; it has been described as stiffness, burning, stabbing, sudden, radiating, and aching. The pain is often more intense after disturbed sleep. The other major complaint is fatigue, which some patients report as being more debilitating than the pain. Fatigue and sleep disturbances are, in fact, almost universal in patients with fibromyalgia, due to lack of serotonin, and if these symptoms are not present, then some experts believe that physicians should seek a diagnosis other than fibromyalgia. Up to a third of patients experience depression, and disturbances in mood and concentration are very common. I have written an article on this subject and I've enclosed suggestions to help with the pain. The link is below.
Have your doctor to give a ct scan or a mri they are costly but you will have your answer and will not have to worry anymore.
Painful spot to the touch on right side of neck. What could be wrong?
I have a spot on the right side of my neck that is painful to the touch most of the time. I can't turn my head to the left sometimes, and it sometimes causes my tongue to hurt on the right side as well. Three people have seen the spot swelled and one said it could be a lymph node. It started right after I had a very bad sinus infection. What could it be? I hope it isn't lymph node cancer.
That's a good thing to take to your doctor or nurse practitioner. It could be as simple as an infection that needs antibiotics to clear up, it could be something else, I don't know. Regardless of what it is or isn't, your symptoms definitely warrant a trip into the doctor or clinic (but not the ER).
its probably not that bad. even though im not a doctor, its maybe a type of sore rash. i hope this answer helps
That's a good thing to take to your doctor or nurse practitioner. It could be as simple as an infection that needs antibiotics to clear up, it could be something else, I don't know. Regardless of what it is or isn't, your symptoms definitely warrant a trip into the doctor or clinic (but not the ER).
its probably not that bad. even though im not a doctor, its maybe a type of sore rash. i hope this answer helps
Painful Ribs keeping me awake!?
Right before bed i lay down and start to relax, but then a pain hits my ribs, i roll over and over in differant positions but nothing works at all. I am bone tired and very frustrated because i want to sleep but the pain keeps me awake, and when i do fall asleep i wake up a few hours later, never to sleep for the rest of the night.
My husband also has this problem sometimes. I am 20 and he is 24, we have a matress that is kinda firm, but we've had it 3 years and i've never had this problem before.
I have had the problem before i was with my husband from sleeping on the floor or a matress on the floor. I am really angry and frustrated, I can't sleep and my doctor told me to change my position but nothing helps!! What should i do?
I suggest you see a chiropractor for treatment. It sounds like the muscles in the rib cage are having spasms. A chiropractor will give you a complete examination including xray and will be able to tell you what is the problem as well as start giving you immediate relief. I've enclosed a link where you can find a qualified chiropractor that uses a very gentle method, in your area.
Make friends with a massage therapist
Read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies - to help you understand what is going on and how to help yourself.
Seriously consider a chiropractor - many times the combination of the three is the only way to get it right.
My husband also has this problem sometimes. I am 20 and he is 24, we have a matress that is kinda firm, but we've had it 3 years and i've never had this problem before.
I have had the problem before i was with my husband from sleeping on the floor or a matress on the floor. I am really angry and frustrated, I can't sleep and my doctor told me to change my position but nothing helps!! What should i do?
I suggest you see a chiropractor for treatment. It sounds like the muscles in the rib cage are having spasms. A chiropractor will give you a complete examination including xray and will be able to tell you what is the problem as well as start giving you immediate relief. I've enclosed a link where you can find a qualified chiropractor that uses a very gentle method, in your area.
Make friends with a massage therapist
Read The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies - to help you understand what is going on and how to help yourself.
Seriously consider a chiropractor - many times the combination of the three is the only way to get it right.
Painful rectal spasms at night. What to do? What to do?
I have been awakened at night by severe rectal pain (lasting about 5 painful minutes) so I looked it up and found that it鈥檚 called Proctalgia fugax, a severe, episodic rectal pain that usually occurs at night, a muscle cramp in the wrong place at the wrong time, rectal spasms or just plain pain in the anus鈥?br />It could last a few seconds to a few minutes so most people do not even report it to their doctors.Warm baths and massages seem to relieve it but I鈥檇 like to know if any one of you people found other true and tried methods to relieve that pain in the butt fast.
Very nasty pain that.I had much more when I was younger but not for many years. It is very painful - I can remember sweating and feeling faint when it came on. I also had bowel pain in my lower abdo and actual rectal pain (even to touch) A friend of mine also has it.The only thing that made it manageable was to get a heat pack on my tummy and lay on my tummy and try to relax as much as possible (it is pretty hard when you feel like you have a bunch of hyenas biting on the inside of your butt) Taking a hot bath also helped me. The problem is that it used to strike me at all sorts of times which makes it hard when you are at work. Usually though it was in the early evening and before midnight. It usually lasted around 20 mins but the peak pain for about 5 mins.I would avouid taking anything OTC until you have had a formal diagnosis to exclude any other problems. This is usually with a colonoscopy where a scope is used to take a look around your rectum and lower bowel. This is done under a very light anaesthetic.Taking anything with codeine (you can get pain killers with codeine otc in Australia) is not recommended due to its constipating action. You could discuss with your doctor about taking something like Buscopan (an antispasmodic).Sorry I cant help more
Go to a doctor. It could get worse.
Sounds like a real pain in the butt.
Try Immodium. What you likely have was known as spastic colon. And later Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Immodium is otc and not expensive.
See a doctor just in case it could be something more severe in disguise. Better safe than sorry.
i will pray for u.
Muscle spasms in that area can occur because of things like Irritable Bowel Syndrome if they have the constipation part of IBS.Some women I've met that have had pelvic floor muscle spasm such as in that area have tried physical therapy to the area.I would recommend checking with the dr too for additional ideas.
If you've taken time to see what the name of it is I'm assuming you've also seen a doctor for this? right?
If you haven't then I'd see one to make sure this is what you have. Self diagnoses isn't good. It's like an attorney representing himself in court. Ask the doctor for some kind of suppository to calm the nerves or whatever is doing this, down.
Very nasty pain that.I had much more when I was younger but not for many years. It is very painful - I can remember sweating and feeling faint when it came on. I also had bowel pain in my lower abdo and actual rectal pain (even to touch) A friend of mine also has it.The only thing that made it manageable was to get a heat pack on my tummy and lay on my tummy and try to relax as much as possible (it is pretty hard when you feel like you have a bunch of hyenas biting on the inside of your butt) Taking a hot bath also helped me. The problem is that it used to strike me at all sorts of times which makes it hard when you are at work. Usually though it was in the early evening and before midnight. It usually lasted around 20 mins but the peak pain for about 5 mins.I would avouid taking anything OTC until you have had a formal diagnosis to exclude any other problems. This is usually with a colonoscopy where a scope is used to take a look around your rectum and lower bowel. This is done under a very light anaesthetic.Taking anything with codeine (you can get pain killers with codeine otc in Australia) is not recommended due to its constipating action. You could discuss with your doctor about taking something like Buscopan (an antispasmodic).Sorry I cant help more
Go to a doctor. It could get worse.
Sounds like a real pain in the butt.
Try Immodium. What you likely have was known as spastic colon. And later Irritable Bowel Syndrome.Immodium is otc and not expensive.
See a doctor just in case it could be something more severe in disguise. Better safe than sorry.
i will pray for u.
Muscle spasms in that area can occur because of things like Irritable Bowel Syndrome if they have the constipation part of IBS.Some women I've met that have had pelvic floor muscle spasm such as in that area have tried physical therapy to the area.I would recommend checking with the dr too for additional ideas.
If you've taken time to see what the name of it is I'm assuming you've also seen a doctor for this? right?
If you haven't then I'd see one to make sure this is what you have. Self diagnoses isn't good. It's like an attorney representing himself in court. Ask the doctor for some kind of suppository to calm the nerves or whatever is doing this, down.
Painful knot on my wrist?
For about a week and a half my wrist has been hurting pretty bad when i bend it forward or backward. It has done that before but it goes away and eventually comes back. Now i have a not on the top of my wrist that you can really only see when i bend my hand forward it doesnt hurt near as bad, but the knot hurts when i push on it. Also, the knot is pretty hard.
any ideas of what it could be?
It could be a ganglion cyst, but they don't usually cause severe pain, if any pain at all. Sometimes they may cause limitations of movement and can also cause weakness, pain and paraesthesia (pins and needles) if they press on adjacent nerves. Frequently, the cysts will disappear over time, so in cases of small cysts that do not cause other symptoms, no therapy is necessary. If a ganglion cyst is causing you problems, it can be managed by aspiration or excision.It could also be caused by several other conditions, one of which is rheumatoid arthritis.
It could be a cyst, go see your doctor. They can usually remove those and they are usually benign. They used to call them bible cysts because they used to smash them with a bible, but all that will do is break it up and lead to more cyst. See your doctor, get checked out. Good luck.
It is most likely just a knot from fatigue. Wear a wrist brace for a week, take some ibuprofen, rest it, and you should be fine.
Your cyst is likely what is called a "ganglion cyst" and other than being a nuisance, it's not harmful. A long time ago, the cure was said to be to whack those cysts with a Bible. I guess they burst! So glad that there are other remedies now! I know of a person who had one removed by a surgeon and it was a simple procedure. Good luck!
i was havin the same problem after i got beat up by my sister the other day and i had the same pain and it depended on how i moved it. i put a tensor bandage on for a bit and tried to see what i could move i tried hard not lifting to much wait. after taking 2 tylenol the pain was so much less.
u might have to go to doctors to see if u need to get operation on it, hopefully not,
take care
My sister had one, it is called a ganglion (sp?). You can have it removed surgically if it becomes to bothersome, or just let it be. It is not harmful, just annoying.
any ideas of what it could be?
It could be a ganglion cyst, but they don't usually cause severe pain, if any pain at all. Sometimes they may cause limitations of movement and can also cause weakness, pain and paraesthesia (pins and needles) if they press on adjacent nerves. Frequently, the cysts will disappear over time, so in cases of small cysts that do not cause other symptoms, no therapy is necessary. If a ganglion cyst is causing you problems, it can be managed by aspiration or excision.It could also be caused by several other conditions, one of which is rheumatoid arthritis.
It could be a cyst, go see your doctor. They can usually remove those and they are usually benign. They used to call them bible cysts because they used to smash them with a bible, but all that will do is break it up and lead to more cyst. See your doctor, get checked out. Good luck.
It is most likely just a knot from fatigue. Wear a wrist brace for a week, take some ibuprofen, rest it, and you should be fine.
Your cyst is likely what is called a "ganglion cyst" and other than being a nuisance, it's not harmful. A long time ago, the cure was said to be to whack those cysts with a Bible. I guess they burst! So glad that there are other remedies now! I know of a person who had one removed by a surgeon and it was a simple procedure. Good luck!
i was havin the same problem after i got beat up by my sister the other day and i had the same pain and it depended on how i moved it. i put a tensor bandage on for a bit and tried to see what i could move i tried hard not lifting to much wait. after taking 2 tylenol the pain was so much less.
u might have to go to doctors to see if u need to get operation on it, hopefully not,
take care
My sister had one, it is called a ganglion (sp?). You can have it removed surgically if it becomes to bothersome, or just let it be. It is not harmful, just annoying.
Painful hips?
I'm only 22, but I have serious pain in my hips. They crack and pop all of the time. Has anyone else expierenced this? What could be wrong?
You most likely have tight hip muscles. Try and thoroughly stretch your hip flexors and butt muscles (search in google images if you need to) for twice a day for 2 wks and see if that decreases your pain before you go and see an orthopedic doctor. Most often problems with the hip joint itself results in pain in the groin also and you did not mention any groin pain.
Hi,Pl. reduce your weight.
Go to the doctor and find out. It doesn't sound right - arthritis?
I would suggest a good Chiropractor. They will x ray you as a new patient to determine the cause. Of course the more you weigh the more your joints will hurt.This if their is nothing radical wrong an adjustment should improve the situation.Do you do any type of sports that could have contributed to this problem? Do you exercise or work out to keep your muscles and joint healthy? I would suggest doing that.
Yes you ought to see an orthopedic surgeon right away.
You most likely have tight hip muscles. Try and thoroughly stretch your hip flexors and butt muscles (search in google images if you need to) for twice a day for 2 wks and see if that decreases your pain before you go and see an orthopedic doctor. Most often problems with the hip joint itself results in pain in the groin also and you did not mention any groin pain.
Hi,Pl. reduce your weight.
Go to the doctor and find out. It doesn't sound right - arthritis?
I would suggest a good Chiropractor. They will x ray you as a new patient to determine the cause. Of course the more you weigh the more your joints will hurt.This if their is nothing radical wrong an adjustment should improve the situation.Do you do any type of sports that could have contributed to this problem? Do you exercise or work out to keep your muscles and joint healthy? I would suggest doing that.
Yes you ought to see an orthopedic surgeon right away.
Painful eyes?
Hi, I suffer from panic attacks and was prescribed citalopram. A couple of weeks after taking it i have been getting pains in my eyes and my sight is slightly blurred. Anyone had similar symptoms taking the medication? Thanks.
I think that's common with certain meds... In chinese medicine sore eyes, blurred vision are liver symptoms, and any medication puts a little extra pressure on your liver. If you're worried talk to your doctor.
Not on the same medication but same symptoms, eyes stiging and blurred vision. Gets better after a while.
Wow, I don't know if that is normal with that medication. You should call the doctor who prescribed it or the pharmacists you got it from and tell them. They should be able to tell you more.
Hey if it is that bad call your doctor that prescribed the medicine. Ask him if this is normal. Read the details that came with the medicine and see if that is one of the normal side effects. If it is one of the rare side effects your doctor really needs to know what it is doing to you so you don't have long term damage.
I think that's common with certain meds... In chinese medicine sore eyes, blurred vision are liver symptoms, and any medication puts a little extra pressure on your liver. If you're worried talk to your doctor.
Not on the same medication but same symptoms, eyes stiging and blurred vision. Gets better after a while.
Wow, I don't know if that is normal with that medication. You should call the doctor who prescribed it or the pharmacists you got it from and tell them. They should be able to tell you more.
Hey if it is that bad call your doctor that prescribed the medicine. Ask him if this is normal. Read the details that came with the medicine and see if that is one of the normal side effects. If it is one of the rare side effects your doctor really needs to know what it is doing to you so you don't have long term damage.
Painful Back Pain, Chiropractor or Doctor?
Im a 25 year old male who does a lot of heavy lifting at my job. Ive been having some painful lower back pain and cant take much more of the pain.. Ive been told by some to go see a chiropractor and ive been told by others to see a doctor because chiropractors only offer quick fixes and their procedures can leave u with more pain.. Please help provide insight!-thanks-
The medical specialty is physical medicine (alos known as sports medicine). These are doctors who diagnose and treat painful conditions like yours and treat them with physical therapy and other non surgical techniques.The doctor will examine you, probably take xrays and very likely prescribe physical therapy- which is the most conservative way to begin. If there is no improvement, your doctor may have you take an MRI to look at soft tissue (which xrays do not) to determine what other treatments can help you. Surgery should be the very last resort.Good luck. These doctors have helped me with severe lower back pain.
You need to see a doctor first, to rule out any thing that might be serious, and ask him what HE thinks about chiropractors, he'll probably send you to a physiotherapist. who will do a better job on you than the Chiropractor
Hi there.In my practice experience, i think a doctor trained in rehabilitation medicine or sports medicine are the best people to help you get off your back problem. They are the ones who are recommending proper postures during work, movements, and even during rests.
If you need physical therapy, they are also the ones supervising and prescribing what kind of therapy you would need. It's just like a doctor (the rehabilitation specialist) giving the proper instruction to the nurse (physical therapist in this case).
I had a slipped disk, so I can definitely feel your pain. Here's my advice - go see your general practicioner. They can do a number of things to help:1) Give you prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants. These help fix the problem as well as the symptoms.2) Prescribe physical therapy which will help you get the muscles strengthened up and working properly, and also will give you tools to help ease the pain.3) Diagnose the core problem - is it just muscles, or is it a spinal problem?4) They can inject cortisone or another steroid directly into the affected area to reduce inflammation and give pain relief.I would highly recommend going to a doctor - but don't be going directly to a neurosurgeon, they'll want to operate immediately.
What people say about chiropractors is not true. Chiropractors have proven to be legitimate and successful alternatives to traditional medicine, and millions of people have cured many different types of back problems through chiropractor work. Most people who have suffered from most pain have done so because they failed to follow the regimen given to them by the chiropractor. A good chiropractor will give you exercises and proper lifting techniques, and many people fail to follow up on these, causing more problems. Of course, no one wants to accept blame for their problems when it is easier to blame the supposed "quack" who gave them the advice they didn't follow. Go figure. After all that, guess what? I still think you should visit your doctor first. If they can't help, then have them recommend you to a back specialist and see how that works out. Chiropractors can be great, but there is no reason to resort to that if traditional medicine can fix you up. Keep your options open. Try one thing, and if it doesn't work for you, then try another thing. Back pain is not an exact science. What is best for one person might not be best for another. In any case, the best advice anyone can give you is to follow through on the instructions your doctor or chiropractor gives you! Not doing this is the #1 mistake that people with back pain commit. Good luck!
First, you need to tell HR- this could be a workers comp case.
They will pay for any therapy needed. so be careful.Put an ice pack on it.
Take an anti inflamitory- Advil is good.
Lay on the floor on your back flat, raise your feet up and rest them UP a wall or ontop of a chair/bed/sofa and that will immediately remove that pain.I would highly recommend a "massage therapist" before either of them. Since it sounds like muscle strain to me.22yrs- sports medicine- massage therapist.FYI- Chiropractics is not a quick fix, its a non surgical approach. They do x-rays and full medical workups as well, and believe the best way to "heal" a body is to use the entire body to heal the injury.10 years in Chiropractic medicine as well.I do believe in Doctors of General Medicine or Orthopedics (D.O.) yet they tend to over medicate with muscle relaxers and steriod shots to relieve the pain, when it only take a few days of normal rest and over the counter aids, to fix a temporary problem. Taking a muscle relaxer, actually gives you the ability to use the area sooner, YET.its not healed, so the chances of you hurting your self MORE, is most often the case. Seen it hundreds of times, wish - I had not. Just go to a Chiropractor, they will want to see you 2-3 times a week for two weeks or so and give you hot/cold packs, stretches, adjustment and massage on the muscles.that is the best treatment for this temporary problem. IF- the x-ray reveals more, they will refer you to a Doctor of Osteopath to help with your spine, to find the best traditional course of action. We don't want you in pain and work to keep you out of it.Don't live in pain...their is just no reason.. we are humans.
Best wishes...
Doctor first, then spine specialist "highly recommended", see what he says about the Chiropractor, "sometimes" it's all you will need but get the mri or xrays and a doctors advice first.It's best to see the specialist before proceeding to anything else.
First of all treat with ice and ibuprofen. Then see your chiropractor, they specialize in back pain so they can line up your spine and put it the way it should be. I have been going to a chiropractor for years. Between him and my massage therapist they keep me walking. Feel better
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor. I had terrible lower back pain and everybody told me to go to the Chiropractor, so I did. It made things so much worse.. I finally went to a Neurosurgeon and after some tests, found out that I had 2 herniated disks that wereas compressing my spine. So, every time the chiro was popping my back, he was making it much worse. That could have been very dangerous. I ended up having to have 2 back fusions done. I guess if you have some soreness, then a chiro is okay to go to, but if you are experiencing actual pain, go to a doctor.
The medical specialty is physical medicine (alos known as sports medicine). These are doctors who diagnose and treat painful conditions like yours and treat them with physical therapy and other non surgical techniques.The doctor will examine you, probably take xrays and very likely prescribe physical therapy- which is the most conservative way to begin. If there is no improvement, your doctor may have you take an MRI to look at soft tissue (which xrays do not) to determine what other treatments can help you. Surgery should be the very last resort.Good luck. These doctors have helped me with severe lower back pain.
You need to see a doctor first, to rule out any thing that might be serious, and ask him what HE thinks about chiropractors, he'll probably send you to a physiotherapist. who will do a better job on you than the Chiropractor
Hi there.In my practice experience, i think a doctor trained in rehabilitation medicine or sports medicine are the best people to help you get off your back problem. They are the ones who are recommending proper postures during work, movements, and even during rests.
If you need physical therapy, they are also the ones supervising and prescribing what kind of therapy you would need. It's just like a doctor (the rehabilitation specialist) giving the proper instruction to the nurse (physical therapist in this case).
I had a slipped disk, so I can definitely feel your pain. Here's my advice - go see your general practicioner. They can do a number of things to help:1) Give you prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants. These help fix the problem as well as the symptoms.2) Prescribe physical therapy which will help you get the muscles strengthened up and working properly, and also will give you tools to help ease the pain.3) Diagnose the core problem - is it just muscles, or is it a spinal problem?4) They can inject cortisone or another steroid directly into the affected area to reduce inflammation and give pain relief.I would highly recommend going to a doctor - but don't be going directly to a neurosurgeon, they'll want to operate immediately.
What people say about chiropractors is not true. Chiropractors have proven to be legitimate and successful alternatives to traditional medicine, and millions of people have cured many different types of back problems through chiropractor work. Most people who have suffered from most pain have done so because they failed to follow the regimen given to them by the chiropractor. A good chiropractor will give you exercises and proper lifting techniques, and many people fail to follow up on these, causing more problems. Of course, no one wants to accept blame for their problems when it is easier to blame the supposed "quack" who gave them the advice they didn't follow. Go figure. After all that, guess what? I still think you should visit your doctor first. If they can't help, then have them recommend you to a back specialist and see how that works out. Chiropractors can be great, but there is no reason to resort to that if traditional medicine can fix you up. Keep your options open. Try one thing, and if it doesn't work for you, then try another thing. Back pain is not an exact science. What is best for one person might not be best for another. In any case, the best advice anyone can give you is to follow through on the instructions your doctor or chiropractor gives you! Not doing this is the #1 mistake that people with back pain commit. Good luck!
First, you need to tell HR- this could be a workers comp case.
They will pay for any therapy needed. so be careful.Put an ice pack on it.
Take an anti inflamitory- Advil is good.
Lay on the floor on your back flat, raise your feet up and rest them UP a wall or ontop of a chair/bed/sofa and that will immediately remove that pain.I would highly recommend a "massage therapist" before either of them. Since it sounds like muscle strain to me.22yrs- sports medicine- massage therapist.FYI- Chiropractics is not a quick fix, its a non surgical approach. They do x-rays and full medical workups as well, and believe the best way to "heal" a body is to use the entire body to heal the injury.10 years in Chiropractic medicine as well.I do believe in Doctors of General Medicine or Orthopedics (D.O.) yet they tend to over medicate with muscle relaxers and steriod shots to relieve the pain, when it only take a few days of normal rest and over the counter aids, to fix a temporary problem. Taking a muscle relaxer, actually gives you the ability to use the area sooner, YET.its not healed, so the chances of you hurting your self MORE, is most often the case. Seen it hundreds of times, wish - I had not. Just go to a Chiropractor, they will want to see you 2-3 times a week for two weeks or so and give you hot/cold packs, stretches, adjustment and massage on the muscles.that is the best treatment for this temporary problem. IF- the x-ray reveals more, they will refer you to a Doctor of Osteopath to help with your spine, to find the best traditional course of action. We don't want you in pain and work to keep you out of it.Don't live in pain...their is just no reason.. we are humans.
Best wishes...
Doctor first, then spine specialist "highly recommended", see what he says about the Chiropractor, "sometimes" it's all you will need but get the mri or xrays and a doctors advice first.It's best to see the specialist before proceeding to anything else.
First of all treat with ice and ibuprofen. Then see your chiropractor, they specialize in back pain so they can line up your spine and put it the way it should be. I have been going to a chiropractor for years. Between him and my massage therapist they keep me walking. Feel better
Doctor, Doctor, Doctor. I had terrible lower back pain and everybody told me to go to the Chiropractor, so I did. It made things so much worse.. I finally went to a Neurosurgeon and after some tests, found out that I had 2 herniated disks that wereas compressing my spine. So, every time the chiro was popping my back, he was making it much worse. That could have been very dangerous. I ended up having to have 2 back fusions done. I guess if you have some soreness, then a chiro is okay to go to, but if you are experiencing actual pain, go to a doctor.
I just started volleyball camp on monday and my thighs and knees are absolutely killing me...i can barely get up the stairs...i still have 3 days of vball camp left how do i make the pain stop??!!plz help!!
Take some Advil and a hot bath with Epsom salt. Good luck and hope u feel better!!!!1
The question is whether the pain is muscular or an injury. If it is purely muscular then time and rest are your friends, sometimes I find that I push through the pain and shortly after I start playing it eases a bit , probably a folic acid buildup, fluidsd rest when you are not playing and eat some bananas for potassium, if its an injury then you need a doctor and res or more.Thats my guess...
Your pain in the thigh muscles is DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and is completely normal when doing new activity that your body is not used to. The pain in the knees is probably patellofemoral syndrome and is caused by you using your quad (front thigh) muscles too much and not using your other muscles in your hip, butt, and back of thigh enough. I would recommend you ask your parents to take you to go see a physical therapist if you cont to have knee pain more than a day or two more.
Take some Advil and a hot bath with Epsom salt. Good luck and hope u feel better!!!!1
The question is whether the pain is muscular or an injury. If it is purely muscular then time and rest are your friends, sometimes I find that I push through the pain and shortly after I start playing it eases a bit , probably a folic acid buildup, fluidsd rest when you are not playing and eat some bananas for potassium, if its an injury then you need a doctor and res or more.Thats my guess...
Your pain in the thigh muscles is DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) and is completely normal when doing new activity that your body is not used to. The pain in the knees is probably patellofemoral syndrome and is caused by you using your quad (front thigh) muscles too much and not using your other muscles in your hip, butt, and back of thigh enough. I would recommend you ask your parents to take you to go see a physical therapist if you cont to have knee pain more than a day or two more.
Pain, under my left side of ribs,?
it feels like a hot burning crampy like stitch, like i have something caught or trapped, more uncomfortable than toothache,it gets so bad whilst driving im having to poke myself in the painful area to give some relief,
its made worse by standing and sitting, i have not taken any medication other than normal painkillers,
You don't say when it started or how long you have had it for. It could be many things , something simple like trapped wind which will cause massive amounts of pain until it shifts or it could be something more serious. You need to provide more information like if you have done any excercise that may have started it off etc.Personally I would call your GP or the out of hours doctor to be seen and find out what it could be. In the mean time drink plenty of water (strange advice I know) but very often pain is caused by dehydration so just make sure you eliminate that as a possibility. Good luck I know the kind of pain you mean and it isn't pleasant
go to a dr! it could be a hernia or something wrong with an organ!
this could be your apendix-- get an MRI and an X_RAY
Have you been to the doc? Could be a peptic ulcer. Should go in before it results in needing surgery. Good luck.Kate, you're appendix are on your lower right abdomen
you do need to take some painkillers bad if that does not work go see the doctor fast if you dont i think it says here you can get a little bit of cancer
You need to have this checked out by a doctor as soon as possible, but it sounds as if you could have a kidney infection or kidney stone.If the pain gets really bad go along to your local Emergency Dept.Hope you are feeling better very soon
Is it better or worse after meals? Did you suffer any trauma to that area ever? What kind of painkillers? If a gastric ulcer was the cause of your pain, taking alot of aspirin or NSAIDS (like ibuprofen) could ironically worsen the ulcer, make you prone to bleeding from there. Get evaluated by a doctor.
Go to the doctor.. i
its made worse by standing and sitting, i have not taken any medication other than normal painkillers,
You don't say when it started or how long you have had it for. It could be many things , something simple like trapped wind which will cause massive amounts of pain until it shifts or it could be something more serious. You need to provide more information like if you have done any excercise that may have started it off etc.Personally I would call your GP or the out of hours doctor to be seen and find out what it could be. In the mean time drink plenty of water (strange advice I know) but very often pain is caused by dehydration so just make sure you eliminate that as a possibility. Good luck I know the kind of pain you mean and it isn't pleasant
go to a dr! it could be a hernia or something wrong with an organ!
this could be your apendix-- get an MRI and an X_RAY
Have you been to the doc? Could be a peptic ulcer. Should go in before it results in needing surgery. Good luck.Kate, you're appendix are on your lower right abdomen
you do need to take some painkillers bad if that does not work go see the doctor fast if you dont i think it says here you can get a little bit of cancer
You need to have this checked out by a doctor as soon as possible, but it sounds as if you could have a kidney infection or kidney stone.If the pain gets really bad go along to your local Emergency Dept.Hope you are feeling better very soon
Is it better or worse after meals? Did you suffer any trauma to that area ever? What kind of painkillers? If a gastric ulcer was the cause of your pain, taking alot of aspirin or NSAIDS (like ibuprofen) could ironically worsen the ulcer, make you prone to bleeding from there. Get evaluated by a doctor.
Go to the doctor.. i
Pain with bm?
everytime I have a BM it hurts badly and sometimes I will see blood but not blood in the stool just on the paper what can cause this? I am very worried this has been going on for about 6 months sometimes it's better and other times it's worse. anyone with info on thos please help me. I also have pain in my abdomen sometimes I dont if they have anything to do with each other though.
Bright red blood only on the toilet paper usually means hemorrhoids. That combined with your "pain with BM" probably means constipation. That combination would signal that your diet is very poor in fiber. Constipation will cause cramp like pains as the stool passes thru your intestines and it can be very painful. Take a look at the following links about constipation and see what you think. If they don't seem to apply to you, or none of the treatment info helps, then go to see your doctor.http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases...
Go to the doctor asap. I don't know what it is, but there's obviously something wrong if it's been like this for 6 months.
Its probably hemmeroids if the blood is bright red and if it comes and goes your diet is probably not helping add fiber to your diet. but definately see a doctor just to make sure
Doesn't sound too serious, I have had the same problem.
Probably your diet isn't very fiber rich and you become constipated and your stool becomes "harder" than it should.
Try a stool softener, you can buy them and any drug store or Wal Mart. I use Dulcolax. If the blood continues after you have used the softener, you may have hemorrhoids, in which case you can buy the appropriate creams or ointments for that at the same stores.
If these suggestions do not work with in 2 wks, you may want to consider a visit to the doctor, but I don't really think that you need to see one yet.
Good Luck
Your poop is getting too hard. Take some metamucil or make sure you have enough fiber. You could also try a stool softener like Sennakot. I think the pain, if it is mild, could be related.
Bright red blood only on the toilet paper usually means hemorrhoids. That combined with your "pain with BM" probably means constipation. That combination would signal that your diet is very poor in fiber. Constipation will cause cramp like pains as the stool passes thru your intestines and it can be very painful. Take a look at the following links about constipation and see what you think. If they don't seem to apply to you, or none of the treatment info helps, then go to see your doctor.http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases...
Go to the doctor asap. I don't know what it is, but there's obviously something wrong if it's been like this for 6 months.
Its probably hemmeroids if the blood is bright red and if it comes and goes your diet is probably not helping add fiber to your diet. but definately see a doctor just to make sure
Doesn't sound too serious, I have had the same problem.
Probably your diet isn't very fiber rich and you become constipated and your stool becomes "harder" than it should.
Try a stool softener, you can buy them and any drug store or Wal Mart. I use Dulcolax. If the blood continues after you have used the softener, you may have hemorrhoids, in which case you can buy the appropriate creams or ointments for that at the same stores.
If these suggestions do not work with in 2 wks, you may want to consider a visit to the doctor, but I don't really think that you need to see one yet.
Good Luck
Your poop is getting too hard. Take some metamucil or make sure you have enough fiber. You could also try a stool softener like Sennakot. I think the pain, if it is mild, could be related.
Pain while Peeing? Stone?
OK this has happened about 3 or 4 times now, but when i pee i will be in mid stream and then push the last bit out i get a really really sharp pain kinda in my testicle (right). Could this be a stone? Its only happened a couple of time and weeks or months apart...thanks
Well if it was a kidney stone, chances are the pain would not be in one of your testes. Kidney stones always typically present with flank pain, and it's usually severe. It would likely be painful everytime you urinated, not just once in a while. Blood in the urine also could be a signal of a kidney stone. If your testes hurt, you may need to be evaluated for epididymitis by a doctor. As far as you having a stone, I wouldn't count on it.
the pain is not in your testicle. it is located in your urethra. this is a common pain for middle aged men. sorry i cant help u thoroughly, u should see your doctor. this may b serious. im sorry.
Get TO A DOCTOR...in my opinion as soon as you can!it could be either way...its not good.
It could be a urinary track infection. ( yes some men get this too).. Make an apt with your Dr and get check out...Get Better..Bcn_mimosa
Well if it was a kidney stone, chances are the pain would not be in one of your testes. Kidney stones always typically present with flank pain, and it's usually severe. It would likely be painful everytime you urinated, not just once in a while. Blood in the urine also could be a signal of a kidney stone. If your testes hurt, you may need to be evaluated for epididymitis by a doctor. As far as you having a stone, I wouldn't count on it.
the pain is not in your testicle. it is located in your urethra. this is a common pain for middle aged men. sorry i cant help u thoroughly, u should see your doctor. this may b serious. im sorry.
Get TO A DOCTOR...in my opinion as soon as you can!it could be either way...its not good.
It could be a urinary track infection. ( yes some men get this too).. Make an apt with your Dr and get check out...Get Better..Bcn_mimosa
Pain what is it!! lady's only?
i keep getting shooting pain though my vigina bone on the top part near my hip bone dose any1 know what it is. it's quite painfull sometimes. it feel's like you know when you pull a hair out and you get the sharp pain its like that. it not my pubic hair as i shave. thanks i also have a tattoo near by got it done 3 months ago dont know if it might be realated but it looks ok and had no probs with it.
well if you havent fallen, or had the pain before the tattoo id go see a doctor in case its affected, best be on the safe side,
This could be a pulled muscle, nerve pain, or an infection. You need to see your gynecologist as soon as possible to make sure that there's nothing seriously wrong.
Sounds like an infection but I would go with the others and get it checked out! There are a few online doctor websites that might be able to help if getting an apointment is difficult.
o gawd,i hate to say it,but it sounds like a sexually transmitted infection.go to your GP as soon as possible.
but if you are a virgin,i wouldn't worry.Stop shaving for a while coz you could be irritating your skin. good luck anywayz xxx
well if you havent fallen, or had the pain before the tattoo id go see a doctor in case its affected, best be on the safe side,
This could be a pulled muscle, nerve pain, or an infection. You need to see your gynecologist as soon as possible to make sure that there's nothing seriously wrong.
Sounds like an infection but I would go with the others and get it checked out! There are a few online doctor websites that might be able to help if getting an apointment is difficult.
o gawd,i hate to say it,but it sounds like a sexually transmitted infection.go to your GP as soon as possible.
but if you are a virgin,i wouldn't worry.Stop shaving for a while coz you could be irritating your skin. good luck anywayz xxx
Pain underneath top of right breastbone almost at the apex of the sternum?
What could this be please. I know go to the doctors.trouble he has no idea.I wondered if anyone might give me some indication as to what this might be please...thank you!When I bend forward I feel as though someone is turning a tornaque round my chest.... Not a heart attack
Possibly gallstones? Especially if it comes and goes in cycles of about a couple of weeks You need to go back to your GP and have blood tests.
I know this is silly but is it a belt of wind? What makes you and your doctor say it is not a heart attack. Have you had it checked out at hospital on an ECG machine. I suspect you have not consulted a doctor and suggest you do so like yesterday
I have a stress fracture on my sternum which feels the same way.
Well i have experienced some pain exactly where you described but how severe is yours I'm not sure? What i discovered was that every time my period is about to come I get this pain .So I'm thinking it's associated with my period,and also the under wire bras that I wore had something to do with it.Do you wear under wire bras?
could be*chest infection
*acid reflux
*broken ribI had a chest infection and it felt like something would move around in my chest and hurt...I was convinced something was broken. Antibiotics made it go away. It still comes back sometimes, though, and I have to take them again...it's been 10 years.
Hi thereDoes it hurt when you breathe in/out or maybe when you lift your arm? Do you feel pain in the spine at the top on the right?As the pain is aggravated by movement the likelihood is that it is mechanical (that is muscles, ligaments and joints) in nature. Sometimes ribs can get very slightly out of alignment which can give a localised pain over the rib joints (front, back or both) which can be exacerbated by movement. Not serious just painful.Maybe try local osteopath and see what they have to say. For local osteopath go to www.osteopathy.org.ukAll the best
it could be gall stones- however a dr, would probably check for that- it also could be what I have - costochrondritis- (sp)- it is an inflammation between the ribs- which can last for days or months- and then leave and come back again- fibromyalgia and costochrondritis, can mask themselves as heart attacks. I am having an attack of this myself this week- I have Fibromyalgia and costo- is one of the symptoms however you can have costo with fibro
sounds like heartburn indigeston to me x
Possibly gallstones? Especially if it comes and goes in cycles of about a couple of weeks You need to go back to your GP and have blood tests.
I know this is silly but is it a belt of wind? What makes you and your doctor say it is not a heart attack. Have you had it checked out at hospital on an ECG machine. I suspect you have not consulted a doctor and suggest you do so like yesterday
I have a stress fracture on my sternum which feels the same way.
Well i have experienced some pain exactly where you described but how severe is yours I'm not sure? What i discovered was that every time my period is about to come I get this pain .So I'm thinking it's associated with my period,and also the under wire bras that I wore had something to do with it.Do you wear under wire bras?
could be*chest infection
*acid reflux
*broken ribI had a chest infection and it felt like something would move around in my chest and hurt...I was convinced something was broken. Antibiotics made it go away. It still comes back sometimes, though, and I have to take them again...it's been 10 years.
Hi thereDoes it hurt when you breathe in/out or maybe when you lift your arm? Do you feel pain in the spine at the top on the right?As the pain is aggravated by movement the likelihood is that it is mechanical (that is muscles, ligaments and joints) in nature. Sometimes ribs can get very slightly out of alignment which can give a localised pain over the rib joints (front, back or both) which can be exacerbated by movement. Not serious just painful.Maybe try local osteopath and see what they have to say. For local osteopath go to www.osteopathy.org.ukAll the best
it could be gall stones- however a dr, would probably check for that- it also could be what I have - costochrondritis- (sp)- it is an inflammation between the ribs- which can last for days or months- and then leave and come back again- fibromyalgia and costochrondritis, can mask themselves as heart attacks. I am having an attack of this myself this week- I have Fibromyalgia and costo- is one of the symptoms however you can have costo with fibro
sounds like heartburn indigeston to me x
Pain under top of ribcage?
I have had a pain under the top of my rib cage for the past week and a half, it tends to make my shoulder and arm hurt as well,does anyone have any idea what this could be?
Its High up to the right and just under the bones.
Chest wall pain is common - the pain could just be deferring to your shoulder and arm. Have your doctor check it out - really, it could be as simple as muscle strain, asthma or GERD. There could also be issues with the liver, kidney, spine or gallbladder; it doesn't sound like you have these problems, but still, a urinalysis can rule some of these things out, and it's better to have a doctor look you over just to be on the safe side. Good luck :o)
Sounds like a muscular strain.Could well be trapped wind.Get your gall bladder checked out,or your liver if you drink alcohol a lot.Don't worry.
A pain in the chest is your body telling you to dial 999! (recent government advertisement)
This needs to be checked out. It could be indigestion but it could be a heart problem even though it is on the right of your chest. Don't ignore it - seek proper medical guidance, please.
This could be one of a number of problems from gastric reflux to gallbladder. You should see your GP for the correct diagnosis. In the meantime try antacids and no alcohol!
I would have to go with chest wall pain. I have had numerous "attacks" of these sorts.and have always gone to the e.r. to have them checked out, due to my asthma. Usually it is not my asthma, but it has been. Does it hurt to take a deep breath?? Another would be reflux or maybe an ulcer. I wouldn't go as far as saying a heart condition, I would have the others ruled out first. Take care and I hope all works out well.
I get what sounds the same, but may not be, from my neck. I have two prolapsed discs and a form of arthritis in my neck, get it checked out by the doc.
Good luck
It sounds like it could be wind.Try a rennie or something a long the lines of that. If that doesnt get rid of it maybe go see the doc as you have had it for a week.
Could be Plursey... I had it a few months ago and the pain was under my rib cage and hurt to breath in and out. The pain moved to my Sholder and Back. I would go get it checked if i were you Good Luck
Its High up to the right and just under the bones.
Chest wall pain is common - the pain could just be deferring to your shoulder and arm. Have your doctor check it out - really, it could be as simple as muscle strain, asthma or GERD. There could also be issues with the liver, kidney, spine or gallbladder; it doesn't sound like you have these problems, but still, a urinalysis can rule some of these things out, and it's better to have a doctor look you over just to be on the safe side. Good luck :o)
Sounds like a muscular strain.Could well be trapped wind.Get your gall bladder checked out,or your liver if you drink alcohol a lot.Don't worry.
A pain in the chest is your body telling you to dial 999! (recent government advertisement)
This needs to be checked out. It could be indigestion but it could be a heart problem even though it is on the right of your chest. Don't ignore it - seek proper medical guidance, please.
This could be one of a number of problems from gastric reflux to gallbladder. You should see your GP for the correct diagnosis. In the meantime try antacids and no alcohol!
I would have to go with chest wall pain. I have had numerous "attacks" of these sorts.and have always gone to the e.r. to have them checked out, due to my asthma. Usually it is not my asthma, but it has been. Does it hurt to take a deep breath?? Another would be reflux or maybe an ulcer. I wouldn't go as far as saying a heart condition, I would have the others ruled out first. Take care and I hope all works out well.
I get what sounds the same, but may not be, from my neck. I have two prolapsed discs and a form of arthritis in my neck, get it checked out by the doc.
Good luck
It sounds like it could be wind.Try a rennie or something a long the lines of that. If that doesnt get rid of it maybe go see the doc as you have had it for a week.
Could be Plursey... I had it a few months ago and the pain was under my rib cage and hurt to breath in and out. The pain moved to my Sholder and Back. I would go get it checked if i were you Good Luck
Pain under my arm, in my armpit (not so glamorous.. but..)?
I feel a little under the weather.. and last night i noticed this pain.. feels like i have been jabbed there... but i am sure i have not.. and i know we have some gland there.. any idea what the pain indicates?
you might want to feel your armpit and check if you have a boil in there. usually, boils tend to grow on the armpit due to some kind of an infection.
Could be an inflammation of the lymph nodes. I had that once. I was quite painful. In any case, to be absolutely certain about what is wrong.go see your doctor.
you might want to feel your armpit and check if you have a boil in there. usually, boils tend to grow on the armpit due to some kind of an infection.
Could be an inflammation of the lymph nodes. I had that once. I was quite painful. In any case, to be absolutely certain about what is wrong.go see your doctor.
Pain under foot (under the 2nd toe)?
After walking quite awhile the other day in my new Puma's I now feel a great pain under my foot where the phalanges and metatarsus meet on the toe right next to the big toe. Specifically, on this picture from Wikipedia (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co... its where the number 2 "body" toe and the number 6 appendage meet. Does anyone know what the problem might be and or how to heel it. Thank you.
I had the same thing from standing at attention in the Navy and then the same area went numb on one foot. I went to a podiatrist and he told me I had Mortons Neuroma. Meaning my nerves were/are damaged and he gave me a shot in the foot that seemed to help. When I am on my feet a lot I notice it flares up a bit. To heal you should visit a podiatrist and see if you can get some relief.
I had the same thing from standing at attention in the Navy and then the same area went numb on one foot. I went to a podiatrist and he told me I had Mortons Neuroma. Meaning my nerves were/are damaged and he gave me a shot in the foot that seemed to help. When I am on my feet a lot I notice it flares up a bit. To heal you should visit a podiatrist and see if you can get some relief.
Pain that moves from one part of the body to the next, in a different spot from day to day.What could this be?
It may be what is known as "transmutant" pain. It's causes are unknown, and generally it will disappear.
It could very easily be fibromyalgia --google it.
Pain Relievers? Do they work for you?
Well, while I was looking at a pill of vicodin that I was about to take for back pain (I hurt myself by slipping on a wet floor...), I thought about how efficiently OTC pain relievers work for different people. So I wanted to post a question on here and get people's opinions.Do Over the Counter Pain Relievers such as Aleve or Advil or Tylenol work for you? Do they relieve your pain? Do you feel the relief coming on? The reason I ask this is because I have a prescription of Vicodin that I had for a previous injury, but I never finished the bottle and I still have another refill left. And when I take a pill of vicodin or two depending on the level of pain, I feel the relief coming on and it hits me strong. I know Over the counter relievers are nowhere as strong as vicodin, but I want people's personal input. I went to the pharmacy and I got the strongest non prescription pain reliever, so I got Aleve 220mg Naproxen, it didnt work for me, I felt no pain relief. Now you tell me
Side effects are a real problem. You could be damaging your kidneys, etc.What you could do is to try a Yahoo search for "side effects" + ------------ and check out each pain reliever that you are taking.
They only work for the mildest form of pain out there. Like if you have a TINY headache, then yeah, it helps.
You have a MASSIVE headache, then NO they don't.I think they suck personally, that is the only time they have ever helped me for anything, a tiny headache.
I am allergic to tylenol, advil, and ibuprofin, so I have to take prescription pain relievers daily. I have nerve damage in my leg and arm and have found that the low dose I take controls my pain very well.The cause of pain is also a factor. Nerve pain, pain secondary to infection, and pain from chronic illnesses often require stronger medication.Back pain is tricky - especially if there is a muscle that is injured. If you have strained a muscle, you may need a muscle relaxer to permit the pain medication to work. Two more cents for your account.
Advil works well for me.Tylenol always makes my pain worse.
There's a big difference between Aleve and Vicodine. One is basically like taking an asprin, one is taking a heavy duty pain killer. It's like apples and oranges. If you are in bad pain, and don't want to go as far as the Vicodine, try taking 3 of the Aleve's at one time, that will equal the perscription level of Naproxen and will do a lot more for you than just taking the regular dose of Aleve and might help. If that doesn't work, switch to the Vicodin which will get rid of the pain almost instantly. A true strong pain killer should work pretty quickly. Vicodin is far from being a strong pain killer, it is in fact the bottom of the line in the list of pain killers, it is not addicting and if you really are in a lot of pain just go to the vicodin.
Side effects are a real problem. You could be damaging your kidneys, etc.What you could do is to try a Yahoo search for "side effects" + ------------ and check out each pain reliever that you are taking.
They only work for the mildest form of pain out there. Like if you have a TINY headache, then yeah, it helps.
You have a MASSIVE headache, then NO they don't.I think they suck personally, that is the only time they have ever helped me for anything, a tiny headache.
I am allergic to tylenol, advil, and ibuprofin, so I have to take prescription pain relievers daily. I have nerve damage in my leg and arm and have found that the low dose I take controls my pain very well.The cause of pain is also a factor. Nerve pain, pain secondary to infection, and pain from chronic illnesses often require stronger medication.Back pain is tricky - especially if there is a muscle that is injured. If you have strained a muscle, you may need a muscle relaxer to permit the pain medication to work. Two more cents for your account.
Advil works well for me.Tylenol always makes my pain worse.
There's a big difference between Aleve and Vicodine. One is basically like taking an asprin, one is taking a heavy duty pain killer. It's like apples and oranges. If you are in bad pain, and don't want to go as far as the Vicodine, try taking 3 of the Aleve's at one time, that will equal the perscription level of Naproxen and will do a lot more for you than just taking the regular dose of Aleve and might help. If that doesn't work, switch to the Vicodin which will get rid of the pain almost instantly. A true strong pain killer should work pretty quickly. Vicodin is far from being a strong pain killer, it is in fact the bottom of the line in the list of pain killers, it is not addicting and if you really are in a lot of pain just go to the vicodin.
Pain Relievers?
I always have headaches and I have used just about every type of pain reliever brand name and otherwise is there a reason why they don't work on me? I usually take two. Is there something different that works a whole lot better?
I have the same problem! The migraine prescriptions don't work either... The only thing that kicks my headache is vicodein... I would make an appointment to see a Doctor... there may be a bigger reason you are getting these headaches!
you need to speak to a doctor and find out what kind of headaches you have. if they are tension headaches, Advil or some kind of ibuprohen will work. if they are migraines (or cluster, like mine,) a prescription medicine, like Imitrex, works great. recently, because I was having so many headaches all the time, I started a new propholactic medicine, Topomax, which I take two times a day, and I haven't had a headache in two weeks!good luck!
tiger balm from a chinese food store is great - also pinch the fold of skin between your thumb and index finger - usually works for me.if headaches are frequent i would get checked out by your doctor
I have the same problem! The migraine prescriptions don't work either... The only thing that kicks my headache is vicodein... I would make an appointment to see a Doctor... there may be a bigger reason you are getting these headaches!
you need to speak to a doctor and find out what kind of headaches you have. if they are tension headaches, Advil or some kind of ibuprohen will work. if they are migraines (or cluster, like mine,) a prescription medicine, like Imitrex, works great. recently, because I was having so many headaches all the time, I started a new propholactic medicine, Topomax, which I take two times a day, and I haven't had a headache in two weeks!good luck!
tiger balm from a chinese food store is great - also pinch the fold of skin between your thumb and index finger - usually works for me.if headaches are frequent i would get checked out by your doctor
Pain relief for achilles tendonitis?
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can relieve the pain of my achilles tendonitis? I am already taking a strong anti-inflammatory painkiller but it is still causing me pain and, because I walk for 4+ hours per day for my job, it never goes away...
2 things...gentle stretching of you calf muscles can really help and ice massage.the way you do ice massage is to fill a paper cup half way with water, freeze it, then peel back the cup to expose some of the ice and rub that on the area that hurts for 4-5 mins. You will have to push through some uncomfortable sensations to get to the point that it is numb.
You can order a brace that will assist with your pain. It is for achilles tendonitis treatment . Visit bledsoebrace.com they have the brace
2 things...gentle stretching of you calf muscles can really help and ice massage.the way you do ice massage is to fill a paper cup half way with water, freeze it, then peel back the cup to expose some of the ice and rub that on the area that hurts for 4-5 mins. You will have to push through some uncomfortable sensations to get to the point that it is numb.
You can order a brace that will assist with your pain. It is for achilles tendonitis treatment . Visit bledsoebrace.com they have the brace
Pain ouch help plz!!!?
since last night i've had this pain in my right side about wear my hip bone is and its still very painful.
i have not hit it or done anything that i could've streched it.
plz help
It could very well be appendix. Go to your doctor to be sure. You do not want to have an emergency appendix removal. Just check it out to be sure. Maybe your mattress is very old and the springs might be pressing on your hip bone. Check out your mattress or whatever you sleep on. You may need to replace your mattress. Feel better. Good Luck!
it could be your appendix or i find if you drink too much you get sharp pains.
good luck
take advil
do some stretchs
hope you feel better
r u havin problems urinating? could b uti (urinary tract infection... take painkillers... generic name:mefenamic acid... plenty of water... still hurts... consult a doc
Seems like a pulled muscle, use a warm wet towel as a compress, as a warm muscle heals quicker than a cold one
That's why when we are about to do some form of sport we do some gentile exercises to warm up the muscles. If that does not work within a couple of days, go see a doc just to make sure that's all it is
i have not hit it or done anything that i could've streched it.
plz help
It could very well be appendix. Go to your doctor to be sure. You do not want to have an emergency appendix removal. Just check it out to be sure. Maybe your mattress is very old and the springs might be pressing on your hip bone. Check out your mattress or whatever you sleep on. You may need to replace your mattress. Feel better. Good Luck!
it could be your appendix or i find if you drink too much you get sharp pains.
good luck
take advil
do some stretchs
hope you feel better
r u havin problems urinating? could b uti (urinary tract infection... take painkillers... generic name:mefenamic acid... plenty of water... still hurts... consult a doc
Seems like a pulled muscle, use a warm wet towel as a compress, as a warm muscle heals quicker than a cold one
That's why when we are about to do some form of sport we do some gentile exercises to warm up the muscles. If that does not work within a couple of days, go see a doc just to make sure that's all it is
Pain or withdrawal?
After birth of my son 7 months ago my fibromyalgia went from mild to severe. Still on pain meds from then. My rumatologist prescribed me Tylenol#3 and DF118(hydrocodene)30-60mg every 6 hours if needed. Only use Df118 when severe. Take about 2 doses of Tylenol3 daily. It is winter here in South Africa. Is my fibro worse because of that or does it need the pain meds? How should I taper myself off? The Amitryptiline makes me agressive, so I do not take it anymore. What is the first symptoms of withdrawal?
I too suffer from fibro. I take lortab 10/650 and did take amitryptaline which I also stopped taking because of side effects. The withdrawal from it was horrible. When I tried to stop taking my pain med the pain was always worse. I have decided to keep taking it. Why be in pain when there is something to stop it? Is there a specific reason you want to quit? The medication can cause you no harm if you take it as prescribed. As for the first symptom of withdrawal, it could be a number of different things. Mood swings, nervousness, headaches, many more including severe pain. I hope this helps and if you ever need to talk with someone else in your shoes feel free to contact me.
it is a withdraw and you need to little by little stop the pills of the hydrocoden and stay off them if you can.
please listen to me i know this first hand.
Symptoms of withdrawel are:
Runny nose, dilated pupils (huge pupils), hot/cold sweats, shakes, body aches, nausea, exhaustion, cravings for the drug/perscription etc. Extreme cases : seizures, blackouts.
First of all, I would speak with your doctor about changing or reducing meds. Aside from that, there are many alternative medicines/treatments out there that may provide you with some relief while stopping or reducing medications. That may be worth trying. Some examples might include:Acupuncture
Massage therapy
YogaA few signs of withdrawal from medicines would be:Irritability
weight loss
hot/cold sweats
loss of appetite
desire for the drug
se*ual side effectsI was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and have found acupuncture to be helpful with that, and with migraines. I would still consult a medical professional first before changing too much with your system.
I have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis as well. the winter will make the fibro worse but stopping the medicine will make it 10x's worse. Stay on your meds or you will be in crucial pain.
As far as tapering off and the withdrawl....decrease your dosage very slowly. So if you took 8 pills a day....start off by going with 7 3/4 pills the next day and so on and so on. You are still going to have a withdrawl but not as severe. I was taking about 120 mg of hydrocordone a day and tried recently to just stop cold turkey and it was the worst thing ever. Body aches and pains, chils, fever, vomiting, diarhea, restlessness..slept horrible. I elected to do the decreased dosage each day and plan to be off by July 1st. It will be rough again I know but less miserable all around. You can also get a drug from your doctor to help with the withdrawls. Good luck to you.
I too suffer from fibro. I take lortab 10/650 and did take amitryptaline which I also stopped taking because of side effects. The withdrawal from it was horrible. When I tried to stop taking my pain med the pain was always worse. I have decided to keep taking it. Why be in pain when there is something to stop it? Is there a specific reason you want to quit? The medication can cause you no harm if you take it as prescribed. As for the first symptom of withdrawal, it could be a number of different things. Mood swings, nervousness, headaches, many more including severe pain. I hope this helps and if you ever need to talk with someone else in your shoes feel free to contact me.
it is a withdraw and you need to little by little stop the pills of the hydrocoden and stay off them if you can.
please listen to me i know this first hand.
Symptoms of withdrawel are:
Runny nose, dilated pupils (huge pupils), hot/cold sweats, shakes, body aches, nausea, exhaustion, cravings for the drug/perscription etc. Extreme cases : seizures, blackouts.
First of all, I would speak with your doctor about changing or reducing meds. Aside from that, there are many alternative medicines/treatments out there that may provide you with some relief while stopping or reducing medications. That may be worth trying. Some examples might include:Acupuncture
Massage therapy
YogaA few signs of withdrawal from medicines would be:Irritability
weight loss
hot/cold sweats
loss of appetite
desire for the drug
se*ual side effectsI was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, and have found acupuncture to be helpful with that, and with migraines. I would still consult a medical professional first before changing too much with your system.
I have fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis as well. the winter will make the fibro worse but stopping the medicine will make it 10x's worse. Stay on your meds or you will be in crucial pain.
As far as tapering off and the withdrawl....decrease your dosage very slowly. So if you took 8 pills a day....start off by going with 7 3/4 pills the next day and so on and so on. You are still going to have a withdrawl but not as severe. I was taking about 120 mg of hydrocordone a day and tried recently to just stop cold turkey and it was the worst thing ever. Body aches and pains, chils, fever, vomiting, diarhea, restlessness..slept horrible. I elected to do the decreased dosage each day and plan to be off by July 1st. It will be rough again I know but less miserable all around. You can also get a drug from your doctor to help with the withdrawls. Good luck to you.
Pain on the right side of my chest when i lean back or breathe heavy?
ah i don't know what it could be please help=%26#92;
I would go see your doctor right away if the pain doesn't go away. It is better to pay for the doctor's office visit than have to go to surgery which costs alot more.
Ripped muscle, pinched nerve in back, or possibly dislocated rib, especially if you get a sharp shooting pain near the center of your body. Try a warm shower, and simple, slow stretching exercises.
You may have gallstones. These can produce pain and a "heavy" feeling in the right side of the chest, and even up into your throat. If it gets worse after a fatty meal, you have your diagnosis. There are Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments to help gallstones that may help you dodge surgery.
It could be inflammation. I used to have the same thing but it was in my sternum and a doctor gave me some pills to help. My doctor said it was probably due to a previous back injury. It kept coming back though and eventually I went to a chiropractor and I haven鈥檛 had it since. Go to a doctor and tell them your symptoms.
I would go see your doctor right away if the pain doesn't go away. It is better to pay for the doctor's office visit than have to go to surgery which costs alot more.
Ripped muscle, pinched nerve in back, or possibly dislocated rib, especially if you get a sharp shooting pain near the center of your body. Try a warm shower, and simple, slow stretching exercises.
You may have gallstones. These can produce pain and a "heavy" feeling in the right side of the chest, and even up into your throat. If it gets worse after a fatty meal, you have your diagnosis. There are Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments to help gallstones that may help you dodge surgery.
It could be inflammation. I used to have the same thing but it was in my sternum and a doctor gave me some pills to help. My doctor said it was probably due to a previous back injury. It kept coming back though and eventually I went to a chiropractor and I haven鈥檛 had it since. Go to a doctor and tell them your symptoms.
Pain on right side of stomach?
I woke up yesterday morning with pains on my right side stomach...Right underneath my rib cage...I was wondering If i should be worried or is it nothing to worry about?
THERE IS A SYMPTOM CHECKER, and you can input your symptoms, and a list of diagnoses will come up, if you have any questions, feel free to email me.I tried to do it for you, but there was a question of what type of pain was it, sharp, crampy, etc., so YOU, personally need to enter the symptoms that you're experiencing.Best wishes!
webmd.com go to symptom checker and it will tell you
I'm not a medical professional, but I suffered with severe pains such as yours for a year or so, and it turned out to be my Gall Bladder (i had gall stones), although it usually occured after eating. if it continues you should definitely consult your physician.
if it last more than a month go see a D.R. if not dont worrie now you have a fever and your, 13 tell your mom or gardian if your not comfortable telling them, tell an adult you trust maybe your not telling us everything WHY should you be worried?? your only 13
Um yea that is the apendix area. You migh want to see a doctor soon. I know with mine it was like I was being jabbed with a hot poker or something.YEa go to the doctor. I was 12 when I had to have my appendix out.
Fever and pain together, you should go in to a dr. asap. Just to be safe.
yes this could be appendicitis... you should tell someone like your parents to take you to the doctor to get checked out. The doctor checked me for appendicitis before and said that the way you know that you have it is:Press down on your right lower side of stomach and if you dont feel any pain when you press down but feel BAD PAIN when you let off, you have appendicitis and it can kill you actually so you should check on that!
You definitly need to worry. This happened to one of my friends who had apendisidis [spelling] She had to have her Appendix removed.You NEED to go to a doctor as soon as possible.
Because of the fever I would definitely be concerned. Please let your mom know what is going on because this needs to be evaluated by a dr.
biodisc and live water might help you.
check it out yourself www.holistichealth4dummies.com
May you be well and happy always
THERE IS A SYMPTOM CHECKER, and you can input your symptoms, and a list of diagnoses will come up, if you have any questions, feel free to email me.I tried to do it for you, but there was a question of what type of pain was it, sharp, crampy, etc., so YOU, personally need to enter the symptoms that you're experiencing.Best wishes!
webmd.com go to symptom checker and it will tell you
I'm not a medical professional, but I suffered with severe pains such as yours for a year or so, and it turned out to be my Gall Bladder (i had gall stones), although it usually occured after eating. if it continues you should definitely consult your physician.
if it last more than a month go see a D.R. if not dont worrie now you have a fever and your, 13 tell your mom or gardian if your not comfortable telling them, tell an adult you trust maybe your not telling us everything WHY should you be worried?? your only 13
Um yea that is the apendix area. You migh want to see a doctor soon. I know with mine it was like I was being jabbed with a hot poker or something.YEa go to the doctor. I was 12 when I had to have my appendix out.
Fever and pain together, you should go in to a dr. asap. Just to be safe.
yes this could be appendicitis... you should tell someone like your parents to take you to the doctor to get checked out. The doctor checked me for appendicitis before and said that the way you know that you have it is:Press down on your right lower side of stomach and if you dont feel any pain when you press down but feel BAD PAIN when you let off, you have appendicitis and it can kill you actually so you should check on that!
You definitly need to worry. This happened to one of my friends who had apendisidis [spelling] She had to have her Appendix removed.You NEED to go to a doctor as soon as possible.
Because of the fever I would definitely be concerned. Please let your mom know what is going on because this needs to be evaluated by a dr.
biodisc and live water might help you.
check it out yourself www.holistichealth4dummies.com
May you be well and happy always
Pain on right side of head, sometimes front and sometimes back?
whats causing the pain in right side of the back and front of my head? i have never had any sorts of headaches in my life. sometimes when i touch the eyebrow area, it hurts.
I rarely give advice to go to the doctor without giving your body to heal it's aches and pains, however, considering your history of no headaches, I think I would go to the doctor to get a cat scan and/or MRI.The first answer could be right but you are the only one who knows whether you have alot of new stresses in your life you have never experienced.GOOD LUCK!
It sounds like a tension headache.
I assume by "right side of the back" you mean upper back. If so then the head pain is easily explained. The muscles in the upper back and shoulder area refer to your head. They will cause headaches in the front of your head. The area itself will become tender as tension in the area, even when refered will cause the local muscles to tighten as well.If you mean lower right back, then it is probably a progression of spinal problems. Still the upper back refers to the head, but your lower back can also unsettle the upper back and then lead to headaches.Imagine how you walk. The leg and arm move. So the same for the spine. If the lower back tightens, so will the upper back. The lower back can be sore, the muscles in the upper back tighten and suddenly headaches occur.Don't worry it is not serious, especially if you are not a frequent headache person. But unless it settles quickly it does pay to rule out serious problems. This can be done without MRI's etc with a few "provocation tests" which you can get your doctor or Chiropractor to perform. If these show positive, then go further with tests.But think horses when you hoof beats, not zebras. So the most likely scenario is the muscle tightness. To solve your problem though, you need to release the muscles and possibly the joints in the area. A bit hard to detail this here, but there is a great free e-course with all the details on stretches etc for it. Go to http://www.back-pain-advisor.com/back-so... or you can contact the web site author and they will help over an email. So contact them for advice, it is free. IT's a great site with heaps of information on back pain, neck pain etc.
I rarely give advice to go to the doctor without giving your body to heal it's aches and pains, however, considering your history of no headaches, I think I would go to the doctor to get a cat scan and/or MRI.The first answer could be right but you are the only one who knows whether you have alot of new stresses in your life you have never experienced.GOOD LUCK!
It sounds like a tension headache.
I assume by "right side of the back" you mean upper back. If so then the head pain is easily explained. The muscles in the upper back and shoulder area refer to your head. They will cause headaches in the front of your head. The area itself will become tender as tension in the area, even when refered will cause the local muscles to tighten as well.If you mean lower right back, then it is probably a progression of spinal problems. Still the upper back refers to the head, but your lower back can also unsettle the upper back and then lead to headaches.Imagine how you walk. The leg and arm move. So the same for the spine. If the lower back tightens, so will the upper back. The lower back can be sore, the muscles in the upper back tighten and suddenly headaches occur.Don't worry it is not serious, especially if you are not a frequent headache person. But unless it settles quickly it does pay to rule out serious problems. This can be done without MRI's etc with a few "provocation tests" which you can get your doctor or Chiropractor to perform. If these show positive, then go further with tests.But think horses when you hoof beats, not zebras. So the most likely scenario is the muscle tightness. To solve your problem though, you need to release the muscles and possibly the joints in the area. A bit hard to detail this here, but there is a great free e-course with all the details on stretches etc for it. Go to http://www.back-pain-advisor.com/back-so... or you can contact the web site author and they will help over an email. So contact them for advice, it is free. IT's a great site with heaps of information on back pain, neck pain etc.
Pain on right side abdomen?
I posted another question like this...and everyone was saying it was something like appendicitis, Well i have all the symptoms, well had...Like 10 minutes ago they all stopped...About 20 min ago i was in my bathroom over the toilet about to Throw up but never did...then i felt a little better and now the pain is going away, and all i have now i a tiny bit of pain and a fever.whats going on? :(
i'd say its either appendicitis or cholecystitis (gallbladder infection). both are serious and need to be taken care or right away!
could be gall bladder go see a dr
These could be symptoms of so many different health problems.
Lol, I guess that's why we go to doctors. See yours soon if you have that much concern about your health. Also go to WebMD.com. Good site.
x-ray tech
Go to the hospital, abdominal pain is bad enough, but a fever on top of it is a bad sign.
i'd say its either appendicitis or cholecystitis (gallbladder infection). both are serious and need to be taken care or right away!
could be gall bladder go see a dr
These could be symptoms of so many different health problems.
Lol, I guess that's why we go to doctors. See yours soon if you have that much concern about your health. Also go to WebMD.com. Good site.
x-ray tech
Go to the hospital, abdominal pain is bad enough, but a fever on top of it is a bad sign.
Pain On Left Shoulder?
i Woke up today and my Left shoulder started hurting I dont What I did last Night. I can Barely Move my Left arm up or down because it HurtsAny Suggestions To Cure It?Thank you
i have it too! last time,it was bursitis, no known cause,just takes time to go away with meds, hope youre ok,you may wait a bit to see how it goes,or if it gets too bad, weakness in that arm,or the pain burns,then an internist,gen med dr, may be the answer.quick office visit,
whack it with your other arm tonight or get a g/f
i have it too! last time,it was bursitis, no known cause,just takes time to go away with meds, hope youre ok,you may wait a bit to see how it goes,or if it gets too bad, weakness in that arm,or the pain burns,then an internist,gen med dr, may be the answer.quick office visit,
whack it with your other arm tonight or get a g/f
Pain not sure how to explain?
Well I'm having a pain right above my left breast not on my breast or anything right above it and it just worries me everyone tells me its nothing but I just freak out about these kind of things and they scare me bc my family has a history of anxiety but does anyone know what this pain could possibly be
You probably have a pulled muscle there and by using and not resting your arm you are not letting it heal right... Tonight put some heat on it... 30 minutes on 30 minutes off then one more 30 minute on and see how it feels if the pain has subsided then its the muscle and you have to let it rest. Good luck. Grant in Pennsylvania (personal trainer)
Could be muscle pain. Try some pain creams there and see whether you get relief. A safe pain cream is Rescue Remedy cream.
don't worry, maybe it's because of something you ate, nothing serious!
you could be having mild heart attacks. You dont want to stress yourself though sweety. It's not going to do nothing, but making it worse. go to the erif it do happen to get worse.
You probably have a pulled muscle there and by using and not resting your arm you are not letting it heal right... Tonight put some heat on it... 30 minutes on 30 minutes off then one more 30 minute on and see how it feels if the pain has subsided then its the muscle and you have to let it rest. Good luck. Grant in Pennsylvania (personal trainer)
Could be muscle pain. Try some pain creams there and see whether you get relief. A safe pain cream is Rescue Remedy cream.
don't worry, maybe it's because of something you ate, nothing serious!
you could be having mild heart attacks. You dont want to stress yourself though sweety. It's not going to do nothing, but making it worse. go to the erif it do happen to get worse.
Pain moving from wrist to elbow?
I woke up about 3am w/ a bad pain in my wrist that prevented me from going back to sleep... slowly this pain has now moved up my arm and is about at my elbow...
Naturally my arm is still sore from my wrist on up... but the severe pain is located in my elbow.
What could it be?
I first though blood clot... but i'm barely 23!
Sounds like a pinched nerve. If you're really worried about it, consult your doctor. Otherwise, take it easy until it goes away. Good luck.
Go to Doctor dear may be its not serious but advise is impotent.
could be carpal tunnel, i get that sometimes because i detasseled corn one summer when i was about 18 and i'm only 21 now. that would be my most reasonable answer but other than that, i don't know what to tell ya
First, press all fingers tips for 2 minutes of the affected hand. Second, first stand straight, keep your hand fist closed ( thumb finger will be inside) and straight the hand (without bending) move the wrist upwards %26 downwards, clockwise %26 anticlockwise for 5 + 5 minutes. There will be no pain at all.
What part of your wrist?If it is near the thumb, you could have injury of the radial nerve. If it is near the pinky (smallest finger), you could have injury of the ulnar nerve. Either could cause the pain to go up to the elbow. At times, it could even reach the shoulder.Have you just undergone an injection. An improperly administered intramuscular injection could cause this. If a cast has been applied too tightly, the radial nerve may also be injured.It may also be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.It is best to consult a nerve doctor, neurologist - a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders in the neuromuscular system.
This condition can be relieved and/or aleviated with acupuncture and Chinese therapeutic massage (tui na). I would suggest consulting an acupuncturist, particularly one certified in both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Acupuncture is the most effective modality for treating pain and related conditions.You can find a certified acupuncturist in your local area by going to the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) website - http://www.nccaom.org/find.htm
Go to the bottom of the page to locate practitioners.
Naturally my arm is still sore from my wrist on up... but the severe pain is located in my elbow.
What could it be?
I first though blood clot... but i'm barely 23!
Sounds like a pinched nerve. If you're really worried about it, consult your doctor. Otherwise, take it easy until it goes away. Good luck.
Go to Doctor dear may be its not serious but advise is impotent.
could be carpal tunnel, i get that sometimes because i detasseled corn one summer when i was about 18 and i'm only 21 now. that would be my most reasonable answer but other than that, i don't know what to tell ya
First, press all fingers tips for 2 minutes of the affected hand. Second, first stand straight, keep your hand fist closed ( thumb finger will be inside) and straight the hand (without bending) move the wrist upwards %26 downwards, clockwise %26 anticlockwise for 5 + 5 minutes. There will be no pain at all.
What part of your wrist?If it is near the thumb, you could have injury of the radial nerve. If it is near the pinky (smallest finger), you could have injury of the ulnar nerve. Either could cause the pain to go up to the elbow. At times, it could even reach the shoulder.Have you just undergone an injection. An improperly administered intramuscular injection could cause this. If a cast has been applied too tightly, the radial nerve may also be injured.It may also be caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.It is best to consult a nerve doctor, neurologist - a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders in the neuromuscular system.
This condition can be relieved and/or aleviated with acupuncture and Chinese therapeutic massage (tui na). I would suggest consulting an acupuncturist, particularly one certified in both acupuncture and Chinese herbology. Acupuncture is the most effective modality for treating pain and related conditions.You can find a certified acupuncturist in your local area by going to the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) website - http://www.nccaom.org/find.htm
Go to the bottom of the page to locate practitioners.
Pain meds and numb hands?
whenever i take pain meds vicodone, oxycontin ect, i often get numb hands when i lay down and fall asleep, is this normal or do i just have bad circulation, i never get this when im off of the pain meds, why are the pain meds causing this? I also should add most of the numbness is in the left hand.
Numb fingertips and such are normal. the painmedication is simply doing its job, dulling the pain. But you should not mix painmeds together nor should you abuse them.
Numb fingertips and such are normal. the painmedication is simply doing its job, dulling the pain. But you should not mix painmeds together nor should you abuse them.
Pain Medication?
since marijuana has been proven effective for pain management, colitis, muscle spasms, anxiety etc.. shouldn't it be legalized nationally as a prescription drug?
could it be the drug company's are afraid they will lose money if it were legalized?
i think its really stupid that its not legalized for pain and just for people that love to smoke. anyways it could help a lot of people if it was legal.
DUHHHHHHHH..it HAS been legalized in certain states for specific conditions.
Smoke much?
I can't believe what I'm reading. Dude, get off the weed and check your definitions.
Sure, you may know what the laws are by state, but are you aware of the fact that if you encompass ALL of our states, we are considered A NATION?!? Yea. One "Nation" under God? The United States Anthem? Remember that one?
Now, if you meant "International" law, that's a different story altogether. So, you'll need to clarify WHICH nation you're referring to...
Regarding the point you made about drug companies being afraid they'll lose money - not an issue. Medical marijuana is meant to be used adjunctively to augment treatment plans in certain diagnoses, not to replace chemical therapies or treatment plans.
I disagree with your reasoning about legalizing marijuana. There are several risks and side effects associated with marijuana use. For one thing, marijuana can be a gateway drug. But my main argument is that one in 5000 are allergic and that allergic reaction (absolute, terrifying panic attack) can cause an individual to be hospitalized and given Thorazine to counter the effect. Even among the only 15% who are allergic to Prozac and get a panic attack, it is easily controlled outpatient. Not so with marijuana. I agree that marijuana can help in many cases to relieve pain and control nausea, but unfortunately, the risks are greater than the benefits. And just to clarify, marijuana is classified as a hallucinagin. That's dangerous!
could it be the drug company's are afraid they will lose money if it were legalized?
i think its really stupid that its not legalized for pain and just for people that love to smoke. anyways it could help a lot of people if it was legal.
DUHHHHHHHH..it HAS been legalized in certain states for specific conditions.
Smoke much?
I can't believe what I'm reading. Dude, get off the weed and check your definitions.
Sure, you may know what the laws are by state, but are you aware of the fact that if you encompass ALL of our states, we are considered A NATION?!? Yea. One "Nation" under God? The United States Anthem? Remember that one?
Now, if you meant "International" law, that's a different story altogether. So, you'll need to clarify WHICH nation you're referring to...
Regarding the point you made about drug companies being afraid they'll lose money - not an issue. Medical marijuana is meant to be used adjunctively to augment treatment plans in certain diagnoses, not to replace chemical therapies or treatment plans.
I disagree with your reasoning about legalizing marijuana. There are several risks and side effects associated with marijuana use. For one thing, marijuana can be a gateway drug. But my main argument is that one in 5000 are allergic and that allergic reaction (absolute, terrifying panic attack) can cause an individual to be hospitalized and given Thorazine to counter the effect. Even among the only 15% who are allergic to Prozac and get a panic attack, it is easily controlled outpatient. Not so with marijuana. I agree that marijuana can help in many cases to relieve pain and control nausea, but unfortunately, the risks are greater than the benefits. And just to clarify, marijuana is classified as a hallucinagin. That's dangerous!
Pain Medication Causing More Pain?
Every couple months I end up in the ER with acute pain that requires IV/IM narcotics. I had a bad reaction to Morphine in the past and can no longer use it. The last time I was in the ER I got Dilaudid. I ended up with the same reaction that I have to Morphine. I got a sudden severe pain in my abdomen and a horrible achy feeling up my neck and down my shoulders, extreme nausea and I was very diapheretic. What causes this? I have tried searching this topic to no avail.
it's another reaction.. All of use have diffrent reactions to diffrent drugs.. Next time you go to the ER or the doctors tell them you have an allergy to both Morphine and Dilauden.. There are other things they can give you.. tell them how both meds make you react...
First of all, pain is a symptom, not a disease. Abdominal pain means there is a problem somewhere in the abdomen - there can be many reasons for the pain: minor stuff like ovulatory pain to major things like dissecting aortic aneurism. The ED would have mentioned life-threatening processes and you'd be fixed up or dead. So what you really need is a work-up by your personal physician to find out what's going on. The drugs you mention only cover up the problem - and heavy-duty narcotics cause problems themselves: respiratory depression, constipation, dependency (read: addiction). Withdrawl from narcotics causes abdominal pain, nausea, diaphoresis, vomiting, which can be "cured" by more narcotics.Get with your own doctor and see what's causing this problem . . . perhaps a referral to a pain control specialist would be beneficial.
possably an allergic reaction. Best to never use those products again.
You dont give details about your narcotic use do you have pain every day ? Do you need daily meds ? Do you use street drugs ? You may be having rebound pain . This can occur when the body is used to narcotics and has a acute pain when you try to relieve it with more pain meds it causes more pain . Or you could just be allergic to morphine , diluadid is a synthetic type of morphine .
it's another reaction.. All of use have diffrent reactions to diffrent drugs.. Next time you go to the ER or the doctors tell them you have an allergy to both Morphine and Dilauden.. There are other things they can give you.. tell them how both meds make you react...
First of all, pain is a symptom, not a disease. Abdominal pain means there is a problem somewhere in the abdomen - there can be many reasons for the pain: minor stuff like ovulatory pain to major things like dissecting aortic aneurism. The ED would have mentioned life-threatening processes and you'd be fixed up or dead. So what you really need is a work-up by your personal physician to find out what's going on. The drugs you mention only cover up the problem - and heavy-duty narcotics cause problems themselves: respiratory depression, constipation, dependency (read: addiction). Withdrawl from narcotics causes abdominal pain, nausea, diaphoresis, vomiting, which can be "cured" by more narcotics.Get with your own doctor and see what's causing this problem . . . perhaps a referral to a pain control specialist would be beneficial.
possably an allergic reaction. Best to never use those products again.
You dont give details about your narcotic use do you have pain every day ? Do you need daily meds ? Do you use street drugs ? You may be having rebound pain . This can occur when the body is used to narcotics and has a acute pain when you try to relieve it with more pain meds it causes more pain . Or you could just be allergic to morphine , diluadid is a synthetic type of morphine .
Pain medicane?
my grand mother have pain in his leg pleease tell me some medicne for this
Is your Grandmother a cross dresser or something. After all having pain in his leg is a little weird. Try giving him/her some vicodin.
Motrin or Tylenol
If the dr says ok they could try Tylenol or even aspirin to help some of the pain.I would recommend getting in touch with her dr to evaluate this leg pain to see what could be causing the pain.
Cocodemol (combination of codeine %26 paracetamol) will also be good. You will have to try different medicines and see which suits her best. It will be better to visit yr doc. If it is not possible now, you may start pain-relieving medicines, which is a priority.
All the best!
Your grandmother should first go to the doctor to find out why she is having leg pain. That will dictate the course of treatment. Let's see. Pain meds? Tylenol or Ibuprofen, Naproxen Sodium, all the way up to and including Lortab or Percocet. But ONLY after a throrough doctors exam.
my grand mother have pain in his leg pleease tell me some medicne for this
Is your Grandmother a cross dresser or something. After all having pain in his leg is a little weird. Try giving him/her some vicodin.
Motrin or Tylenol
If the dr says ok they could try Tylenol or even aspirin to help some of the pain.I would recommend getting in touch with her dr to evaluate this leg pain to see what could be causing the pain.
Cocodemol (combination of codeine %26 paracetamol) will also be good. You will have to try different medicines and see which suits her best. It will be better to visit yr doc. If it is not possible now, you may start pain-relieving medicines, which is a priority.
All the best!
Your grandmother should first go to the doctor to find out why she is having leg pain. That will dictate the course of treatment. Let's see. Pain meds? Tylenol or Ibuprofen, Naproxen Sodium, all the way up to and including Lortab or Percocet. But ONLY after a throrough doctors exam.
Pain Management?
Whats the best way to manage pain WITHOUT taking drugs for it? I mean both minor pain like stubbing one's toe or nicks and cuts and serious pain like accidents, surgery etc. I stubbed my toe this morning and was clenching my teeth both out of pain and anger and was wondering if I was only worsening the whole thing?
And what is pain really? Like some pain can be ...umm..enjoyable.This question goes out especially to people who've had extensive tattooing, how do you do it?
Actually I just read a study that said pain can be reduced by deliberate meditative thoughts. They used scans of a chronic pain patient who was using positive thoughts to lower her pain. It showed in her brain that she was able to lower her pain . This is probably a reaction caused by brain chemistry. You see when you have negative thoughts, (whats more negative than pain?) your brain releases a cascade of chemicals ( the fight or flight cycle) which increase pain levels. But if you consciously think calming , relaxing thoughts your pain will lessen. Focused breathing can also relieve pain levels. That has been proved by childbirth with the Lamaze method . It works!
well,ya know how it feels when you stub your toe and it hurts really bad for about 3 seconds. if i had that type of pain on a constant basis,you bet your sweet pitutiy i would take pain killers,and lots of em'. anything else i wouldnt need anything
I wrote a page on pain, might interest you.http://www.livingwithrheumatoidarthritis...When you tense up pain is more severe everytime.To lessen pain I practice breathing techniques, focusing on my breathing rather than the pain at hand. I can focus out pain of getting shots or just about any short term pain. Long term pain is a lot harder to deal with because it wears a person down over time.Just remember, pain is the bodies way of warning you and as such is necessary.
And what is pain really? Like some pain can be ...umm..enjoyable.This question goes out especially to people who've had extensive tattooing, how do you do it?
Actually I just read a study that said pain can be reduced by deliberate meditative thoughts. They used scans of a chronic pain patient who was using positive thoughts to lower her pain. It showed in her brain that she was able to lower her pain . This is probably a reaction caused by brain chemistry. You see when you have negative thoughts, (whats more negative than pain?) your brain releases a cascade of chemicals ( the fight or flight cycle) which increase pain levels. But if you consciously think calming , relaxing thoughts your pain will lessen. Focused breathing can also relieve pain levels. That has been proved by childbirth with the Lamaze method . It works!
well,ya know how it feels when you stub your toe and it hurts really bad for about 3 seconds. if i had that type of pain on a constant basis,you bet your sweet pitutiy i would take pain killers,and lots of em'. anything else i wouldnt need anything
I wrote a page on pain, might interest you.http://www.livingwithrheumatoidarthritis...When you tense up pain is more severe everytime.To lessen pain I practice breathing techniques, focusing on my breathing rather than the pain at hand. I can focus out pain of getting shots or just about any short term pain. Long term pain is a lot harder to deal with because it wears a person down over time.Just remember, pain is the bodies way of warning you and as such is necessary.
Pain Management for neck?
My mother got hurt working in a psych ward in November. She has 3 badly herniated disks (I think it's C4-C6). They've tried epidurals, haven't worked, anti-inflammatories don't do much, and they told her there is nothing they can do. She can hardly sleep, she's on narcotics (she takes 1-2 percosets a day) and it at her wits end. They say surgery only has a 10% chance of working and only lasts up to 5 years. Has anyone been through this? Are there any other options that they haven't mentioned or don't know about? She isn't too keen on not being able to work and being in excrutiating pain for the rest of her life. If you know of any procedures, please give me your sources so I can show them to her. She's a nurse so she's going to want to see them, thank you so much!
Has she tried Physical Therapy?? I had Cervical Spinal Fusion surgery one yr.ago and, I'm like a new person. I am a RN and, being a Nurse, we know what can go wrong with this type of surgery. I was scared to have the surgery as well. But, the pain and the symptoms became unbearable. Each person's recovery process varies. I did not have any complications from the surgery. I followed my Neurosurgeon's advice, faithfully went 2 P.T. and, I recuperated quickly. I opted not to have a bone fusion ( they take bone from the hip and place in the neck ). I choose to have Titanium Plates ( I have two in the same region as your Mom). Did she seek a second opinion?? I do not have any sources except from my own personnel experience and years of hospital experience.
I know what she is going thru, I had the same thing with me and they told me all this stuff that nothing was going to help and all this crap and so I went to a neurosurgeon and got a second opinion and he told me surgery would may or may not help but he thought it would help so I did it and let me tell you it was very painfull for a couple of months, but I am now headache free and almost pain free.. so maybe she should go and get another opinion and she what happens... i hope she gets to feeling better! I know that the medication she is on is very addicting and not good for you it just covers up the problem..
I am currently having the same general problem. After about 3 years with pain associated with prolapsed/bulged disks in my neck, all the constant muscle spasms in my neck and upper back and left arm pain and twitching, I have made the decision to have it fixed. I take the anti inflammation drugs and they help a bit. but I refused to let them inject my neck with steroids etc. The reason is that it is just a temporary relief thing and just like pain pills, which i also will not take for the condition. I put the surgery off for the last 3 years but have reconsidered due to the fact that I am tired of living with this constant pain and kept thinking what will the pain be like when I am elderly? If I were your mom I would seek other opinions and get info on the success rate of an orthopedic surgeon to repair it. Make sure you get a GOOD surgeon to perform the operation. ultimately, Only she can make the decision.
Has she tried Physical Therapy?? I had Cervical Spinal Fusion surgery one yr.ago and, I'm like a new person. I am a RN and, being a Nurse, we know what can go wrong with this type of surgery. I was scared to have the surgery as well. But, the pain and the symptoms became unbearable. Each person's recovery process varies. I did not have any complications from the surgery. I followed my Neurosurgeon's advice, faithfully went 2 P.T. and, I recuperated quickly. I opted not to have a bone fusion ( they take bone from the hip and place in the neck ). I choose to have Titanium Plates ( I have two in the same region as your Mom). Did she seek a second opinion?? I do not have any sources except from my own personnel experience and years of hospital experience.
I know what she is going thru, I had the same thing with me and they told me all this stuff that nothing was going to help and all this crap and so I went to a neurosurgeon and got a second opinion and he told me surgery would may or may not help but he thought it would help so I did it and let me tell you it was very painfull for a couple of months, but I am now headache free and almost pain free.. so maybe she should go and get another opinion and she what happens... i hope she gets to feeling better! I know that the medication she is on is very addicting and not good for you it just covers up the problem..
I am currently having the same general problem. After about 3 years with pain associated with prolapsed/bulged disks in my neck, all the constant muscle spasms in my neck and upper back and left arm pain and twitching, I have made the decision to have it fixed. I take the anti inflammation drugs and they help a bit. but I refused to let them inject my neck with steroids etc. The reason is that it is just a temporary relief thing and just like pain pills, which i also will not take for the condition. I put the surgery off for the last 3 years but have reconsidered due to the fact that I am tired of living with this constant pain and kept thinking what will the pain be like when I am elderly? If I were your mom I would seek other opinions and get info on the success rate of an orthopedic surgeon to repair it. Make sure you get a GOOD surgeon to perform the operation. ultimately, Only she can make the decision.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pain killing morphine?
how long does morphine stay in your system for
About 3 days...A single 10 mg dose administered intravenously produces an average initial serum concentration of 60 ng/mL which declines rapidly then levels off to a concentration of 3 ng/mL for up to 36 hours. An equivalent dose administered intramuscularly produces similar results, 70 ng/mL at 10 to 20 minutes and 20 ng/mL in 4 hours. The metabolite morphine -3-glucuronide appeared in serum within 20 minutes of administration and exceeded morphine concentrations after 2 hours. The plasma half-life of morphine in surgical patients averaged 1.08 hours in women and 2.9 hours in men. URINE EXCRETION RATE: Up to 87% of a dose of morphine is eliminated in the 72 hour urine. Morphine glucuronide makes up 75% of the eliminated dose. Free morphine accounts for approximately 10% of the dose. Codeine that shows up in the urine following morphine administration is a result of the impurity of commercial morphine (0.04%).
It can depend on how often a day the medication is taken. If it is a dosage of every 12 hours the medicine may last about 11 hours or the full 12 til the next dosage.I would also recommend checking with your pharmacist to see what they say.
3 days
I had to take moraphine for kidney stones it shouldnt take long maybe up to 12 hours no longer. But you SHOULDNT take it for any other reason then that!
morphine generally exerts it pain relieving qualities for up to an hour, before requiring a top up dose.
however, the drug stays in your system for much longer, until it is metabolised by the liver and kidneys and excreated out in the urine. This whole rocess can take up to 2-3 days dependant on the dose given
I was on a lot of morphine when I had a horse riding accident 5 years ago.For most it is out of your system within three days and not usually addictive if you take it for pain.There have been studies done that show that patients in severe pain can take morphine with few side effects including addiction at levels that would kill someone who is not in pain - morphine seems to adhere to those nerve endings/receptors causing pain And if you are in pain there is less chance of addiction ot tolerance.PS My husband works at sea and is drug tested and can not have any drug like this in his system wen he goes to sea - for morphine even for pain control he would have to leave at least 7 days between his last dose and going to sea
The effects of the medication only last for an hour or so, but the drug can be found in traces in your system for months.
72 hours..its water soluable.
About 3 days...A single 10 mg dose administered intravenously produces an average initial serum concentration of 60 ng/mL which declines rapidly then levels off to a concentration of 3 ng/mL for up to 36 hours. An equivalent dose administered intramuscularly produces similar results, 70 ng/mL at 10 to 20 minutes and 20 ng/mL in 4 hours. The metabolite morphine -3-glucuronide appeared in serum within 20 minutes of administration and exceeded morphine concentrations after 2 hours. The plasma half-life of morphine in surgical patients averaged 1.08 hours in women and 2.9 hours in men. URINE EXCRETION RATE: Up to 87% of a dose of morphine is eliminated in the 72 hour urine. Morphine glucuronide makes up 75% of the eliminated dose. Free morphine accounts for approximately 10% of the dose. Codeine that shows up in the urine following morphine administration is a result of the impurity of commercial morphine (0.04%).
It can depend on how often a day the medication is taken. If it is a dosage of every 12 hours the medicine may last about 11 hours or the full 12 til the next dosage.I would also recommend checking with your pharmacist to see what they say.
3 days
I had to take moraphine for kidney stones it shouldnt take long maybe up to 12 hours no longer. But you SHOULDNT take it for any other reason then that!
morphine generally exerts it pain relieving qualities for up to an hour, before requiring a top up dose.
however, the drug stays in your system for much longer, until it is metabolised by the liver and kidneys and excreated out in the urine. This whole rocess can take up to 2-3 days dependant on the dose given
I was on a lot of morphine when I had a horse riding accident 5 years ago.For most it is out of your system within three days and not usually addictive if you take it for pain.There have been studies done that show that patients in severe pain can take morphine with few side effects including addiction at levels that would kill someone who is not in pain - morphine seems to adhere to those nerve endings/receptors causing pain And if you are in pain there is less chance of addiction ot tolerance.PS My husband works at sea and is drug tested and can not have any drug like this in his system wen he goes to sea - for morphine even for pain control he would have to leave at least 7 days between his last dose and going to sea
The effects of the medication only last for an hour or so, but the drug can be found in traces in your system for months.
72 hours..its water soluable.
Pain killers?
could you loose weight on pain killers?
Sure, but it's not a good idea. They do cause loss of appetite, and if you take enough, they can cause you not to absorb your food properly.
If they decrease appetite, and I'm sure some do.
Along with everything else mentioned, pain pills will "mess" your stomach up and on top of that, they can/will cause constipation.
Sure, but it's not a good idea. They do cause loss of appetite, and if you take enough, they can cause you not to absorb your food properly.
If they decrease appetite, and I'm sure some do.
Along with everything else mentioned, pain pills will "mess" your stomach up and on top of that, they can/will cause constipation.
Pain killer and fist power?
will eating pain killer before a fight in school, reduce the damage intake ? and by eating what, will increase the fist/ punching power?
Eating a painkiller can help and hurt. First your lack of pain can help you by reducing your reaction to getting hit. However, if your not used to it you could have balance or aiming problems when fighting. Eating will probably help by reducing nausea most painkillers give people. In then end it would probably be better to be on a painkiller versus not being on one.
No painkiller will reduce the damage intake. You will probably need a painkiller and ice packs after the fight. Protein foods increase muscle strength. eat eggs,chicken, turkey, tofu and protein powder.
Eating a painkiller can help and hurt. First your lack of pain can help you by reducing your reaction to getting hit. However, if your not used to it you could have balance or aiming problems when fighting. Eating will probably help by reducing nausea most painkillers give people. In then end it would probably be better to be on a painkiller versus not being on one.
No painkiller will reduce the damage intake. You will probably need a painkiller and ice packs after the fight. Protein foods increase muscle strength. eat eggs,chicken, turkey, tofu and protein powder.
Pain injections in your back?
I had 3 pain releafe injections in my back on tuesday, has anyone else had this done, they inject into the joint an surrounding area? if anyone did how long did the area stay sore? you will no if its the same thing i had done it was the worse pain ever an i have had 4 kids drug free!!
You state you had "3 pain relief injections" and then want to know "how long did the area stay sore".. Not sure I understand your question.
I had an epidural with facet blocks in my back years ago for pain. I think there was a total of 7 injections if you count the epidural. I felt much better after the procedure, but it only lasted a couple of weeks and then the pain was right back.
I've had it done quite a few times and in my neck and shoulders yes it hurts but not the way you make yours sound:( maybe you need a new doctor Sorry but that's really all I can say..sometmes they help and sometimes not:( GL:) to YOU:) Sorry I needed to tell you, they say excersice will help but the needles itslf only last a short period or due to how much damage is to your back? They only last a couple of days to be honest I had to stop because they were not working anymore:( wish you all the luck:)
You state you had "3 pain relief injections" and then want to know "how long did the area stay sore".. Not sure I understand your question.
I had an epidural with facet blocks in my back years ago for pain. I think there was a total of 7 injections if you count the epidural. I felt much better after the procedure, but it only lasted a couple of weeks and then the pain was right back.
I've had it done quite a few times and in my neck and shoulders yes it hurts but not the way you make yours sound:( maybe you need a new doctor Sorry but that's really all I can say..sometmes they help and sometimes not:( GL:) to YOU:) Sorry I needed to tell you, they say excersice will help but the needles itslf only last a short period or due to how much damage is to your back? They only last a couple of days to be honest I had to stop because they were not working anymore:( wish you all the luck:)
Pain in upper right stomach??
There's a question posted just before yours with the same type of problem .. this was my response ... Right sided abdominal pain can be a variety of things. If the pain is higher up (near ribs or shoulder and into chest) it could be cholelithiasis (gallstones) or cholecystitis (inflammation of gallbladder). You could have hepatomegaly (enlargement of the liver) and this could be caused from a virus, to drinking too much, to a side effect from medication. If the pain is lower on the right side, it could appendicitis. Look down and your belly button. Draw an imaginary diagonal line to your pelvic bone. Press in the middle of that line. If that causes a great deal of pain, it is very likely your appendix.
Probably heartburn. If it goes on for ages then go to a doctor. Appendicitis is unlikely unless you have rebound tension, which means that if you press in on the area that hurts and it hurts more when you take your hand off it.
Right under the rib cage?? Gallbladder!! The symptoms are different in everyone. If is stays for longer then a few days, or fever get it checked out!! Or if its so bad that you are in tears, go to the ER
if this is happening often and especially after eating greasy or spicy foods, accompanied with nausea or vomiting, it could be your gallbladder....have it checked out...GOOD LUCK
ok seriousley watch out for appendicitis, because pain for that in a typical case does not start where the appendix are it starts in the stomach could be over a few hours or days then works its way down to the lower half, and the pain is on the left not the right, until you press on the left and the pain shoots to theright (where the appendix are) sounds funny i know but i had appendisitis for days before i knew what it was....
Jump up and down. Does it hurt like heck? It's probably your appendix. If the pain is worse after eating, I would agree it's probably your gall bladder. Call your doctor!
Pain in upper leg under testicles?
For a few days, I have had some pain/mild discomfort in the area directly below my left testicle (upper leg; or where the scrotum begins), but not really in the area between my anus and genitals. It is not a very sharp pain, and is not frequent and mainly hurts when I walk. But sometimes when I walk around I'll feel nothing, then other times it will start to hurt/feel uncomfortable. I thought about testicular cancer, but I looked at the long list of symptoms and only one complied, which was an ache in the groin, which I'm not sure my description fits. I'm just wondering what this could be, thanks. Keep in mind that the pain is not really in my testicle, and that it just kind of feels like that area of skin is being squashed.
You have a hernia. Go to the Doctor and it can be repaired in an in office most of the time. You will be off from work 3-7 days and limited lifting for up to several weeks or more.GOOD LUCK!
Go check it out right away, man! What are you waiting for? Do a self test for a tumor at the end of a warm shower - it would feel like a bump. If you think you feel something, check the other one as a control. If it is cancer, you don't want it to spread. If its been twisted, it'd need to be removed too.
You have a hernia. Go to the Doctor and it can be repaired in an in office most of the time. You will be off from work 3-7 days and limited lifting for up to several weeks or more.GOOD LUCK!
Go check it out right away, man! What are you waiting for? Do a self test for a tumor at the end of a warm shower - it would feel like a bump. If you think you feel something, check the other one as a control. If it is cancer, you don't want it to spread. If its been twisted, it'd need to be removed too.
Pain in upper abdoman?
I have pain on the upper right side of my abdoman which comes and goes for about 5 years. I have been to the doctor and had 2 scans but they have come back normal, this may be as I was'nt having an attack at the time. What could it be?
Sounds like fibrous scar tissue. Everyone has scar tissue where we are injured/cut, however some heal with excessive amounts of the more fibrous type scar tissue. Fibrous scar tissue attaches itself to the areas around your surgery site, thus when you move it causes pain.GOOD LUCK!
It might be a grumbling appendix, but that's unlikely. I had the same thing for a while - it turned out to be tonsillitis that affected the glands in my abdomen. I advise you to go back to your doctor and DEMAND a diagnosis! You shouldn't have had to put up with it for five years!
I've had a similar pain that would come and go, until one day it did not go away, so I went to er and found out I needed to have my gall bladder out. So I would call and ask your Dr to check for gall stones. That's why the pain comes and goes... You could be passing gall stones.
have they ruled out your gallbladder. Are you female? Majority of gallbaldder problems are in women 90% and 10 % in men. You might have stones? I would get it checked
good luck!
I also have a dull pain just below my right side rib cage fills like some one jabbing a finger in my side but i think i strained a musl.
Sounds like fibrous scar tissue. Everyone has scar tissue where we are injured/cut, however some heal with excessive amounts of the more fibrous type scar tissue. Fibrous scar tissue attaches itself to the areas around your surgery site, thus when you move it causes pain.GOOD LUCK!
It might be a grumbling appendix, but that's unlikely. I had the same thing for a while - it turned out to be tonsillitis that affected the glands in my abdomen. I advise you to go back to your doctor and DEMAND a diagnosis! You shouldn't have had to put up with it for five years!
I've had a similar pain that would come and go, until one day it did not go away, so I went to er and found out I needed to have my gall bladder out. So I would call and ask your Dr to check for gall stones. That's why the pain comes and goes... You could be passing gall stones.
have they ruled out your gallbladder. Are you female? Majority of gallbaldder problems are in women 90% and 10 % in men. You might have stones? I would get it checked
good luck!
I also have a dull pain just below my right side rib cage fills like some one jabbing a finger in my side but i think i strained a musl.
Pain in the region of the pancreas.?
Since the last year i have digestive problems that come and go. Actually i tougth it was over with but surprise after 3 months feeling great it came back. Symptoms are: it start with a ligth pain in the pancreas region, followed by energie lost, after a day or 2 muscular pain just beneath my ribs and sometimes it goes all the way to the back. My appetite is good but can have difficulty to digest, no diarrea but my excrement can be very dark. This can last 1 week and disapear completely after. Usually come back every 2-3 month.
I pass some test but they found nothing. (gastroscopy, ecography).
It could be a whole bunch of things...1) pancreatic cancer
2) various liver problems
3) spleen problem
4) gall bladder stones
5) muscle strain
6) stomach ulcer
7) heart attack
8) lower left lung problemsThe only safe thing to do, is to go to a doctor and have this checked out until you're satisfied they've found the source of the pains. Pains are a definite signal to you to have it checked out. If I had my "wild" guess and you're an ordinarily healthy person, I would say gallstones. But see a doctor (when you have the pains) either way.
Tell me,
Is your name Lucinda?Oh and avoid fatty foods, smoking and Alcohol.
I'm not sure how you could determine it was in the area of the Pancreas but if it is - well - you need to get a doc to look inside ASAP. As you no doubt know - based on your other demonstrated knowledge, Pancreatatic Cancer is one of the big ones. Found very early on there is hope. Later - none.It got my Mother.Good luck!
The symptoms you describe may also relate to your gall bladder, especially is pain goes around the back to the right side.
Have your gallbladder checked.
I pass some test but they found nothing. (gastroscopy, ecography).
It could be a whole bunch of things...1) pancreatic cancer
2) various liver problems
3) spleen problem
4) gall bladder stones
5) muscle strain
6) stomach ulcer
7) heart attack
8) lower left lung problemsThe only safe thing to do, is to go to a doctor and have this checked out until you're satisfied they've found the source of the pains. Pains are a definite signal to you to have it checked out. If I had my "wild" guess and you're an ordinarily healthy person, I would say gallstones. But see a doctor (when you have the pains) either way.
Tell me,
Is your name Lucinda?Oh and avoid fatty foods, smoking and Alcohol.
I'm not sure how you could determine it was in the area of the Pancreas but if it is - well - you need to get a doc to look inside ASAP. As you no doubt know - based on your other demonstrated knowledge, Pancreatatic Cancer is one of the big ones. Found very early on there is hope. Later - none.It got my Mother.Good luck!
The symptoms you describe may also relate to your gall bladder, especially is pain goes around the back to the right side.
Have your gallbladder checked.
Pain in the lower left side of abdomin?
starting yesterday afternoon i got a really bad pain in my lower left side of my stomach .. its really painful like i cant even hardly get up and walk i have to bend over and walk bc the pain is unbearable. its not time for my period yet but it is getting close. i think it could be a cyst on my ovary but im not sure. im scared to go to the gyno bc i've never been before but im feeling like i might have to bc its been 24 hours and its still hurting really bad. does anyone know what this could be? ive been on some antibiotics for bout 9 days now bc i had strep or something and that also gave me a yeast infection and now im taking medicine for that. im not sure if that would have anything to do with this. but please any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks
lots of things can cause the pain you described without knowing your complete history no one will be able to tell you what is causing it. It could range from something you ate to ectopic pregnancy... if the pain is so bad you can't walk I suggest you get to your doctor. Pain for an unknown reason that interferes with your ability to function is a serious problem. If you have other symptom like a fever then get there even quicker.starting to sound like you have a urinary tract infection which can cause the pain when you urinate. If the urine is cloudy then it becomes more likely that you have a urinary tract infection... although if your taking antibiotics for strep, most of those that would be given would also work on the UTI...It is however possible that its a very bad UTI in which case you might need a stronger course of antibiotics or even intravenious antibiotics. There are just too many things that could be doing it. I strongly suggest you see a doctor, even your primary care doc should be able to run some tests that would narrow down whats wrong.
hmm one thing it could be kinda sounds like kidney stones
i have had them twice and the pain is unbearable.
if it is hurting to urinate or you start to feel constipated tthat can be symptoms.
if you start to get where you cant move and break out in sweats that can also be it.
that could be one possible thing for what it is
From what you told us - skip going to the gyn for now and get to the nearest ER. If all turns out well at least they can give you something for the pain so you can get in to see your gyn. and he/she can take over.
By the way you describe this, it could be a few things. In the lower left side of your belly, there are few structures that cause the pain that you are describing. Your right in that it could be an ovarian cyst.
It could also be a stone moving through your urinary tract.
It could be gas or feces in the area that needs to get out.
One thing is for sure though. Regardless or what it is, we on line can only speculate about your pain and condition. If you would like to have the pain diagnosed, go to your doctor and have them look at your belly and run a test or two. If it is a stone, a urine sample should help them diagnose the problem. If it is something to do with your ovaries or colon, an external exam will help the docs with the diagnosis.
Regardless of what it may be, see your family doctor for help.
lots of things can cause the pain you described without knowing your complete history no one will be able to tell you what is causing it. It could range from something you ate to ectopic pregnancy... if the pain is so bad you can't walk I suggest you get to your doctor. Pain for an unknown reason that interferes with your ability to function is a serious problem. If you have other symptom like a fever then get there even quicker.starting to sound like you have a urinary tract infection which can cause the pain when you urinate. If the urine is cloudy then it becomes more likely that you have a urinary tract infection... although if your taking antibiotics for strep, most of those that would be given would also work on the UTI...It is however possible that its a very bad UTI in which case you might need a stronger course of antibiotics or even intravenious antibiotics. There are just too many things that could be doing it. I strongly suggest you see a doctor, even your primary care doc should be able to run some tests that would narrow down whats wrong.
hmm one thing it could be kinda sounds like kidney stones
i have had them twice and the pain is unbearable.
if it is hurting to urinate or you start to feel constipated tthat can be symptoms.
if you start to get where you cant move and break out in sweats that can also be it.
that could be one possible thing for what it is
From what you told us - skip going to the gyn for now and get to the nearest ER. If all turns out well at least they can give you something for the pain so you can get in to see your gyn. and he/she can take over.
By the way you describe this, it could be a few things. In the lower left side of your belly, there are few structures that cause the pain that you are describing. Your right in that it could be an ovarian cyst.
It could also be a stone moving through your urinary tract.
It could be gas or feces in the area that needs to get out.
One thing is for sure though. Regardless or what it is, we on line can only speculate about your pain and condition. If you would like to have the pain diagnosed, go to your doctor and have them look at your belly and run a test or two. If it is a stone, a urine sample should help them diagnose the problem. If it is something to do with your ovaries or colon, an external exam will help the docs with the diagnosis.
Regardless of what it may be, see your family doctor for help.
Pain in the left side?
i have a 9 year old daughter that has stinging pain in her lower stomach on her left side, anyone have any ideas what it could be?
Could be gas pain or it could be rebound pain from appendicitis. Keep and eye on her and if she develops a fever take her to the ER right away.Good luck!
i know she's young but could she have cramping? has she started her period yet? it's possible she may be getting ready to start. the only other thing i can think of is a pulled muscle or constipation.
I believe the colon is on the left side - it could be gas or a painful bowel movement coming on.
Do not worry.
She has spasms.
Stop her giving tamatos, brinjals or
any other vegetable containing seeds
for two weeks.
Spasmo proxyvon tablets will help
relieve spasm.
If you find her leaving winds,
you may give her Rantac tablets.
Cyclopalm will help relief pain.As a home remedy, take half glass of
warm water, mix ghee and sugar
in it and ask her to drink twice a day.regards
Suggest you have her to a doctor, possible hernia, or other internal organ problem.
Could be gas pain or it could be rebound pain from appendicitis. Keep and eye on her and if she develops a fever take her to the ER right away.Good luck!
i know she's young but could she have cramping? has she started her period yet? it's possible she may be getting ready to start. the only other thing i can think of is a pulled muscle or constipation.
I believe the colon is on the left side - it could be gas or a painful bowel movement coming on.
Do not worry.
She has spasms.
Stop her giving tamatos, brinjals or
any other vegetable containing seeds
for two weeks.
Spasmo proxyvon tablets will help
relieve spasm.
If you find her leaving winds,
you may give her Rantac tablets.
Cyclopalm will help relief pain.As a home remedy, take half glass of
warm water, mix ghee and sugar
in it and ask her to drink twice a day.regards
Suggest you have her to a doctor, possible hernia, or other internal organ problem.
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