Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oh my god, you aren't answering my question! In the state she's in at 16 she's an EMT?

For God's Sake, my cousin is crying because she just worked a frickin' fire call, saw God awful things, smelled God awful things, so instead of telling me that she's too young to be an EMT can someone please be HELPFUL and tell me a help line she can call? Yes she's an EMT! She's a great kid.
800-969-NMHA (6642)
National Mental Health Association
the fire dept she works for is supposed to have therapists available to her. have her call her capt and ask.
Honestly, I think this might be good for her. I was a nurse's aide at 16, I went home and cried for hours the first time I had a patient die and I had to do post-mortum care. But I'm glad now that I did it. I grew from the experiance and anything I do from on doesn't seem as bad as working that job.
you need to get her a good Counseler it will help her alot
The fire department should offer theripy (mine does) and she cant be a full EMT until shes 18 so she must be a vol.
Instead of being online yelling at the screen that people aren't answering like you think they should (and I'm not trying to be hard on you), I think you need to get her to the hospital for psychiatric counseling and hold her tight in the meantime. I have been through too many traumatic things in life and now I suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It causes me to go into spells of amnesia sometimes just so that my mind can hide from whatever is the current threat. Please take her to a psychiatric hospital or to a general ER room, but hold on to her in the meantime as tight as possible. When something like this happens there is so much fear and horror that can cause a person to collapse mentally.
get some doctor's HELP
I'm sure she can find a good help line to call someone. Aand the first thing the person she calls will say is "you're too young to be an EMT."
She NEEDS to talk to her chief about this! Many services have run reviews. Ask her about a critical incident stress debriefing at her station. Her superiors should supply her with adequate mental counseling. If not, there are legal alternatives to forcing them to do so.

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